
The Sector Exams, begin.

Ansu continues barraging fists deep into Olivia's face, she is still standing but she is not consciousness, as Ansu kept delivering fists into her face, Gin quickly caught the Ansu's arms and tried stopping him.

Gin: A-Ansu! y-you are going too far!

Ansu: T-This spoiled brat! N-Needs to learn her lesson!

Gin: Y-You are going too far! are you even sure she's breathing?

Ansu: I don't, but its fine either way!

Gin finally pulls Ansu from punching Olivia anymore as Gin and Ansu pant. Olivia's face is bleeding terribly and she is not conscious, she quickly fell to her knees and followed up by dropping her upper half down as well,

Gin: See what you've done?

Ansu: Then why didn't you stop me earlier?

Gin: I saw it as a lesson you can teach her, but you took it too far, and look at her now.

Ansu: I hate spoiled children.

Gin: We should probably take her to urgent care, we can't leave her like this.

Ansu: Probably for the best...

Gin quickly picks up Olivia on his back and takes her to their dorm, from there he calls urgent care over to their dorm, Gin and Ansu wait for the urgent care to arrive to their dorm.

Urgent care: Hello! we got reports of a rookie being beat up badly?

Gin: Yes, she's right here!

The urgent care lady saw Olivia on the bed, blood all over her face.

Urgent care: This isn't much, stand back.

The urgent care lady hovered her hands over Olivia, and some green energy began flowing through Olivia's face, quickly patching it up, Gin and Ansu's eyes widen as they see this.

Gin: W-What did you just do?

Urgent care: Virtue Reconstruction, where you change the property of your Virtue from a linear to a healing factor, you'll learn more about it in the future rookies. For now, just stay out of trouble, kay? as for her, let her rest for a little bit, she'll eventually wake up.

The urgent care lady leaves the dorm, and leaves Gin and Ansu amazed by her ability.

Gin: Virtue Reconstruction... you think we can do it?

Ansu: Seems really hard.

Gin: Ansu, once Olivia wakes up, you are going to have to apologize, you know that right?

Ansu: Y-Yes...

After a few minutes, Olivia slowly woke up.

Olivia: Ah, my head hurts... w-what happened...

Olivia looked at Gin and Ansu, she looked even deeper into Ansu's face and finally remembered what happened to her.

Olivia: Y-You, A-Ansu! y-you...

Ansu: I'm sorry, I think I went a tad bit too far...

Olivia: Ya'think?

Ansu: Fine I took it way too far, I'm sorry.

Olivia: Just because I'm generous, I'll accept your apology.

Ansu: But did you learn your lesson?

Olivia: I guess...

Ansu: So will you train?

Olivia: I-I'll think about it...

As Ansu and Olivia make up for their mistakes, time skips as the 6 days go by really fast, Gin and Ansu use those days to train and get stronger, for the sector exams, that have finally emerged.

Everyone moves through the corridor, and there are 3 giant doors, each leading to a sector exam of a captain, Gin and Ansu look at Razor and Olivia,, wishing each other good luck, and moving into the sector exams.

Gin: This is it, this is what we've trained for.

Ansu: Lets make the best out of it.

Gin and Ansu wait along with all the other hundreds of members for their simple exam.

Razor and Olivia wait with the others at their room for their exam to start, Olivia is nervous, but Razor tries to reassure her.

Razor: Hey, don't worry, I'm sure we'll pass.

Olivia: Y-Yes... w-we'll pass.

Back to Gin and Ansu, in the middle of the room, Ice suddenly began to form, and a woman's body begins forming, and suddenly, Helen, the queen of Ice, has been formed.

Helen: Hello everyone, welcome to your sector exam, this exam is pretty simple, you have to do 1 action, to pass.

Everyone looked at Helen, really curious about what she is about to propose.

Helen: Lay 1 finger on me, and you'll pass, your exam begins now.

Everyone looked at each other, gossiping and discuss. Like, can it be that easy? people stopped gossiping, and began charging and screaming, it was pure chaos, Gin and Ansu stood next to each other, trying to calculate their moves.