
ASOIAF/GOT: Minecraft in Essos.

Azrael, a language teacher in his old life, transported to the world of ice and fire for no apparent reason, left in a desert near the Dothraki sea, without knowing how he got there and his purpose, must go through tribulations and trials in order to survive in a world full of betrayal, death, hunger, wars and supernatural beings, being his only weapon the little knowledge about the world and a creative Minecraft menu at his disposal. ---------------- --------- For readers who dive into my story, the protagonist will not be op, since I don't have the idea of the protagonist as such in that way, but he will have tools and methods that will make his life easier, which will be largely based on Minecraft's creative menu and his general knowledge of the world. Now, if you decide to read it, I could use your reviews, so this book can reach more people and at the same time motivate me to keep writing. Patreon if you want to help me and read ahead. patreon.com/Dreamer392 Discord: https://discord.gg/2zSPT88TdV

Marcia_05 · TV
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95 Chs

Chapter fifty-one: Half-truths.

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Well, the country I am in is celebrating Mother's Day, so happy day to all those mothers of my readers, last time the issue of additional chapters was a success. So, if you want additional chapters, for every ten reviews a new chapter will be published until tomorrow.

~~~Third Person, Tenth Moon, 276 AC~~~

~~~Amanda's Academy, Xandar~~~

The dances and celebrations went on for another ten minutes. During that time, many felt infected by the joyful and danceable rhythm of the song sung by the Xandarian musicians and dancers descended from the Summer Isles. 

The cheerful rhythms and the pleasant atmosphere transmitted by the dancers and singers produced that the guests, who were not very familiar with the dance rhythms of the Summer Isles, rhythms very different from those of Essos or Westeros, were interested in the lyrics, and at the same time, they took the opportunity to show their daughters to Azrael, since he was happy to dance with the ladies. 

"Oh, mobali en nga oyo nakolanga ye na Yanegada." 

"Oh mobali en nga wana nakolanga ye na Lotoras eh"

"Nakolanga ye na Bamekela, Conakri na Ouagadougou." 

With the last choruses, the singers lowered the tones of their voices, as the song they were singing before was coming to an end. 

In a unison act, the guests applauded, delighted by the performance. 

Before long, Bao Li Jie perked up a bit, and rising from his seat, he straightened up and addressed everyone, "My dear friends!" He began, catching everyone's attention, "Your Majesty!" Bao Li Jie turned to Azrael, who nodded back at him. "So far, this meeting has been the most harmonious I've ever been to! So since we are gathered, let me introduce you to this group of high-society women from Asabhad, who will be happy to show you their gifts of singing and playing instruments native to my beautiful city." 

Accompanied by a small round of applause from those gathered, a group of eight women, dressed in luxurious kimonos and box-shaped bows, with white make-up and red or pink shadows on their cheekbones, eyes, and lips, very much like the Geisha of yesteryear. 

The beautiful woman, walking with a bearing worthy of nobility, went to the podium where the previous group had appeared, where male assistants had already left some instruments. 

Immediately, they toasted the audience and Azrael's group with soft melodies and beautiful songs. If the singing of the previous group motivated you to dance and have fun, this one, on the other hand, calmed you down, gave you peace and calm, and is unique in its purpose. 

As for Azrael, although it was not noticeable, he was attentive to all those gathered, having long ago noticed Isabella and, more importantly, the woman accompanying her, the high priestess of the Red Temple in Volantis: Kinvara. 

He was a bit surprised to see her in Xandar, especially since, as far as he knew, Xandar did not have a good track record with Volantis, much less with The Red Temple, so to see here, in the heart of Xandar, a red priestess, let alone a high priestess, piqued Azrael's interest. 

So without being able to control his interest and curiosity, he had Qrano approach her and tell her to come to him. 

The atmosphere became a little tense when the guests saw one of Azrael's famous Blood Riders move away from him and approach the place where the prince of Asabhad Bao Li Jie was standing, he straightened up and swallowed saliva when he saw one of Azrael's Blood Riders approaching. 

"Hello, esteemed Ser" Bao Li Jie greeted him, to which Qrano only gave him half a glance, his countenance serious and expressionless. "I am not a Ser; I am a Blood Rider," Qrano told him, then looked at Kinvara for two seconds, then gave him a small nod, "High Priestess Kinvara, His Majesty has requested you." 

Bao Li Jie clenched his fists under the table, hurt by the insult Qrano had given him, as he looked with a small frown at Kinvara and Isabella, who were sitting next to her mother. 

"Of course," Kinvara agreed, rising gracefully and giving a cryptic look to Isabella next to her, who was closely watching the whole event. 

Taking the initiative, Qrano returned to where Azrael was, followed closely by Kinvara, who earned the stares of several important people. So far, though Azrael presented himself as amiable and charismatic, he had given no room for anyone to approach, not the princes of Pentos and Asabhad, nor the leaders of Asshai, and least of all the Sea Lord of Braavos. 

"Your Majesty Azrael" Kinvara, in a silky, sultry tone of voice, spoke to Azrael, who was not far behind his four witches on guard. "I did not know my name was so well known that the King of Xandar himself knew it." 

Azrael did not speak, devoting himself only to watching Kinvara in silence, and though his face betrayed no hint of thought, his inner self was not, passing many thoughts about Kinvara, her relationship with the prince of Asabhad, and the young woman who had been with Kinvara from the beginning. 

