
Pokemon emergency

January 1, 1997, 19:00 pm

"Hey, both of you stop there right now. Before making way into the city could you both show me your Id proof" requested the officer.

"sure," both Ash and Misty said in unison as ash showed her his pokedex and misty shows her cascade badge.

After confirmation she let both of them pass through.

At Pokémon center.

"Hey nurse joy please heal my Pokémon," said ash

"Yeah sure just wait," said nurse joy

After giving Pokémon Ash asked nurse joy for a room also he warned nurse joy about fearow.

Misty too asked for the room for rent for the night.

Meanwhile, a Meowth shaped balloon was floating in the airspace of Veridian city in which there were a blue-haired boy and a red-haired girl along with a cat like a Pokemon with the golden charm on its forehead talking like a human.

"What they have our posters all over the streets of the city" complained a girl.

"But they sure don't know how to take a good click." Replied a boy

"Don't worry there will be more occasions when we will have time to shine," said a cat.

"Yeah let's show them what team rocket could do," said the girl.

"Let's head towards Pokémon center where we could get good Pokémon, " said the boy.

Meanwhile back at Pokémon center

"So misty could you wait up so I could talk to my Mom and professor". Asked ash

"OK ". I also want to talk to my family back at home.

With that ash moved to the video phone where he called the professor and his mom after which he heads back to receive his Pokemon.

He asked nurse joy whether fearow was a pain or not?

Nurse joy then told ash that she gave him sleeping medicine as soon as he emerged from Pokeball.

"Well that's a relief" replied Ash.

He then got his Pokémon back and head back to lobby where misty was also sitting there waiting for her Pokémon.

But all of sudden a ball landed in the lobby from glass dome of the Pokemon center which then starts emitting smoke.

"What the hell going on, " asked Ash.

"Pika pi pika," said Pikachu.

"Yeah who is creating trouble". Said Misty

"Trouble did you just say, " said a voice.

"Who are you," asked Ash.

"Prepare for trouble and count it double," said Jessie

"Our nature is fierce which made everyone tears," said James

"Let the judgment fall upon you," said Jessie

"Because our intentions are new," said James

"We work night and day in the name of evil and truth" Jessie

"To rule this world is our oath" James

"To make this world better is our pledge" Jessie

"To reach to galaxies far and wide to spread evil at every edge," said James

"Jessie and James, "said Jessie and James

"Team Rocket will hunt you down at every point of life, " said Meowth

Jessie thrashes Meowth.(hey that's our line)

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" said Jessie

"Surrender now or prepare to fight, "said James

"Meowth that's right," said Meowth.

"What a group of dumbs" responded ash with the bored look on his face.

"What, you called us dumb" yelled Jessie.

"Yeah …you are more pathetic than those two idiots I fought today," said ash

Pikachu and misty start laughing at Ash's comments.

"You will regret this," said James.

"What's your motive here in Pokémon center, " asked Ash.

"Obviously we are here to steal your and center's Pokémon.' said Jessie

"Now hand over them like a good boy," said James

" Ok…first of all defeat me." said ash

After a minute of silence…the trio laughed wickedly

"leave off twerp you are no match for us, " said James.

"Koffing,ekans go," said Jessie and James as they released their Pokémon.

"Ok as you wish," said ash

"Misty …Help nurse Joy to transfer Pokemon to pewter city…ok"

"Now where were we," said Ash.

"Oh yeah. Pikachu are you ready." ash asked his friend.

"Ready ash" Pikachu replied.

"What do you think you could stop us with that little mouse of yours". Said James that made Pikachu pissed off

"Koffing use sludge bomb on Pikachu" James ordered.

"Ekans use poison sting on Pikachu" Jessie ordered

With that both Pokémon launched their attack

"OK Pikachu, use flash followed by the double team then hit koffing with irontail and ekans with quick attack and finish it with full power thunderbolt." ash ordered.

Pikachu then illuminated the room when he makes multiple copies of itself which confused the trio.

Pikachu then hit the koffing with a full power irontail which threw him at ekans. Pikachu then hit ekans with quick attack after which Pikachu use full power thunderbolt on them.

After which team rocket can be seen flying through the air.

Officer Jenny heard the explosion and rushed to center.

"Is everyone okay?" she asked to nurse joy

"Yeah thanks to these two kids here," she pointed to ash and misty.

Would you mind telling me what happened?

Ash and misty explained about their encounter with team rocket and officer jenny left.

-January 2, 1997, 17:00 P.M -

After spending a full day in Veridian city Ash and Misty decided to leave for the pewter city for which they have to pass through Veridian forest but misty has other plans.

