
ASOIAF: King of Winter

A man from our world finds himself as a force sensitive during the New Sith Wars; he lives a full life of combat and adventure, eventually becoming renowned as a powerful Jedi Lord. Dying to defend his fief against an army of Sith, our MC dies a heroic death, sacrificing his life against the forces of evil in an epic duel. Thinking his chances depleted, he finds himself in another world he recognizes from seemingly fictional stories, as none but the beloved Robb Stark the day he receives news of his father’s capture with his force sensitivity intact. Yet once again, the Force has designs upon the Starks, and the bloodline of Winter Kings holds unfathomable mysteries within it. What are the changes coming with this new Robb Stark? And what is the relation of Planetos with the Force? 5 chaps in advance here: patreon.com/NiflheimA _____________________________________________________________________________________ Author's Note: The MC is familiar with the general plot but has forgot some of the details, he’s working with a combination of memories two lives away, the force, and his experience as a Jedi Lord of many years, so expect someone who knows and is capable of much, yet not completely perfect nor emotionally available. PS: This is largely wish fulfillement, so while I'll try to include some deep emotional plots, I suck, so keep at that. PS 2: I won't rewrite things that were already parts of canon, this is focused on stuff that is changed by the MC's actions. So if you don't see it, then it hapenned the same way it did in the original story.

PrinceOfNilfheim · Literatura e Livros
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36 Chs

Chapter 14

5 Chapters further in all my stories here:


Chapter 14

General POV

[A.N: A general POV is one where I describe the general state of the kingdoms in order to give the big picture. I'd rather this than write like 5 chapters just to explain each part.]

The North

Ser Wendel Manderly and Lord Halys Hornwood gather a modest host of 1000 men to defend the Western Shore from Ironborn aggression, they are mostly scattered toward the western settlements, with most going to the Flints, Moat Cailin, the Stony Shore, and Torrhen's Square.

Others like Deepwood Motte and Bear Island –due to their distance and the size of their local garrison- were deemed fortified enough to defend themselves without direct support, although resources like timber, coal, and grain were shipped to build fortifications and prepare for any unforeseen attacks.

Letters were also sent by raven to the Mountain clans, offering payment from House Stark in exchange for "lending" the mountains and men in order to establish mines to mine, some refuse, but most gladly take the offer, with some like the Wulls, the Harclays, and the Burleys even offer their own men to provide support. The endeavor is predicted to take a long time, so not a lot of progress is made.

East of the continent, on the orders of Lord Ondrew Locke and the urging of Lord Wyman Manderly, Ser Donnel Locke leads a small fleet toward the Three Sisters in order to either demand or finagle naval support from the three islands. Once news of the North's victories reach the Sistermen, they accept the offer, and their fleet of cogs and galleys are integrated into the Manderly fleet, with Lord Wyman Manderly arranged several marriages between some of his landed knights and Sistermen noble women.

The Lord Wyman also begins the building of further ships for the Northern fleet, focusing on larger types like galleys, he also starts rebuilding the ruined silver mint at Wolf's Den, using the local prisoners as workers to do the job under the watchful eyes of Ser Bartimus.

Further North, worrying news of a King-Beyond-the-Wall, one Mance Rayder, start reaching the rest of the north, the Maester of Last Hearth sends a raven to Riverrun in order to warn of the threat, while rumors of a great ranging led by Jeor Mormont reach Queenscrown.

Finally, a Harvest feast is to be held in Winterfell, which prompts several envoys from the different Lords to send envoys, including some Frey wards (Big Walder and Little Walder Frey), and Meera and Jojen Reed.

The Westerlands

Mallister sailors leave Lannisport atop half their promised ships, promptly heading to Seagard with the first set of tribute, as was agreed during negotiations between Lord Robb Stark and Ser Daven Lannister. They make haste, hoping to reach their destination before Ironborn aggression resumes. It is agreed that the rest would come piecemeal, as the Lannisters build more ships in Lannisport.

Similar negotiations take place at the gates of Ashemark and the Crag, whereas the Ice Lord wangles significant concessions from their keeps in exchange for not attacking them.

Lord Mallister, with his diminished men, sorties to join Lord Galbart Glover, and together they manage to capture the gold mines at Nunn's Deep, Castamere, and in the Pendric Hills. By orders of Robb Stark, they were to offer the workers within passage through the Riverlands and into the North, offering a portion of their plunder and shielding from the coming Ironborn, some refuse, but most choose to do so in fear due to old superstitions toward the Ironborn's cruelty.

Lady Maege Mormont captures thousands of livestock and begins driving them back toward the Riverlands, while Rickard Karstark and his sons alongside the other bulk of the hostages visit castles like Sarsfield and employs the same tactic as his lord, receiving great riches without spilling blood.

After leaving the Crag, Robb Stark leisurely marches through the eastern road toward the Golden Tooth as his scattered armies slowly rejoins his, heavily drilling his men and leading feasts, it was noticed that the Stark Lord would spend time with young heirs, discussing matters of state and war and brainstorming ideas.

Rymund the Rhymer composes a now famous song called Wolf in the Night about the battle of Oxcross, in which the singer has to howl between verses. It is noted that nothing is heard in camps but the howling of men in celebration.

For the Western Lords, while the Northern threat was deemed costly yet bloodless, tensions were still very high. The Young Wolf's mention of an Ironborn attack is taken seriously by Lord Stafford Lannister and his son Ser Daven, who send ravens to seaside settlements like the Banefort, the Crag, and Faircastle to warn them of the coming Greyjoys.

