
ASOIAF: King of Winter

A man from our world finds himself as a force sensitive during the New Sith Wars; he lives a full life of combat and adventure, eventually becoming renowned as a powerful Jedi Lord. Dying to defend his fief against an army of Sith, our MC dies a heroic death, sacrificing his life against the forces of evil in an epic duel. Thinking his chances depleted, he finds himself in another world he recognizes from seemingly fictional stories, as none but the beloved Robb Stark the day he receives news of his father’s capture with his force sensitivity intact. Yet once again, the Force has designs upon the Starks, and the bloodline of Winter Kings holds unfathomable mysteries within it. What are the changes coming with this new Robb Stark? And what is the relation of Planetos with the Force? 5 chaps in advance here: patreon.com/NiflheimA _____________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: The MC is familiar with the general plot but has forgot some of the details, he’s working with a combination of memories two lives away, the force, and his experience as a Jedi Lord of many years, so expect someone who knows and is capable of much, yet not completely perfect nor emotionally available. PS: This is largely wish fulfillement, so while I'll try to include some deep emotional plots, I suck, so keep at that. PS 2: I won't rewrite things that were already parts of canon, this is focused on stuff that is changed by the MC's actions. So if you don't see it, then it hapenned the same way it did in the original story.

PrinceOfNilfheim · Literatura e Livros
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 2

5 Chapters further in all my stories here:


Chapter 2

Catelyn held a handkerchief to her nose, wiping her reddened nose.

Robb sat in front of her, pouring and handing her a cup of watered wine.

As she examined his features closely, she could more clearly see the changes.

He had cut his red hair shorter, even more so at its side, as before it used to rest on his shoulders, now his locks ended at the bottom of his ears, probably for more ease in battle.

He was taller than last she saw him, with a more powerful build too.

Yet it was the eyes that held her attention, his previously bright blue eyes almost seemed to shine from some angles.

"Tell me everything."

His direwolf, bigger than ever, loomed large at his feet. Greywind's eyes seemed to shine with uncanny intellect; his golden pupils matched a level with her own all the way until he was distracted by scratches from her son.

She would have felt offended at his tone had she not felt compelled to answer, so she told him.

She told him of all the issues, he knew previously of the assassination attempt and the Valyrian dagger, yet both she and Ned thought it prudent not to mention Lysa's letter to her, the one that accused the Lannisters of having a hand at Jon Arryn's death, so she spoke of it.

She told him of how she smuggled herself into Kingslanding, whereas she managed to identify the owner of the dagger with the help of Petyr its source, and what she discussed with his father.

Ned had told her of what he knew at the time about the happenings of the capital, about Robert's bastard and Jon Arryn's last words.

She then spoke about her journey back, when she convinced Tully men-at-arms to detain Tyrion Lannister, how she led him to the Vale in order to avoid pursuit where they were met with Mountain clans. About how Tyrion beguiled those tribesmen and allowed them to reach the Vale.

She tried to brush off some of the happenings in the Eyrie, if only due to shame, yet he insisted on hearing details. So she reluctantly told him of the trial by combat, her sister's worrying state, and the ensuing happenings.

And when she ended her tale, all she was rewarded with was a blank stare; Robb's expression betrayed nothing, no anger, no guilt, no sadness, nothing.

"You were duped." He suddenly spoke. "And the Lannisters were used, much like you and father were."

At her questioning look, he elaborated.

"It is more than likely that whoever pushed Bran, if they pushed him, did so because he managed to see a secret that he shouldn't have. For that act, it is probable that the Lannisters were responsible, yet all subsequent actions paint a different landscape." He said. "Whoever hired that catspaw was sloppy, and from what I know of Tyrion Lannister, that man would never hire a man to kill someone using his own blade."

Catelyn winced at the statement, she knew in the deep recesses of her mind that he was right, the Imp did not hire that catspaw to murder her son, yet she ignored it, because if Tyrion wasn't the killer, then-.

"Baelish lied to you." Out of the mouth of babes, they say.

"For some reason, Baelish lied about Tyrion owning the blade, and considering father's capture, we can also assume that he betrayed him." He says.

Catelyn faces morphs from shock. "How would you know that?!" She asked.

"You said men in gold cloaks met you the moment you disembarked into the city? If Littlefinger has the means to control both the city watch and the port officials, then it is safe to assume that he has significant influence within the city, and considering your previous circumstances with the man, it is quite obvious that father has counted on him in order to overthrow Cersei, if father's plan failed, then Baelish betrayed him, it is without a doubt."

It sounded logical to her, yet she couldn't help but leak some of her apprehension.

Robb's gaze turns heavy. "You are compromised." He says.

When she turns her scandalized expression toward him out of shock, he explains. "You are letting your biases affect your judgement; it is what led you to unconditionally trust Baelish without additional testimony despite knowing that he may hold a grudge against us Starks" He alludes to the duel with Brandon

"And it is what caused your rash action of apprehending the son of Tywin Lannister in the view of many." He says. "Decisions made with impaired judgement or emotion are ones that risk the accomplishment of one's goals, and your decisions, mother, impaired by your emotions, will risk Sansa's, Arya's, and father's life."

"I suspect that there is more to the recent happenings, there is no way that so many schemes and plots were orchestrated with no one being the wiser, Baelish is one of the people aware of their happenings, and may have also poisoned your sister's mind against the Lannisters." He says. "What other players are involved I do not know nor care, yet I cannot allow you to endanger us any longer."

Robb stands up, ignoring her gobsmacked expression. He makes for the tent's entrance, Greywind silently following behind him, before he turns again toward her.

"You mentioned that you wished to visit your ailing father and uncle Edmure, which is why I'll allow you to accompany the army." He said. "You are free to offer counsel, as is your right, but until you can prove your ability to think logically, beyond any biases you may have, I am afraid I shan't allow you to act on your own. Good night, mother."

Catelyn was at a loss of words, it wasn't the fact that her son just treated like a misbehaving child, really. But rather it was coming to terms with the full scope of the consequences of her actions, and the underlying issues that caused her to commit them.

The Lady of Winterfell hadn't had a wink of sleep that night.