"Ash do we really have to pass through that creepy forest full of ugly smugly pathetic bugs,"Misty complained.

"Ash why don't we just told her that this is the only way to go pewter city," Pikachu asked ash.

"Misty this is the only path through which we could reach pewter," ash told misty.

"Hey why can't we ride on salamance to pewter city," asked Misty

"Well I prefer walking than riding because I don't want to miss the chance to capture the Pokemon found here," said Ash

"Fine..but just the keep bugs out of my reach," Misty said.

"OK, fine" ash said shrugging

As Ash and misty about to move forward then suddenly a caterpillar-like Pokemon appeared. Ash then used Pokedex to check

#pokedex activated#

Caterpie the 'Worm Pokémon'.

Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls.

This caterpie is at Level 5

Height 1′0″ (0.30m)

Weight 6.4 lbs (2.9 kg)

Abilities Shield Dust

Run Away (hidden ability)

It evolves to metapod at level 7 and further evolves to butterfree at level 10.

Moves knew: tackle, string shot, bug bite

#pokedex deactivated#

"Wow, caterpie you sure a great Pokémon". Ash petted the head of little Pokémon.

"Umm, Ash are you going to catch that creepy bug,"Misty asked ash.

"Yeah, why not. After all, he would be the great addition to the team"ash replied as caterpie is rubbing his head against Ash's leg.

Ash then asked caterpie if he would like to join him on his journey, Caterpie then nodded happily and Ash caught him. After which ash released his all Pokemon and introduce him to his other Pokemon except all welcomed little Pokémon into the team.

Ash then recalled his Pokémon except then noticed Misty as he immediately runs over to her showering her leg with affection.

"Wow Misty, caterpie already started to like you," said ash

"You creepy bug, get away," said Misty as she swings her leg so hard sending caterpie five meters away. Caterpie then went to the log of wood and sat there with the sad expression on his then went near caterpie and started telling him that Misty has the phobia of bugs.

"Misty..! why you do this to him ? " said ash with little bit anger

"Pika pika" Pikachu also protests

"Sorry, I don't want to hurt his feeling but I am afraid of bug type," said Misty "well, I was once attacked by the swarm of beedrill. From then onwards I have a phobia of bugs" said misty

"Misty everyone fear of something at some point in life but we need to overcome it." said ash

Misty then said ash that she would try to overcome it. Ash was happy that she decided to overcome the fear of bugs.

-Same night in Veridian forest 21:00 P.M -

"Hey misty I think we should spend the night here," said ash

"OK, " said Misty

"Hey caterpie I want you to meet some of my best friends. You have already met Pikachu , now let you introduce to other Pokémon" said ash as he send out six Pokémon

"Hey guys we are in Veridian forest," said ash

"Now I want you to meet caterpie our new friend, " said ash as all Pokemon went to caterpie.

After meeting the new member ash and his friends finished the meal and went to sleep

The same night Pikachu and others talked caterpie where he reveals his dream of becoming a butterfree one day and starting his own family

-Next day-

-January 3, 1997, 7:00 A.M -

Ash Misty and their Pokémon having breakfast while Pikachu said ash that caterpie is having a dream of becoming a butterfree one day

" hey caterpie is it true" ash asked to which he nodded

"Don't worry with the help of our friends I am sure you will be butterfree one day" said ash at which he nuzzles ash

Meanwhile, pidgeotto was flying above the area until he spotted food on the ground near misty.

Pidgeoto dived for food but Lucario stopped it.

(" hey let me take that piece of mouth-watering food") said pidgeotto

("What about we have a battle. If I won you will become one of our team mate and you don't have to worry about food anymore. Plus you could become a pidgeot in no time " ) said Lucario

(" I accept it") said pidgeotto after thinking a lot

("Hey ash I will battle this pidgeotto without any commands and he agreed to come with us if I won") said Lucario

" OK if you want to battle on your own, " said ash

"Ash is it safe for Lucario to battle on his own " asked misty

"Yes Misty, now let's start pickup our belongings," said ash

By the time ash done packed up, battle was over with fainted pidgeotto and slightly panting Lucario.

(" well that's was a good battle but not that level to pump up the blood ") said Lucario

(" hey ash let's catch him ") said Lucario as ash threw separate Pokeball at pidgeotto.