Daven Lannister wisely gathers all the smallfolk of the surrounding villages and towns, leading the old, children, and women to Casterly Rock, seeing as it is impenetrable to any tricks the Greyjoys may employ.

Fortifications are getting rebuilt, ships recalled back, and sentries established along the Western Shore. Scouts from the Banefort report worrying gathering of Greyjoy ships across the coast in the island of Pyke, confirming their worries.

And so, while the Northern army camps across the gates of the Golden Tooth, the westernmost Lords muster their men for battle, for their worries are not over.

The Reach

With Prince Renly off to the Stormlands with 60 000 out of the possible 100 000 army of the Reach, the remaining is left scattered across different castles, with some 5 000 sent to the Dornish Marches in case House Martell tries anything.

With his twin sons held hostage in Kingslanding, Lord Paxter Redwyne and his fleet are still left in the Arbor, neither declaring for Renly, Stannis, or Joffrey.

With the Roseroad closed off by order from Mace Tyrell (Olenna Tyrell), no food comes to the Crownlands from the Reach, causing famine.

Nothing else of note happens in the Reach.


While it is commonly thought that House Martell will declare for Renly, Dorne remain neutral in the coming conflict, so nothing of note happens.

The Stormlands

After visiting castles in the Reach and Stormlands in order to charm his way into having the largest army in Westeros, Renly plans to make his way into Kingslanding, waiting for the Lannisters and the Starks to wear each other down.

However, his plans go awry when encamped at Bitterbridge, as Stannis Baratheon besieges Storm's End with 5 000 men, forcing him to act. Renly splits his forces and rides with 20 000 cavalry to break the siege, no demands of parley come forth, but letters demanding the other party's surrender are sent by each brother.

It is expected that a battle is to be waged next dawn.

The Crownlands

With the houses of the Narrow Sea all sworn to Stannis, and him taking away all but some 50 ships, Kingslanding found itself forced to depend on roads to get their food. And with the Roseroad embargo, the city has found itself with a severe food shortage.

The mainland however supports Joffrey, who is backed by the Lannisters. Ser Jacelyn Bywater augments the 2 000 available gold cloaks to 6 000, with food supplies from Stokeworth and Rosby helping to prevent the city from starving.

There is no current military threat, yet the mainland's granaries aren't bottomless, and anti-Lannister sentiment born from their sack some 20 years ago exasperated the smallfolk's resentment.

That is the scene Tyrion Lannister finds himself in as he arrives to the city.

The Riverlands

The Riverlands is where the action was, Brynden Tully marched out with 1 500 riders out of Riverrun before Robb Stark and his 6 000 reached the Westerlands, liberating villages, towns, and castles like Acorn Hall, Stone Hedge, Raventree Hall, and finally Darry in the northern Riverlands, which brought much jubilation to the people and their own lords.

In return, Tywin Lannister reinforces the Mountain's outriders with a further 500 men, making his total to be close to a 1 000, and orders him to head west, and continue his streak of rampaging while he was still encamped in Harrenhall.

It doesn't go as planned, as Lords of the western Riverlands were ordered or willingly housed what smallfolk they could in their own castles that were well guarrisoned and defended, while the majority were to head to the other side of the Red Fork, in order to reinforce the 4 part army that is set to defend it in case Tywin's army decides to cross.

The Mountain's situation gets worse, as after having little to none success with his new orders, Lord Brynden keeps at his tail, as he moved from Darry to Stone Henge and finally Pinkmaiden, where the Blackfish awaits his movements and is planning to retaliate.

Meanwhile, the Riverland and Northern army chose to base themselves in 4 places, with the reserves still encamped in Riverrun.

23 000 infantry separated in four, Tytos Blackwood leads 6 000 men, Roose Bolton 7 000, Jonos Bracken with 5 000, and Lord Clement Piper leads the last 5 000, in which his son Ser Marq Piper is the true commander.

Roose Bolton chooses to encamp on a hill by the Red Fork close to the River Road, building pikes and fortifications while calmly drilling his men.

Lord Tytos chooses a spot between Riverrun and Roose's spot, a part where the river is particularly thin and shallow, thinking it to be a perfect spot to cross.

Lord Bracken however chooses Wendish town next to Mummer's crossing, a place ravaged previously by the Mountain as it is the point by which he himself entered the Riverlands, it was deemed as an important part to defend due to the Lannister's familiarity with the region.

Finally, the Pipers are the only ones who choose to cross as they encamp in Pinkmaiden, their own castle, thinking that the protection of the river pales in front of the advantage brought by familiar terrain. They meet up with Brynden Tully who tells them of Gregor's presence around Acorn Hall, citing the Mountain's desire to get a victory by finding the brotherhood without banners thought to be in the area.

The war enters a lull, that is until news reach the lord Tywin Lannister of Stannis' plan to besiege Storm's End. Expecting the Baratheon brothers to be stuck in a stalemate for months, the Old Lion finally decides to move west, his goal to reach the Westerlands before the family fighting ends and to trap Robb Stark in his own kingdom.

And so, the battle of the Crossing is set to begin.

The Iron Islands

Lord Reaper of Pyke, Lord Balon Greyjoy sends ravens and messengers to all his reavers and raiders in the Sunset Sea, and orders them to gather back in the Iron Islands, as he is set to take advantage of the current wars in the Greenlands.

All answer the call, and Westeros temporarily breathes a sigh of relief as the raiding Ironborn are nowhere to be seen.

At the same time, a ship sent from Seagard to Pyke arrives, bringing with them a young man in armor tainted by rusted blood and arrow holes.