
Asd: A Werelion's Journey To Arcane Supremacy

In a world where being a Were meant being a slave, the last Werelion Asd just gained his freedom after being a slave for all seventeen years of his life. He decides he would use his new found freedom to study and master the one thing that led to his people's defeat and downfall..... Magic. But this is easier said than done as magic is fickle and the society he lives in would not be willing to see him as anything other than a slave and animal beneath the heels of civilization. with his freedom gained all he hopes for is a chance to have a better life for himself and what's left of the Were/Beast people race, and power to be with the one he loves. But as he will soon come to find out, the universe has a grander destiny in store than the path he has chosen for himself. and it is a destiny that would set him up against kingdoms and empires, Gods and emperors, darkness and light, vampires and dragons and even hell itself until he stands at the peak of it all..... King of his own domain. Image does not belong to me. however why does belongs to me is a discord channel where we can discuss and bounce ideas about this novel, as you readers can give your input and help me to improve. https://discord.gg/tWSG5XN

Anone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
195 Chs

First Class III: Draconic Runes

An hour in and Asd had a confused look on his face, many of the runes he actually was able to recognize. It surprised him, but he vividly remember the 117 draconic runes he had come in contact with when he had his examinations. This time he could actually attribute meanings to them, and it seemed to have opened up an entirely new world to him.

The Draconic runes had at least 777 individual runes. Each rune coincided with a word, meaning, or idea. It could be abstract or extremely clear to understanding. Magic was born from a combination of those runes, and it was even a written language. However no one could speak it anymore, to use the runes for spells was to use mental energy and Mana to create the framework of the spell within your mind.

Then channeling Mana into the framework would cause the spell to manifest and be released through the Mana Interface that served as a medium. It seemed complicated at first, but it was surprisingly easy to learn. Create the spell framework or as it is called a Module in your mental space. Channel your Mana into it, and the Interface would serve as a medium to introduce it to the world.

There were the prime Runes of Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Those runes had variations like flames, heat, burn, cold, wet, wave, sand, root, wind, blow. The combinations and variations could be endless, which means there were literally an endless amount of spells out there. But making new combinations was easier said than done, as ingenuity, luck and high intelligence is required.

Asd didn't care too much about that, there were many spells already in existence. Made and created by great mages who had gone ahead to pave the way for the next generation. He could walk in their footsteps and improve on what they had given, because while many student looked forward to stronger spells he couldn't help but pay attention to what Professor Hogrin had said.

'In the hands of a master a 0 circle spell can wipe out a city.'

The book of runes wasn't a spell book, it was basically just a book on the alphabet. And much to his shock he could remember everything he had seen at a glance. It shocked him because this wasn't a skill he had ever had before in his life, but the Runes seemed willing to be stuck inside of his head. But there was a limit.

Even on a paper it was obvious the runes were things of great power. Plus the 117 he previously memorized, he could only recognize and memorize a 100 more. Bringing that number to 217. Going any further caused him a severe headache that came and went like lightning in the sky.

He envisioned he probably won't be able to learn any more until he was a bit stronger, so he turned to the spells. Like many others before him he shifted his attention to the fire spell. He had a stronger connection to the earth Element, but honestly speaking he was still young and nothing seemed more awesome than fire.

The spark spell actually only contained two runes. The fire rune variation (Ignite) and the air rune. Asd was a bit confused because he felt the concept behind both runes should make for an explosive spell, not a measly spell like spark. But just like professor Hogrin said, no spell was useless, maybe there was a secret to it.

Asd looked up at the other students, the obvious look of frustration and dejection on their face spoke volumes of the amount of success they've had. They were all now focusing on the book of runes to try and understand how to use the spell. Asd on the other hand was ready to bring the spell to life, it was then Hogrin decided to add a little tidbit to their lesson.

"To advance to 1st circle mage of any class you will need to have mastered a 1st circle spell and be able to consecutively cast it 7 times. In Magic there are 7 elements, and in each circle you can only have 7 spells. The number 7 is Special to the cosmos, and the manner of training to the next level relies greatly on your spells and the method of visualization for meditation.

I suspect none of you will be successful in casting a spell today, and it would be on account of various reasons. But let me make some things clear to you all. Seven 0 circle spells would form the 7 phase visualization that would in turn create a meditation method entirely unique to you and you alone.

The seven 0 circle spells would be the foundation of future spells, and they would form a unique meditation method that would absorb the elemental Mana in the air to strengthen your core and improve the quantity of your Mana, the strength and above all else your control. Besides constant absorbing of Elemental Mana would strengthen your affinity to it.

The moment the module for the first spell is completed it would start absorbing ambient Mana on it's own. That it would in turn refine and send to your core. It's this same Mana that you will use in activating the Module and casting spells. So every spell, especially the 0 circle. Spells you choose are important. At the moment your all round talent is weak, so a week should be enough for you to have mastered the first spell module and start refining elemental Mana. Carry on with your studies."

Asd didn't think too much about what the Professor had just said. It made sense to him and he folded it for dissemination later, but right now he needed to draw the module for the spark spell in his mind.

But that was easier said than done, after the integration with the Mana Interface Asd became aware of the energy around him, or simply put he could now feel Mana. But feeling the mana wasn't the same as controlling it. He could feel how unwieldy it was, like it was resisting his command, almost like he had no control.


Asd realized it almost immediately, while he seemed talented in other areas, as far as control went he was at the bottom of the barrel. And the only way he had been able to get into the school was because of how outstanding his other results were.

Even though there hasn't been a teacher to come tell him that, he knew he was here by virtue of tri-mutated elements and his other talents. The only thing he fell short of was his control, and that was something he wanted to work on. But seeing as his control was not enough for him to draw the entire spell module in his mind at once, then it would be better for him to do it one at a time. One stroke after the other, he might end up slower than others, but at least he'll get to his finishing line.

"Alright Students! Time seems to be up. You should all be back here same time tomorrow morning. For those of you who are interested, there's a combat class in session this afternoon. For those willing to walk the path of a battlemage. It would be no different from this as it would focus on the basics of combat, now without further ado I wish you good luck and may the seven elements guide your path.

more info dump in this chapter too. sorry about that. but this novel is a slow grind, things will pick up a little while later.

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