Pokeball hit pidgeotto sucking him inside as energy and wobbled three-time signaling successful capture of pidgeotto

"I caught a pidgeotto, I mean Lucario caught a pidgeotto, " said ash correcting himself

"Pidgeotto come out, "said Ash as he sends out pidgeotto

"Hey pidgeotto my name is Ash Ketchum, and here are my friends Misty, Pikachu, one you battle is Lucario ,another is caterpie, a greninja,metagross,shellgon, there are gardevoir and hydra a gyrados. Plus I have a fearow buy he is little bit grumpy" said ash

" and I give you a warm welcome in our ever growing family, " said ash at which he chirp in happiness.

"Now I will scan you for data so stay still," said ash as he pointed pokedex at him which shows up the details

#pokedex activated #

Pidgeotto the 'bird Pokémon'.

Height 3′7″ (1.09m)

Weight 66.1 lbs (30.0 kg)


Keen Eye

Tangled Feet

Big Pecks (hidden ability)

Current level:17

Moves known:

Gust, sand attack, tackle, quick attack, whirlwind, twister

Eggmoves locked: air cutter, brave bird, air slash,feint attack,twister

#pokedex deactivated #

Ash was about to recall everyone then all of the sudden team rocket shows up dropping the bomb over ash and misty.

"Who are you, and why are you creating trouble, " asked ash

"Trouble you say," said the voice

"Prepare for trouble and count it double," said Jessie

"Our nature is fierce which made everyone tears," said James

"Let the judgment fall upon you," said Jessie

"Because our intentions are new," said James

"We work night and day in the name of evil and truth" Jessie

"To rule this world is our oath" James

"To make this world better is our pledge" Jessie

"To reach to galaxies far and wide to spread evil at every edge," said James

"Jessie and James, "said, Jessie and James

"Team Rocket will hunt you down at every point of life, " said Meowth

James thrashes Meowth.(hey that's our line)

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!" said Jessie

"Surrender now or prepare to fight, "said James

"Meowth that's right," said Meowth.

"Not again you three, now what you want " asked ash

"Your Pokémon twerp," said Meowth

"Forget it , you will not get them at any cost," said ash

"We will take them by hook or crook"said James

"Go koffing,ekans," said Jessie and James as they send out their Pokémon

(" I will fight them") said caterpie as he steps forward

"You want to fight them caterpie," asked ash to which he nodded.

"Guys I don't want to hurt his feeling so you have to standby," said ash to which all of his Pokémon nodded

"Go caterpie," said ash

"Ash is it okay to let caterpie battle alone," asked Misty

"Yup and I believe in him," said ash

"Ekans and koffing go and send him away with tackle," said Jessie and James

" Caterpie use string shot to bind them," said ash

As ekans and koffing came near caterpie he releases sticky string in white color that covered the mouth of ekans and koffing.

"Now one more time launch string shot," said ash as caterpie once again launch the string shot covering the ekans and koffing completely

"Now use tackle" said ash as caterpie used tackle on them

"What you beaten by hand of a bug" screamed Jessie

"Meowth you go now" said Jessie as she throw meowth

After two minute meowth was covered in white sticky substance

"Now pikachu use electroball,gardevoir use Shadow ball, Lucario use aura sphere, metagross use hyper beam on the team rocket to send them away" said ash as the pokemon used their respective attack.

"Jessie I think its our end," said James as he along with meowth and their Pokémon blast of in the sky

"TEAM ROCKET IS BLASTING OFF AGAIN " said team rocket as they disappeared in horizon

"Hey caterpie you have done great job," said ash at which caterpie was happy

All of Ash's Pokémon praise him after which caterpie start emitting a sticky substance on himself

"What's happening," Misty asked after which caterpie covered in the cocoon and start glowing. Once glowing died there was a coccon like Pokémon

"Caterpie evolved to metapod, Misty" Ash said

"Caterpie evolved to metapod," said the Ash's pokedex

"Wow caterpie you evolved, that's great," said ash as he recalled all of his Pokémon.

"Congratulations caterpie," said Misty after which Ash recalled him back.

"Come on pikachu let's head to pewter city," said ash as pikachu jumped on his shoulder

"Misty let's go " said ash as she nodded.

List of Ash's Pokemon:

1. Lucario (Level 50)- Male | shiny

2. Gardevoir (Level 50 )- Female| shiny

3. Metang (Level 50)-male

4. Shellgon (level 45) -Male

5. greninja (Level 50)- male| shiny

6. Pikachu (Level 50)- Male| shiny

7. Fearow (Level 45)- Male

8. Gyrados(Hydra)(Level 50) - Female| shiny

9. Pidgeoto (Level 17)- Male

10. Metapod (Level 7) - Male