
The aftermath.

Five days after the conclusion of the Authority's war, which left many elite soldiers wounded, the emergence of the Virtue Master shook the world.

In a room filled with officials, including the head official himself, three captains, and the Virtue Master, a meeting begins.

Head Official: Is everyone here?

Kon: Yes, everyone is here.

Head Official: Great, we need to discuss urgent matters. Firstly, regarding Akito's fleet, its been confirmed that the entire fleet is sunk under water, so are the soldiers, next. The emergence of the Inspector.

The Inspector: Yo! Nice to meet you all!

Head Official: Inspector, do you know just how important you are?

The Inspector: I've been locked in a chamber for over four years with the king, of course I don't!

Helen facepalmed herself.

Helen: You weren't suppose to leave your chamber...

The Inspector: Look, I heard explosions and stuff, and when I arrived, everyone was bleeding and knocked out, I think you really needed me at that moment...

Tameo: Who's everyone? I was still in the field.

The Inspector: Yea, but you were occupied, someone had to deal with that Dark King fellow.

Tameo: Are you calling me weak?

Tameo becomes irritated.

The Inspector: N-No! Not at all!

Tameo: Don't forget! I'm your rival! I would've easily defeated that Dark King!

The Inspector: Yeah...

Head Official: Secondly, regarding the Authority's army, the army has at a very vulnerable level at this point in time. Shinra, the high class officer has retired from serious injury.

Helen: Shinra has quit?

Tameo: That's fine, we don't need deadbeat anyways.

Head Official: Along with that, the third class are requesting reconstruction as their homes have been destroyed.

Tameo: Who cares about that worthless place, they might as well move somewhere else...

Helen: What's the status of the people down at the third class?

Head Official: They are going on strike in front of the middle class gate, but we have officers in place to stop them, just not many.

Kon: Have you issued for reconstruction?

Head Official: Our economy has taken a hit since the riot broke out between the middle class and the third class. Some third-class members have infiltrated the middle class, sparking conflict.

Tameo: What's the status of the first class?

Head Official: The status quo remains unchanged; the Sinheart clan continues to lead as our top economy builders. As long as we supply them, our economy can sustain itself. The reason we can still support our weakened army is solely because of the Sinheart clan.

The Inspector: I've probably arrived at the worst time possible...

Head Official: Not exactly, Inspector. Your timing couldn't be better. I neglected to mention the appearance of the Conqueror. We have very limited information about him. The Conqueror is a Yokai who's purportedly forty thousand years old, resurrected due to the Dark King's machinations. Apart from that, our knowledge is scarce. However, he poses a grave threat to the Authority. It appears that nobody except you, Inspector, has the capability to challenge the Dark King. If we assess power levels, Inspector, you're strong enough to confront the Conqueror.

The Inspector: Me?

Tameo: W-What about me?

Head Official: Tameo, you aren't at that level yet.

Tameo: Screw you! I'm the Inspectors rival for crying out loud!

Head Official: Trust me, Tameo. This is not the person you should be facing.

Tameo: You just don't know my power level enough!

Helen: Tameo, you should calm down...

Tameo: Don't tell me to calm down! I was... I-I was the strongest before he arrived!

Head Official: We acknowledge that, but now that The Inspector has appeared, there seems to be a major gap in strength.

Tameo: Don't underestimate me!

Head Official: I'm not...

The Inspector: Tameo, calm down! seriously, its not that big of a deal.

Tameo: You and me! outside! now!

Tameo seizes the Inspector by the shirt and forcefully pulls him out of the meeting room. The Inspector, resorting to sign language, signals for help. Helen, growing concerned for Tameo, aware of his lack of strength compared to the Inspector's, attempts to intervene, but Kon restrains her.

Helen: K-Kon, what are you doing? he could get killed!

Kon: Leave him be, this could be a good learning experience for him.

Head Official: Sighs. I didn't even conclude the meeting... anyways, everyone is dismissed, you may leave.

Everyone swiftly makes their way to the special training grounds, which are currently locked as training sessions have been suspended by the force.

As everyone rushes to the scene, Tameo hurls the Inspector to the ground and unsheathes his blade.

The Inspector: Hey! show some respect!

Tameo: I'll show some respect once I take back my place!

The Inspector and Tameo assume fighting positions, with Helen visibly concerned for Tameo, while Kon observes with seriousness; the rest of the officials also gather to witness the altercation.

Helen: Tameo! you don't have to do this! you should recognize your power level and let it go!

Tameo: I'm not gonna take crap from anyone else.

Helen looked over to Kon and began begging for his help.

Helen: Do something!!

Kon: I'll do something only if it escalates, you should stay out of it, don't try to stop it.

A sudden hush envelops the scene for about five seconds, then, as the silence dissipates, Tameo swiftly vanishes, reappearing behind The Inspector, marking the commencement of the fight.

As Tameo directs his gaze toward The Inspector, unleashing a swift sword slash from behind, The Inspector calmly bides his time as the blade hurtles towards him, effortlessly dodging at the very last moment.

Tameo: Huh, are you mocking me!

Tameo attempts to follow up with a kick, but The Inspector easily sidesteps it. As The Inspector looks back, he notices Tameo has vanished once more, only to find himself confronted by a sword hurtling towards him from the side at lightning speed. Reacting swiftly, The Inspector ducks mid-air, gracefully landing back on his feet.

The Inspector: Your movements are a bit slow, and you are pretty predictable if you are moving at that speed.

Tameo: Don't try to teach me you muck! I've been outside here fighting for the Authority, while you've been in the king's chamber, relaxing for god knows how long!

Tameo charges at The Inspector once more, aiming a frontal slash, but swiftly appears behind him, attempting to catch The Inspector off guard. However, The Inspector effortlessly leaps into the air, gracefully landing on top of Tameo's head before springing back down to the ground.

The Inspector: Aren't you my rival?

Tameo: Arcane Buff!

Tameo employs the Arcane buff technique, significantly enhancing his arcane abilities at the cost of a doubled consumption rate of his Virtue.

The Inspector: There is no need for all of that now, is there?

Tameo: If this is what it takes to get my place back, then so be it!

As Tameo activates Arcane Buff, his speed increases dramatically. Despite the heightened pace, The Inspector manages to keep up, dodging with precision and maintaining a strategic approach to defend himself. However, he acknowledges the need to counterattack effectively, adjusting his tactics accordingly.

Tameo: I'm pushing him!

The Inspector: This is a great feat for you? lets remind ourselves how you didn't land a hit yet.

Frustrated by The Inspector's composure, Tameo darts around him at lightning speed, leaving trails of purple lightning in his wake. The Inspector remains still, focused on the ground. When Tameo ceases his frenzied movements and descends from above, aiming to strike, his rapid approach is abruptly halted by an unseen force, bringing his assault to an unexpected stop.

Tameo: H-Huh?

The Inspector: Ah, you forced me to use my Arcane ability, Gravity Dominance.

The Inspector's gravity dominance ability, an application of his arcane prowess, manifests as a force field enveloping him, capable of repelling incoming forces. This field serves as a barrier against attacks, deflecting any incoming threats with its gravitational influence.

Tameo: Since when was he able to control his arcane to that level??

Tameo's blade is forcefully dislodged from his hand by the gravity dominance application, sending it spinning through the air. In a swift motion, The Inspector materializes in front of Tameo, delivering a punishing kick to his gut that sends him crashing to the ground below. As Tameo rises, the dust settling around him, he finds The Inspector standing before him. With a shockwave of pain coursing through his chest from The Inspector's arcane-infused touch, Tameo falls to his knees, blood staining his lips as he concedes defeat, declaring The Inspector the victor.