"You are in Xandar, lady Kinvara; nothing escapes me in my city," Azrael suddenly said, breaking the silence and pointing to a chair they had brought. 

"Would you like something to drink—tea, wine, pumpkin juice, apple?" he asked, as he watched Kinvara take a seat. "Recently, the agrarian sector managed to harvest some seeds brought from the Summer Isles. I call it coffee; it's very good." 

"I'm afraid the name is unknown to me, but yes, I would like to try it, Your Majesty." Nodding, Azrael ordered a waitress to bring him the drink: "Monica, maghagon īlva coffee se sugar, kostilus." 

Kinvara stood silently, watching Azrael's exchange of languages, which made him look natural. 

"Your Majesty, know I am a curious woman in my own right, and I fear it gnaws at me as to why you desire my presence." 

"Well, it is something we agreed on together," Azrael said, picking up cheese and guava puffs with a toothpick and popping them into his mouth. "Know that my curiosity also motivated me to meet you, partly because a Red Priestess had entered my realm, and as I recall, Xandar has no relation to the Red Temple." 

Kinvara smiled, at which point Monica, one of Azrael's cupbearers, returned with a silver tray, bringing with her a pot of coffee, along with pots filled with white sugar. 

"Kirimvose Monica" Azrael thanked her, switching between High Valyrian and common tongue, "we can speak in High Valyrian if your Majesty prefers; I know the language very well." 

Azrael looked at Kinvara, thinking that it didn't matter; the two languages of Xandar were High Valyrian and Dothraki, and while the common tongue was English, or so Azrael perceived, speaking in the common tongue was no problem. 

"It's no problem for me; I'm well-versed in both, so it makes no difference." 

"Then that's fine; as far as answering your question, it's no. I am not here representing the Red Temple; I am accompanying my daughter." 

Immediately, Azrael raised his eyes and looked scrutinizingly at Kinvara, who didn't look nervous about it. "Daughter?" 

Kinvara, with a calm face, nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty, my daughter; her name is Isabella; if you like, I can call her." 

Azrael saw no problem with that, so without wasting time, he called Isabella, not noticing how the witches narrowed their eyes. 

Isabella, who had been talking to Bao Li Jie, since he had become more interested in her after seeing how Azrael called Kinvara, who was her mother, decided to find out about her from her daughter, only to have his efforts stopped the moment Qrano, again, ignored him and took Isabella with him. 

Azrael was becoming more and more ecstatic, before huge changes were presented, because, as far as he knew, Kinvara had no children, and while it was shown in the series that for Melisandre to succeed in summoning the shadow, her womb was needed. In this case, that was not the case, or was it? 

Isabella soon reached where Azrael and his group were; she gave a fleeting glance to her mother, who gave her a reassuring smile. She then looked at Azrael and bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty. Xandar is as beautiful as the stories say, as are you." 

Azrael stuck his back against the back of his chair, gaining distance from Isabella and analyzing her. For her part, Kinvara strained her neck, and at the same time, Isabella didn't know what to do, since Azrael hadn't spoken since her greeting. 

However, Azrael was not silent for long, and changing his serious face and showing a smile that did not reach his eyes, he nodded. "Would you like to sit down". He said that, permitting Isabella to sit down. 

Isabella sat uncomfortably, not knowing how to proceed and feeling out of place. "So, Princess Isabella, excuse me if you feel the question makes you uncomfortable, but, princess of what?" 

Isabella gritted her teeth, feeling frustrated with Azrael, partly because he was only three years older than her and, yet, he treated her like a child. 

"I am the princess of Carcosa, daughter of the sixtieth-century yellow emperor Menrico Farwan, the next yellow empress and candidate for the golden throne of Yi Ti." Isabella, in a slightly high-pitched tone, replied to Azrael, receiving a nod from Kinvara. At the same time, Azrael's Blood Riders gave her stern looks. 

Azrael, on the other hand, smiled after hearing that, apparently liking Isabella's character. "Very good," he commented, nodding and smiling at what Isabella said. "You're strong; that's much needed, considering your kingdom is at war."

Isabella nodded stiffly. "It is necessary; the lands east of the Bone Mountains are difficult." 

"I understand that..." Azrael started to say, only to be interrupted when Gallio arrived and said something in his ear in a low tone. 

Isabella and Kinvara managed to see Azrael's previous serene and amiable demeanor fade away, replaced by a cold, even ruthless countenance. 

The conversation between Azrael and Gallio lasted a few seconds until the latter bowed and left. At the same time, Azrael apologized to the two ladies and stood up. 

"My honored guests!" Azrael spoke, gaining everyone's attention, saying, "This evening has been enjoyable and warm. However, the duties I maintain with my people are several, and unfortunately, my duties have called me; nevertheless, you are welcome to enjoy what remains of the evening. Know that I leave people in charge to show your places of residence; at the same time, my invitation for more private meetings in Ischyrós will reach you." 

After that, Azrael wiped his fake smile from his face, and then said goodbye to Kinvara and Isabella, making it clear that there would be more time to talk in the future. He then left the great garden and began to give orders left and right to each of his Riders, leaving behind Kinvara and Isabella confused, only hearing words like assassin, infiltrator, and fight.

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