
A Sealing Contract.

Conqueror: My mind feels hollow... my strength wanes, diminished somehow. I am weaker than I once was... something has befallen me. The last memory I hold is of a blade, looming over me, and then... darkness. What is this unfamiliar era and realm? I must grasp its intricacies... understand its mysteries. There is much to learn.

As the Conqueror speaks to himself, the door to the throne opens, revealing Aki, Zashi and Yahiro, behind them stands the Cloaked Lady.

Conqueror: I don't remember asking you to come in...

Cloaked Lady: Don't worry, we aren't here to disturb, your majesty.

Conqueror: You've already disturbed me.

Cloaked Lady: Oh is that so? then we apologize, we have come here to pledge our loyalty to you.

Conqueror: Is that so?

Aki, Zashi, Yahiro, and the Cloaked Lady all bow in reverence before the Conqueror, but he senses something awry, a gnawing intuition unsettling his gut. Slowly rising from his throne, he remains vigilant. Suddenly, the tranquility shatters as the roof caves in, revealing the Dark King hurtling towards him, claws bared for attack. The Conqueror's gaze darts from the descending threat to his supposed allies, only to find betrayal lurking in their poised stances. Zashi wields his ninja blades and explosives, Aki aims his rifle at the Conqueror, and the Cloaked Lady, her smile sinister, stands poised for treachery.

Cloaked Lady: We've got you pinned, Conqueror.

Conqueror: How sorrowful it is to witness our bonds of friendship, loyalty, and trust shattered so effortlessly. This betrayal strikes deep within my heart.

Dark King: I'll kill you, and get my throne back!

Aki's rifle clicks as he loads it, while Zashi hurls his explosives, and the Cloaked Lady remains ominously still. Meanwhile, the Dark King inches closer to the Conqueror. Yet, in a sudden turn, fiery particles materialize around the Conqueror, growing in intensity with each passing moment.

Conqueror: Know your place, fools.

Five minutes later, the room is in disarray. Zashi is stuck to the wall, unconscious and bleeding. Aki lies on the floor, his rifle broken, teeth scattered. Yahiro on the floor bleeding as well. The Conqueror holds the Dark King's face, who is still conscious but bleeding.

Cloaked Lady: Ah, you guys just don't understand, I told you, this plan won't work!

Dark King: Y-You betrayed us... y-you bitch..

Cloaked Lady: Its not called betrayal, its called loyalty.

Dark King: I-Is there no loyalty to me?

Conqueror: I hold respect for you, woman.

The Dark King's face contorts with a mix of realization and rage as he understands the betrayal.

Dark King: Y-You revealed our plan?

Cloaked Lady: Either way it wouldn't have worked, and I just wanted to see you get beat up again, its really fun!

Dark King: You bitch! I'll kill you when I get the chance!

Conqueror: Quiet, peasant, I shall banish you from this country.

The Conqueror, gripping the Dark King's head, places his free hand upon the fallen monarch's chest, closes his eyes, and begins a solemn chant.

Conqueror: Dark Entity's king, your power I deny, Banished forever, to darkness, comply! By decree divine, from light's embrace, Depart from here, leave not a trace!

The Dark King, though fallen, comprehends the ancient chant, recognizing it as a binding contract for his banishment from the nation, a practice long forgotten by modern times.

Dark King: I-I won't forgive you, w-woman...

Cloaked Lady: Toodles!

The Dark King's armor and chains lie shattered, his attire reduced to tatters, leaving only his pants clinging to his form. With the power of the contract propelling him, he hurtles through the air in a swirling vortex of purple flames, expelled from the nation's borders. Crashing down upon the port, his chest ablaze with fiery torment, he lies sprawled amidst the wreckage of his fall.

Conqueror: Three more.

Cloaked Lady: This is amusing!

The Conqueror fixes his gaze upon Zashi, who stirs from the beating inflicted upon him. Despite the ordeal, Zashi swiftly regains his composure, rising to his feet before the Conqueror.

Conqueror: Are you going to fight back?

Zashi: Pants. P-Please... h-have mercy...

Conqueror: You betrayed my loyalty, why shall I have mercy on you?

Zashi: It was from peer pressure put on my shoulders, I would never disobey you...

Aki: I would never, disobey the Conqueror as well...

Yahiro: I, as well would never... Spits blood. I'd never attempt to hurt the Conqueror.

Conqueror: It seems that after you felt my wrath, you understand your place... is it true that their where put into peer pressure, woman? if they lied, I'm going to end their life.

Zashi, Aki, and Yahiro gaze anxiously at the cloaked lady, knowing that if she speaks the truth, their fate is sealed, but if she lies, they may yet survive. The cloaked figure pauses, her expression unreadable, before erupting into laughter.

Conqueror: What triggers you to laugh at such a dire moment, lives are at stake here.

Cloaked Lady: Oh! sorry, the tension here was a bit funny, now if Zashi's words were true or not? I must say, while I was eavesdropping on their plan, all I heard was the Dark King screaming and shouting at them, they kinda felt conflicted to do this.

Conqueror: So they were put into peer pressure, but you still attempted to assassinate me, I cannot let you leave unharmed, I need to install fear...

Cloaked Lady: T-They are already harmed, quiet well.

Conqueror: I'll place a sealing contract on them.

Cloaked Lady: I wish I could make contracts...

Conqueror: By the three fallen warriors, bound by decree, Kneel before me, servants to be. At my beckoning call, swiftly they'll rise, Through shadowy mists, their allegiance ties. My signs shall guide them, with each decree, In the sealing of our pact, they'll serve faithfully.

Chains encircle Aki, Zashi, and Yahiro, as if to bind them. Aki steps towards the Conqueror, who readies a hand sign. Zashi follows suit, another sign prepared for him. Yahiro, too, receives a unique gesture. As they move, the chains dissolve, releasing them from their grasp.

Conqueror: I've placed a contract on all three of you, whenever I use a specific hand sign, you shall appear behind me with the intention of beating the opponent I face, I will only call you when I need you.

Cloaked Lady: Awww, won't you place a contract on me?

Conqueror: You have proven your loyalty to me, I will only, place a contract on you when I feel its needed.

Cloaked Lady: I'll be leaving soon, I have some work to attend outside the island, I'll be returning in a few days, don't miss me too much.

Conqueror: Take these three with you, I need time to think.

Cloaked Lady: Ugh, why should I always be the one to take out the garbage!

With lightning speed, the cloaked lady seizes all three and vanishes into thin air, leaving the Conqueror to sigh heavily. He returns to his throne, deep in thought, contemplating the state of the world after forty thousand years.