
Preparation for a battle.

After Ansu's altercation in the middle class, he delved deep into the port of the Authority, absconding with a ship and sailing swiftly away from its jurisdiction.

With heavy bags under his eyes and a profound sense of despondency, Ansu navigates away from the Authority aboard his vessel.

Ansu: Following that skirmish in the heart of the Authority's middle class, I've lost all hope of returning to that island. The corruption, the disrespect—it's shattered my will to serve such a regime.

After Ansu's internal deliberations, he sets sail, gradually leaving the Authority behind until it fades from view. But as he continues his journey, raindrops begin to pelt his head. Glancing upwards, he spots dark clouds gathering, signaling an impending storm. Despite the warning signs, he chooses not to take action. However, as he drifts aimlessly across the sea, the rain intensifies suddenly, accompanied by tumultuous waves crashing against his ship. In this desperate moment, Ansu finds himself confronting the full force of nature's fury.

Ansu: Shit, I didn't think it'd get this bad...

Ansu frantically attempts to maneuver the wheel of his ship, but it shatters upon his touch. His eyes widen in anger, yet he restrains himself. Thunder echoes across the sea as Ansu swiftly retreats below deck, seeking shelter from the impending storm.

Ansu: I don't know what I've got myself into...

As Ansu exhales in despair, a bolt of lightning suddenly strikes his ship, igniting it in flames. Panic seizes him, propelling him onto the deck where he's met with the sight of the engulfing fire. Frantically, he attempts to douse the flames, but his efforts prove futile. In a devastating moment, another lightning strike hits the ship's bow, widening Ansu's eyes in dread. Realizing the situation is beyond his control, he watches helplessly as the fire spreads rapidly.

As the flames reach an alarming extent, Ansu confronts a dire choice. Feeling trapped and with nowhere to turn, the ocean beckons as a final, desperate refuge.

Ansu: N-No, i-it can't end this way!

As the flames encroach and the ship begins to sink beneath him, Ansu makes a desperate leap into the ocean. The uneven waves, coupled with the torrential rain, disorient him. Ansu's lack of swimming prowess becomes evident as he thrashes his arms wildly, struggling to stay afloat. A towering wave looms before him, and despite his efforts to swim away, he remains rooted in place by his lack of skill.

The colossal wave crashes over him, pulling him deep into the churning depths. Ansu's armor-clad arms, infused with arcane power, prove too heavy to propel him upwards. Panic sets in as he holds his breath, attempting to swim against the suffocating pressure. Realization dawns upon him as he acknowledges his inability to ascend.

In a moment of shock, Ansu inadvertently opens his mouth, allowing the icy water to rush in. Desperately, he tries to close it, but it's too late. With each passing moment, his lungs burn, unable to retain the precious air. Slowly, inexorably, Ansu succumbs to the weight of the ocean, his consciousness slipping away in the cold embrace of the deep.

Back in the Authority, a meeting is started by the head official, where the captains, officials and the virtue master himself are all called to the meeting room.

Head Official: Good day, everyone. Thank you for gathering here. Before we proceed, I must address a matter from our previous meeting. Tameo, your conduct was unacceptable. Such behavior is unbecoming and will not be tolerated in this forum again. Is that clear?

Tameo sighs and submits.

Tameo: I understand, it was not proper behavior of me. I apologize.

Head Official: Excellent. Now, to commence this meeting, we must confront a pressing matter mandated by the Authority. Failure to address it would reflect weakness in the eyes of other nations.

Inspector: What is it?

Head Official: Ever since the Dark Entity's attack, it's become evident that the Authority's lack of retaliation has led to disdain from other nations. Our perceived weakness has sparked disputes, especially considering our military strength has been reduced to under 73% of its original capacity. So, the purpose of this meeting is to strategize and plan our conquest on the Dark Entity.

Helen, Tameo, and Kon appear deeply conflicted about this course of action. They recognize that their army is not sufficient for launching an all-out war on another nation's territory. Moreover, they fear the likelihood of defeat in such a battle.

Helen: Do you understand that our chances of loss in this battle, is very high, we don't have the men for it, and our island is at a civil war down in the middle and third classes, we simply cannot afford this war at the moment.

Head Official: I haven't specified an immediate initiation of war, whether tomorrow or a week from now. Instead, we will embark on an extensive training regimen within the Authority for over five months. This training will be specialized, geared towards preparing for the conquest on the Dark Entity. I understand your concerns, captains, but we cannot afford to allocate time to sector trainings in this critical juncture. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Helen: Sigh. I understand, sector trainings can have their own time.

Kon: We need to focus on the situation right now.

Head Official: Also, we need potential students to be trained at a higher state.

Inspector: Meaning?

Head Official: Captains, if you have anyone worthy of reaching an extensive power level, I want you to direct them to the Inspector, as he will be training them.

Inspector: You can count on me!

Head Official: Excellent. This training will be officially termed "Conquest Preparation." Official B, I want you to make an announcement two hours after this meeting. Inform everyone about the first topic of discussion in this meeting.

Official B: Y-Yes sir!

Head Official: We aren't going to go down without a fight.

Helen: Head Official, I want to speak to you about a student of mine who has recently left the authority...

Head Official: Yes, I'm aware of Ansu. Ranger informed me about him. That kid indeed has potential. It's truly unfortunate that it's going to waste.

Helen: I-I wanted to have a search squad look for him... I-I'm concerned! he's my student...

Head Official: That can wait, we have more important matters to discuss here.

Helen: B-But-

Head Official: I do not want to hear it, this situation is not of most importance, I handle and manage the authority, whoever you train is non of my concern, its a situation you have to handle on your own, after all, your student is your responsibility, not mine.

Helen: Y-Yes, you are right, s-sorry for the disturbance...

Head Official: In conclusion, the conquest against the Dark Entity will require the participation of every single soldier from the Authority. It's imperative for us to muster our complete power in this endeavor. We must fight back with greater determination. Meeting dismissed.

Everyone leaves the meeting room, with a new sense of justice for the Authority, the only person who is left shaken, is Helen. In concern for Ansu.