

You seek it dont you ?.............like a moth to a flame and it will surely burn you like others before . You came from nothing and will return to nothingness, after all............ "Ash seeketh embers"

Chris_Wambui · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


A full black long carriage with four ominous black horses at the helm could be seen moving through wet marshland and dangerous lands for an unknown destination . It was moving at a fast pace and never stopped throughout its journey . The horses never got tired nor did anyone or anything come out from the carriage's door's.Strangly strangely no one could be seen handling the four horses as if it were moving itself . There was also black smoke coming of the carriage as it darted through Ireian continent for its destination . After moving for day's through many different scenery the carriage stopped at a massive mountain with a narrow path way between it . After a while the carriage started moving through the narrow path and it was as if it passed through an invisible barrier when entering the path.

It stopped completely once it reached a massive dark valley after the mountain . The valley had a large number of massive structures in it but they were all old,dilapidated and dirty. They were also a large number of holes in the valley where people holding buckets and pick axe's came in and went out while clink!clink!clink! Could be heard from inside the holes . The people wore resigned, hopeless expressions on their faces and moved around in fear . There were also a few number of people who wore full body red attire and had various weapons in their arms who barked orders at the others , they were called the 'red guards '.

This was a scene of slavery in it's full glory . While it was outlawed by His majesty emperor Philip the third , nobles ,merchants and a few organizations practised it in secret .Most noble houses in the roseburg empire practised it but always behind closed door's .The secret wasn't really a secret since everyone knew the nobles practised slavery but the emperor turned a blind eye to it , but if you were bold or foolish enough to do it in the open , his executioners would cut you down in a heartbeat.This was one of the few organizations who were bold enough to do it and it looked like it was flourishing.

A black attired man who was one of the people close to the top in this slave camp walked to the carriage with three red attired men in large strides. He stood to the side of the carriage and said in a cold voice

"open "

The carriage doors opened and in you could see 14 people with tattered rags on themselves . 11 of them were human while the other 3 one of them was a rhel'ite while the other 2 were sprites . None of them tried shouting or talking as they found out they couldn't in the carriage way before . They all had various looks , some were dispirited some enraged and some emotionless.

" Holy shit , they didn't tell us we caught a rhel'ite this is a massive catch." said one of the red attired men before he quickly covered his mouth and glanced to the white attired man .

This particular white attired man who was bald and had blue eyes was known as Uvo . He was a quiet cold and calculating man who was once a slave himself but escaped and quickly built a name for himself before he joined thir organization . He hated people who were out of order or who dont follow the rules and he made sure to give them long painful deaths .There had been cases of him killing multiple red guards for interrupting him .

Uvo glanced at the man who spoke before he turned to look at the carriage .

" Indeed this is a fine catch but not a cause for celebration .We lost over 56 men getting her here , even more if you count the other slaves. " Uvo said as he again looked at the red guard who spoke before in a cold , condescending gaze .

The other red guards gave him jeering gazes to pile on to that. He was embarassing and ashamed as he lowered his head and stared on to the ground . Uvo lost interest in him as he turned to the other two and said

" Take the humans to the mines . The sprites to one of the carriage's heading to the auctions and the rhel'ite take her to Lorian "

"yes sir "one of them said . Uvo nodded then walked to one of the few large well maintained buildings In the valley.

"Get off the carriage and start moving you vermin " said the red guard who had been humiliated before and wanted to take out his anger in the slaves .The other two red guard looked at him in mocking eye's before they also started moving .


Archeon hated this place, old dark ugly dilapidated buildings, large mine holes , depressed hopeless people who had given up and accepted their cursed lives, people who abused their power to do amoral things . Everything he hated was in this place . He swore he would get out of this place and get revenge on them .Though right now he had nothing nor no one to rely on.

Funny since just a few days ago he was at the top of the world . He was a new knight who was about to be married into a noble family .Could you imagine that , an orphan who had come from a small town in the middle of nowhere was going to be married into a noble family to a beautiful gentle woman . Well it was unimaginable since the day before the wedding ceremony he found himself drugged and his soon to be wife and her father discussing what to do with him . It turned out they were using him as bait to lure in assassins who had been sent from a rival noble house and had been hiding inside their walls for years . After they had gotten rid of the assassins they had no need for him anymore and they drugged him and decided for him to be sent to a slave organization in the far north where he found himself now .

Now he had nothing , no one and was nothing just a lowly slave .....for now .His thoughts were interrupted as he almost bumped into the slave before him when they suddenly stopped . They were infront of a massive old building which had its structure going inside the valley for a larger space . There were red guards all over the place and it looked impossible to escape.

A white attired man with black hair and brown eyes walked infront of them and started in a deep composed voice

" I hope everyone of you knows your situation , you are all slaves now, you belong to us, the only thing you will do from now is mine ores , if you do everything that is required of you we will have no problems . If you try to escape or neglect your duties we will set an example of you " he said as he paused and looked at each one of us with deep deliberate eyes before he continued .

" You are all required to mine for ore's for 10 hours a day every single day and you will have 2 meals each day. Since this is your first day you will do no mining and you'd do well to enjoy the day as much as you can..... You will learn more about your situation the more you are here since I haven't the time to tell you everything . " After that he turned to a red guard near him " take them ",before he walked to a large ruin in the distance.

"You heard the man, start moving you runts ."

Two large double door's creaked open as we slowly walked into a large but dirty hallway with multiple door's and massive statues on pedestals on it sides . We were led to a rusty and old looking large frame with no door at the end of the left side of the hallway . "This where you'll be sleeping. Remembed dont try any stupid shit , stay in line and well get along fine, try anything and you won't like it . "A red guard said as they pushed the doors open and we walked in , it was also a large hallway but with numerous rooms on each side.There were open door ways and 2 bunk beds in each room .

"If you cant find a bed as you see you'll be sleeping on the floor " A red guard said as he pointed to tattered blankets and sheets on the floor in some rooms ."Ask your brother's and sister's for more information on where to get your food. " The red guards howled with laughter as a red guard mocked them before going back to their stations. After looking around for a few seconds Archeon decided to go at the end of the hall to look for beds and sure enough he found a room with a bed empty while the other two had Mark's so he assumed them to be occupied. Theres was also a chair at the end of the room and a large wooden frame with no glass with a view of the sun and most of the valley .There was nobody else other than the new slaves because the older ones were mining and would come to the dorms much later .

He decided to use this free day to look at the other rooms , openings the other slaves and anything that could be used for fighting or escaping. Archeon was already sleeping by the time the older slaves came in . He could hear a slow voice speaking to someone in the back of his mind .

"It seems we have a newcomer with us , let's hope he doesn't try anything and get us in trouble like the last one ."The voice paused before it started again."Well I'm going to sleep I'm tired ,wake me up when it's time for the gambling. "

His mind drifted off again when it was quiet again .

He woke up hours later when at midnight ,he thought everyone would be asleep he now but there was someone else on the chair he had seen earlier looking at something . He tried not to alert the man and pretended to be asleep .

" I like to look at the moon from here , it's truly one of the most beautiful scenes for people like us wouldn't you agree ?"

The man turned around and he saw the same see the same dull , resigned , hopeless eyes that he absolutely loathed. He stopped pretending to sleep and looked at him , A person who had given up fighting for his freedom for his dignity ,that was unacceptable , If they wouldn't fight he would do it for them . The man stopped looking at him and went back to gazing at the moon .

"What's your name ?" he asked me in a soft tone .

" ........Archeon.You?"
