
The Sector Exams, Gin's arcane?

Gin has fallen, Ansu is on his last straw, Helen stopped sending arrow's their way, and walked up to Ansu.

Helen: So, do you see our power difference, you are clearly not a match, its honestly pathetic, not even being able to lay a finger on me? did you even train?

Ansu: Me and Gin trained our backs off the entire week!

Helen: Mhm... I doubt it.

Ansu smiles, and begins giggling.

Ansu: You haven't even seen our resolve yet... if Gin was up right now, we would've been able to touch you multiple times.

Helen: Oh! that's cute.

Gin: Hey, who said I was knocked down?

Ansu and Helen look over to the wall where Gin was knocked, the dust has cleared and Gin is standing, bleeding, but still up. He has not fallen, and all the ice arrows are off him. Ansu is shocked for a second, but sighs in relief.

Ansu: You dumbass, don't go failing on me like that again.

Gin: I haven't failed and I'm still kickin, you wanna go round two? Queen of Ice.

Helen looked over to Gin, she is actually surprised that he survived it, and he's a rookie.

Helen: I'm actually, amazed by your resolve. Gin, was it? looks like I have to knock you down once more.

Helen created more ice arrows, and quickly sent a barrage straight towards Gin, Gin's eyes flash red, and he easily dodges the first arrow, Helen looked at this as a fluke, and dismissed it, as she continued to send more and more, Gin continued his same movements, dodging easily, each and every arrow, his eyes keep flashing red aura, Ansu is literally shocked, his jaw drops. He can't believe Gin is easily able to dodge those arrow's, Helen is even more shocked, and kept sending more his way, but the more she sent the more easily he dodged.

Helen: What's going on? he can't be seeing the future, neither can he be stopping time, because if that was the case I could've felt a time skip happening, is he... Adapting? to my technique? this kid has some form of arcane...

Ansu now realizes what's going on, this is not a fluke, neither is this time stop, Gin is adapting to Helen's ice arrow technique, Gin continues to move towards Helen, his walking slowly turned into running, he continues to easily dodge her ice technique's while running towards her.

Helen: How bold...

Ansu attempts to touch her leg while she isn't looking, but she quickly kicked him in the face with her heels, Ansu' is launched back but gets on his feet, he slowly removes the Ice arrow off his shoulder and gets back in fighting position.

Helen: That attempt won't work, try harder.

Helen stopped her ice arrow technique and charged at Gin with the same speed he's charging at her, attempting to pierce her finger right through his chest, Gin smiles seeing this, but Helen is confused, suddenly from behind Helen, Ansu appears, now having fully closed the distance between her and Gin, she is in between Gin and Ansu, but she still decided to go along with the finger piercing, as she attempted to pierce his chest, Gin grabs her arm and counters with a light fist on her shoulder, Helen is completely surprised and shocked that this happened, Gin quickly gets himself off her as Ansu jumps on her back and pins her down, her shock allows this to happen.

Helen: W-What... h-how?

Ansu: This is my resolve, how pathetic is it now?

Helen still pinned on the floor, her face is in shock and amusement, she began with a smile, then started to chuckle, her chuckle slowly turned into laughter.

Helen: Oh my, this is the most surprised I've ever been in a sector exam, both of you definitely pass! you've shown me how much courage, resolve and confidence you have.

Ansu looks up and sighs, then looks back down to reveal that Helen is already standing in front of him.

Helen: You too may leave the room, you both are official Authority members now.

Gin and Ansu fist bump each other, but before Gin leaves, he goes back to Helen and calls out to her.

Gin: Miss Helen.

Helen: Yes?

Gin: You see those two guys over there, Wicker and Carpet.

Helen: Yes... what about them?

Gin: I would request for you to pass them, the whole reason me and Ansu were able to come up with a plan was because Wicker bought us time, even if that plan wasn't effective, they still contributed.

Helen sighed, then smiled.

Helen: I guess, I could make an exception... but we'll see if I want to qualify them...

Gin: Thank you, I'm looking forward to your teaching.

Helen: I'm looking most forward to find more about your arcane, its very mysterious...

Gin: Me too.

Ansu: Looks like we'll be finding out about our arcane soon enough.

Helen: And oh, if I eventually do decide to pass those two, please don't tell anyone, and let them know not to tell anyone as well, it'll be considered as some form of mal practice...

Gin: Your secret is safe with me!

Gin and Ansu begin heading out, Gin holding Ansu as he limps, Gin and Ansu, have passed the sector exam.

Back to Tameo's exam, mostly everyone is knocked out, Razor and Olivia are hiding behind a few people, trying to rephrase their plan.

Tameo: Oh goodness! how is anyone going to pass with this much weak mentality!

Suddenly, Tameo feels a string of pain on his back, and quickly looks behind him, there was a samurai looking guy, who sliced a part of his blade on Tameo.

???: Looks like I pass.

Tameo: I-I didn't even detect you... the stealth, you definitely pass, I-I didn't even see it...

Tameo is actually surprised, but dismisses it, Razor and Olivia finally reveal themselves.

Tameo: More useless rookies, come at me with all you got, you'll end up like the others.

Olivia is scared by the aura Tameo is showing off, Razor keeps his cool and tries to keep Olivia's cool as well, Olivia and Razor are ready to clash with Tameo, Olivia holding her blade out, ready to defend herself if anything happens, while Razor waits for the right moment to draw his blade...