
Gin's Technique.

Dark King: Step one? do you know to follow some specific rules to fight me?

Gin: Its to keep track of my technique, and when I can actually use it.

Dark King: What's this technique you keep speaking of?

Gin: You'll see when I land it on you.

Dark King: It better be impressive.

The Dark King runs towards Gin, sending dark slashes left and right, Gin randomly dodges a few, but he is unable to predict the rest.

Gin: Charm Technique! Reinforcement!

Gin swiftly conjures a semi-transparent barrier before him as the Dark King maneuvers to his side, sidestepping the obstruction and aiming a slashing blow. Gin reacts with a fleeting glance, attempting to intercept the strike with his barrier, but the force of the Dark King's attack shatters the defense. Sent hurtling backward, Gin crashes to the ground. As the Dark King lunges forward, Gin regains his bearings with remarkable agility, executing a nimble backflip just in time to evade the oncoming assault.

Gin: Panting

Dark King: Already tired, too bad, you die here!

As the Dark King launches a slashing attack toward Gin, Gin's eyes flash a crimson hue, and for a fleeting moment, time seems to grind to a halt. With lightning reflexes, Gin narrowly evades the strike as time abruptly resumes its normal flow, leaving the Dark King momentarily bewildered. Dismissing it as mere chance, the Dark King attempts to replicate the technique on Gin, only to find Gin effortlessly sidestepping his every move. With each successive slash, Gin's evasion becomes more refined, steadily outmaneuvering the Dark King's assaults with growing precision.

Dark King: What's going on... does he have some future sight arcane that I don't know of?

As the Dark King abandons his slashing technique and charges toward Gin, Gin swiftly assesses his opponent's stance and responds with a decisive move. With a surge of energy, Gin executes a lightning-fast blue lightning kick aimed squarely at the Dark King's chin. The strike connects with precision, sending a jolt of force reverberating through the Dark King's body.

Dark King: Huh! t-this is impossible! how can you see my attacks?

With the Dark King momentarily distracted by Gin's unwavering determination, Gin seizes the opportunity without hesitation. In a seamless follow-up to his previous strike, Gin delivers a swift and powerful purple lightning kick directly to the Dark King's gut. The impact lands with staggering force, driving the air from the Dark King's lungs and further exploiting his momentary lapse in focus.

Dark King: Each lightning hit gets even heavier... but their damage isn't much,

Gin: Step two and three are over... its time for my technique, but I need to find an opening.

Gin's hand suddenly flashes in green lightning for a second, the Dark King notices this, but thinks of it as a glitch in his Virtue.

Dark King: I'm going to end you, and everyone else, you better get prepared for my heavy hitting, Gin!

Gin: I'm always prepared.

As the Dark King charges relentlessly at Gin, Gin narrowly evades each of his attacks, the thought of engaging in hand-to-hand combat flickering briefly in his mind. However, Gin swiftly dismisses the idea, recognizing the overwhelming strength of his opponent. He understands that a direct confrontation in close quarters would likely result in his defeat.

With a sudden and powerful kick, the Dark King sends Gin sprawling to the ground, leaving him incapacitated. As Olivia witnesses the brutal exchange, fear grips her heart, prompting her to scramble for cover in a desperate bid to evade the Dark King's notice. However, her attempt at concealment does not go unnoticed, as the Dark King swiftly detects her movement and charges toward her with alarming speed. Paralyzed by terror, Olivia finds herself rooted to the spot, overwhelmed by the imminent threat closing in on her. Beads of sweat trickle down her brow as she confronts the chilling reality of her impending fate.

Olivia: W-Wahh!!!

Dark King: You aren't escaping me, you aren't gonna go unharmed little one!

As the Dark King launches himself toward Olivia, poised to deliver a deadly slash, Gin springs into action with a sudden burst of determination. Intercepting the Dark King mid-air, Gin seizes hold of him, leveraging his own momentum to drive them both crashing into a nearby building. The Dark King struggles fiercely, attempting to break free from Gin's vice-like grip, but to his astonishment, Gin's raw strength proves to be overwhelming, holding him firmly in place despite his efforts.

Gin: Your fight is with me! not her!

Dark King: Such raw strength...

With a surge of Virtue strength, the Dark King taps into his formidable power, overwhelming Gin's resistance with sheer force. In a swift and devastating countermove, the Dark King delivers a punishing kick to Gin's abdomen, propelling him forcefully across the battlefield to the opposite side. Gin, caught off guard by the sudden display of power, grimaces in pain as he collides with the ground, momentarily winded by the impact.

Dark King: You are such a nusicenace, I'm going to eliminate you now!

Despite Gin bleeding from his mouth and his forehead, Gin readies himself in a fighting stance as the Dark King charges towards him, poised to deliver a lethal blow. With a surge of determination, Gin activates his reinforcement ability, pinning his hopes on its support to aid him in this critical moment.

Dark King: You actually think that useless ability will work again? we'll see then!

As the Dark King closes in, his fist aimed squarely at Gin's face, Gin's sudden evasion catches him off guard. In a surprising move, Gin swiftly sidesteps the attack and deactivates his reinforcement ability, leaving the Dark King momentarily vulnerable. Locking eyes with his adversary, Gin meets the Dark King's gaze head-on, a fierce determination burning in his eyes as he charges up his technique, channeling power into his waiting hand.

Gin: Virtue Fist!

With a surge of energy, Gin's left hand crackles with vibrant green lightning as he swiftly closes the distance between himself and the Dark King. As his fist connects with the Dark King's chest, a blinding flash of green lightning erupts, its power so intense that it fractures the ground beneath them and generates a massive force field enveloping both Gin and his stunned adversary. Caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of the attack, the Dark King is left reeling in shock and disbelief.

Helen's astonishment is palpable as she witnesses Gin's revelation of the Virtue Fist technique. Completely caught off guard by Gin's display of mastery and decisiveness, she realizes she had vastly underestimated his abilities. The realization dawns on her that Gin possesses depths of strength and determination far beyond what she had previously imagined, leaving her in awe of his hidden potential.