
Ansu's anger.

Ansu: L-Little brother?

Ansu stands in silent awe as he observes his little brother mastering the use of his virtue. Overwhelmed by emotion, he takes tentative steps forward, drawn inexorably toward the scene unfolding before him. Sensing Ansu's approach, the trainer guiding his brother's development begins to perspire, a palpable tension hanging in the air as they await Ansu's reaction.

Ansu: Little brother!

Ansu's little brother: Huh, A-Ansu?

Tears stream down Ansu's little brother's face, interrupting his training as he rushes towards Ansu with outstretched arms, overcome with emotion.

Ansu: !

In a matter of seconds, a sharp blade pierces through the chest of Ansu's brother, as the smile on his face suddenly becomes frozen in shock. His little brother's cries fade away into whimpers, overwhelmed by the overwhelming pain. His body swells and sparks with electricity form, exploding his body into nothing, what's rest is the blood splatter that splashes on Ansu's right eye.

Ansu: L-Little brother?

Shinjo: Ah, the bitter irony of fate, the clash of siblings sundered by my own hand. This was never my intention, Ansu. Your paths were never meant to intertwine. Your brother held within him boundless potential; he could have been my stalwart companion in the twilight of my days. But with your reunion, his allegiance would surely shift, leaving neither of us with his loyalty.

The teacher instructing Ansu's younger sibling tragically ended his life in a single moment. Now, determined not to let that potential slip into another's hands, he harbors a fierce resolve

Ansu: H-How could you?

Ansu's countenance reflects sheer despair, blood splattered across his face, his once vibrant smile fading into a grim, serious expression. He gasps for air, panting heavily, his fists clenched tightly together. Anger surges through his mind, spreading like wildfire.

Shinjo: If you intend on using brute force to make me submit, that will eventually fail, you see, I used to be a high class officer for the Authority before my retirement, I possess the arcane ability of explosion, by pairing it with my blade, I'm able to make my slashes as explosive as ever-

In a sudden, dramatic turn, a fist materializes before Shinjo's face, pulsating with ominous, black color virtue energy. Ansu's visage transforms into that of a raging demon, consumed by anger and volatile emotions, poised to unleash a deadly assault upon Shinjo. Time seems to slow to a crawl as Shinjo's eyes widen in realization. At the very last moment, he swiftly ducks, narrowly evading Ansu's wrathful strike.

As Ansu's blow misses its mark, the pent-up dark virtue energy bursts forth from his hand, hurtling towards a nearby house with destructive force. The building is engulfed in chaos as it crumbles and collapses under the onslaught, reduced to a pile of rubble in an instant.

Shinjo: I would've surely died if that hit! Wow, seems like both brothers have the same amount of potential-

Ansu: screams. I'm not done yet!

Ansu's hand glows with dark energy as he charges towards Shinjo, only for the latter to easily fend off his attacks and slash Ansu on the chest with his sword. The wound explodes, leaving Ansu deeply injured. Shinjo quickly removes his sword and lands a powerful kick on the same spot, sending Ansu flying towards a nearby building.

Shinjo: Mhm... it seems that I've come out victorious.

Ansu groans in pain as he struggles to catch his breath. His body lies lifelessly on the building, blood splattering everywhere from the deep cut on his chest.

Shinjo: This a good bye, say hello to your brother for me.

As Shinjo charged towards Ansu, his sword poised to strike, a force abruptly halted his motion. Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to move his sword, only to find it firmly stuck in place. Panic flickered in Shinjo's eyes as he struggled against the barrier, his mind racing to understand what could possibly thwart his attack.

Shinjo: W-What's going on?

Ansu: Hey, say hello to your family for me.

Shinjo: W-What?

Shinjo's eyes widened in shock as a powerful blow struck him square in the gut, sending him hurtling in the opposite direction. Gasping for breath, Shinjo quickly regained his footing, his grip on his sword tightening as he scanned his surroundings for his assailant, ready to defend himself against any further attacks.

Shinjo: That was a powerful punch, but its not something virtue reconstruction can't heal.

Shinjo focused his energy, drawing upon his inner reserves to initiate the healing process, his wounds slowly closing as he regained his strength. With determination etched upon his face, he approached the shattered remnants of the building where Ansu had been hurled. Each step forward was deliberate, his senses keenly attuned to any sign of movement or presence within the rubble. With cautious steps, Shinjo ventured deeper into the debris, his gaze sharp as he searched for any trace of his adversary, prepared for whatever confrontation lay ahead.

In a sudden flurry of movement, a black-metal fist surged towards Shinjo from the front. Reacting swiftly, Shinjo raised his blade just in time to intercept the attack, the clash sending reverberations coursing through his arms. Despite his efforts to withstand the force, the impact proved overwhelming, propelling him backward out of the building with a resounding crash. As he struggled to regain his footing, Shinjo braced himself for the next onslaught, steeling his resolve for the battle that lay ahead.

Emerging from the crumbling remains of the building, Ansu appeared battered but determined, his figure shrouded in the ominous black armor that now encased both of his arms. With each contraction and relaxation, the armor seemed to pulsate with arcane energy, a testament to Ansu's newfound power. Despite his injuries, a fierce resolve burned in Ansu's widened eyes as he stepped forward, his movements guided by instinct and fueled by the mysterious forces at his command.

As he ventured into the open, a remarkable sight unfolded before Shinjo's eyes—the wounds that marred Ansu's body began to mend themselves, a phenomenon seemingly triggered by an innate connection to some form of virtuous reconstruction. The very essence of virtue seemed to weave through Ansu's being, lending him a resilience that defied conventional understanding. With this newfound vitality, Ansu stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, his determination unyielding amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

Ansu: Come at me, devil.