
Sweet 15.

Time-skip 8 years ahead, Gin is finally 15, and is ready to join the Authority, but the only problem is that he's third class, Gin approaches the third class, out from his training ground, looking fresh, bandages on his skin.

Gin: Sweet 15, I really thought I'd be bulkier, guess not.

He said as he stretches, he expected to turn out really bulky, but he grew up to be pretty skinny, the others see Gin and began cheering for him.

Men and women: Its Gin! he's back from his training!

Gin: Chill guys! I'm happy to see all of you too!

Elder: Coughs Oh Gin, its so good to have you back here.

Gin: Elder! are you okay? you don't seem...

Elder: I'm fine! I've seen rougher days...

Gin: Alright then, I wanted to ask you. How am I going to join the army? I'm third class.

Elder: Here, take this. She threw a brown coat at him. Use it to sneak into the middle class, and don't take it off.

Gin: I-Is this really gonna work?

Elder: Just use it! Cough Cough.

Gin: Elder! are you okay? really, I'm worried!

Elder: Just go, I'll be fine.

Gin: Wait, I have one final question.

Gin turns to the woman who protected him from the officer

Gin: I just want to make one thing clear, where will I go to when I'm deported?

Woman: I had a doubt you'd ask that question. Well, its finally time to tell you, when you get deported, you get sent to the Dark Entity, and once you are sent to the Dark Entity, you never return.

Gin: ...

Gin takes in a deep breath, and smiles

Gin: Alright, I'm off then, thank you all for fostering me, taking care of me when I was being a little brat, thank you for teaching me the right way.

Woman: J-Just visit us every once in a while when you go big!

Gin: Will do.

Woman: Gin! a few rules when you get to the middle class. Do not engage or interact with anyone there, do not steal, and look for the army registry, it has the Authority symbol on it.

Gin: Got it!

Gin turns around and begins heading to the gates of the third class, leading to the middle class, as he runs, he puts on the brown jacket and puts on the hood to disguise himself, and leaps over the gate, while no officer is on duty, Gin has made it to the middle class. Gin looks back at the gate and sighs.

Gin: No turning back now.

Gin begins to make his way through the middle class streets, he's face lights up in awe as he sees how advanced the middle class is, many people walking around, playing, doing business. And enjoying life, he is seemingly jealous by this, the middle class prospers while the third class gets to scrap by for food and have bad health care and living conditions. But washes his jealousness off, he is also amazed by how good the food looks around the middle class, but he remembers his mission and continues looking for army registry.

Gin: Shit! what does the Authority symbol look like? I forgot to ask the woman!

As Gin mumbles down his jacket, he suddenly bumps into someone and falls down, he's hood is uncovered.

Gin: Ah!

A bald rookie of the Authority is on the floor in front of Gin

Rookie: Hey! you don't look like a middle class member!

Gin: S-Shit!

Gin quickly puts his hood back on and gets up

Rookie: Take that Jacket off!

The rookie forcefully rips Gin's jacket, revealing Gin's old torn clothes

Rookie: Y-You are a third class! everyone! there is a stinky third class here!

The rookie screams, Gin begins to panic, feeling like he's whole plan is ruined, everyone gathers around the rookie and Gin, the middle class members begin gossiping among each other, forming a circle around the rookie and Gin.

Rookie: Hey everyone! watch me beat this third class garbage back to their level!

The rookie gets in fighting position, Gin stands normally, this rookie doesn't seem that strong...

Rookie: Get ready!

The Rookie began running at Gin, charging up a full forced punch, the crowd cheers for the rookie quietly, but suddenly, the rookie meets a nasty sucker punch from Gin right in the face, blood began to pour out from the rookie's face as he blacks out, the entirety moving in slow motion as the crowd's eyes widen, returning back to normal motion, Gin sends the rookie flying the opposite direction, the rookie's face bleeding, he's jaw is completely broken.

Gin: Is this what you are looking for? beating a Third class member just for fame in front of everyone? shameless.

Officers appear to witness this

Officers: I-Is that? catch that man!

Gin: Shit! I drew too much attention!

Gin began running the opposite way, but he can't out speed those officers, Gin looks at the buildings next to him, and began climbing up the building, parkouring back to back, the officers are in awe. a third class member is able to accomplish this? they began trying to parkour but their skill doesn't match Gin

Gin: They are still following me! I can't lose them, can I?

Gin starts climbing up from building to building as the officers follow him, but they can't make the jumps he makes, suddenly a high class officer appears and begins beating Gin's parkour skills and catching up to him, the high class officer draws his blade and quickly catches up to Gin before he jumps to another building, Gin turns around to suddenly meet eyes with this high class officer as he sends a vertical slash at Gin, Gin barely dodges and slips on a tile from the roof, falling down an ally way, he rolls down before he hits the floor and pants.

Gin: Ah, this is really hard.

More officers appear in the ally way and the high class officer jumps down behind Gin in the ally way, he is completely surrounded.

Gin: Shit. T-This is really bad.