

Xie Zi looked at his cold body that was pierced by thousands of swords and arrows from those that he once protected and worked together with.

Currently he was in a soul state and his Innate Souls namely the Nine Demonic Crowns and the Divine Soul Eyes had completely fused with his soul allowing him an invisible but extremely solid soul.

His parents were heroes of war haled as the King and Queen of Light and Darkness because they were born with Innate Souls of the light and dark attributes.

Unfortunately they died in the siege of their enemy months after his birth and only the gentle nanny took care of him, and watched him grow up into a handsome young man.

It was at this time he found the origins of his parents and he ventured out to kill all his enemies but on the way he fought multiple people but also met many friends.

When the war that caused his parents to die was put to an end by him and his friends he planned to ascend to the Soul Deity realm only he was attacked at the most critical moment.

Although he stepped into the Soul Deity realm and killed all his soul called friends out of cold blood he still died miserably. Though for him this was not the end, since he stepped into the highest realm at the age of twenty quietly he learned all the secrets of the world.

His world is called Soul Plane, amongst ten thousand lower planes, since he reached this realm he can cross the realm and ascend to the three thousand upper planes.

The way of Ascension for his plane is rather special and requires him to disregard the body and enter into the upper plane.

Unfortunately no one who has ever reached this realm, was clear minded and dead like himself and were naturally unwilling to do so.

He is dead, but his soul and body reached that state therefore he can ascend without needing to do anything and his Innate Souls have now become innate talents when he ascends.

"Hmm, life ends and life begins let my life be filled with vitality for countless years to come", he said gently as a passage of golden energy emerged leading into the unknown upper plane.

Blessed by the soul plane his entire soul completed a sublimation reaching a whole new level of life, all his abilities were erased and replaced with Innate talents at the same time his knowledge was being grown about the new world in all aspects.

His Nine Demonic Crowns originally had nine skills each skills was a method of transforming it's nine diamond slots into weapons, after walking on the ascension ladder it changed.

The first crown, turned into a sword array containing the energy of destruction namely the Nine Sword Soul Array, basically a killing formation.

The second crown, turned into illusion array containing the energy of death namely the Nine Deaths One Life Array, a mental and killing formation.

The third crown, turned into a hiding array containing the energy of darkness namely the Nine Abyssal Dark Array, both a killing and hiding formation.

The fourth crown, turned into a undead array containing the energy of soul namely the Nine Nether Soul Array, both a killing and control formation.

The fifth crown, turned into a sealing array containing the energy of yin qi namely the Nine Demonic Seals, both a trapping and killing formation.

The sixth crown, turned into a strengthening array containing the energy of blood, soul and demonic namely the Nine Crowns Falling Array, a enhancement formation, and a killing formation.

The seventh crown, turned into a curse array containing the energy of bad luck, devouring and destiny namely the Nine Reincarnation Calamity Array, a heaven and earth formation.

The eighth crown, turned into a gathering array containing the energy of time, space, and void, namely the Nine Revolutions Time and Space Array, a chaotic formation.

The ninth crown, turned into a reincarnation array containing the energy of life, death, time, space, destruction, creation, and chaos, namely the Nine Divine Souls Condensation Array, a origin formation.

There are sixteen types of formations namely, gathering, strengthening, controlling, defense, attack, hiding, trapping, escape, weapon, killing, elemental, illusion, mental, enhance, inheritance, and specialized.

While formation masters are divided into primary, junior, senior, lower, middle, upper, advanced, lord, king, emperor, saint, and deity.

Similarly his Divine Soul Eyes has nine skills but unlike the Nine Demonic Crowns that turned into instant use talents turned into passive growth talents.

Spiritual Eyes: Has the ability to see all unreal and unique.

Spiritual Consciousness: Overtime the spiritual consciousness will grow stronger and larger.

Spiritual Divinity: The spiritual consciousness is unrestricted, and protected by Soul Plane Merit.

Spiritual Formation: The spiritual consciousness can take the form of anything and attack with it mentally affecting both the body and mind.

Spiritual Body: When the spirit takes the form of a body, it will directly bring feedback to the body.

Spiritual World: Anything from the outside can be placed inside and survive as long as there is energy.

Spiritual Healing: The spirit can heal both physical, spiritual, and mental conditions to perfection.

Spiritual Mark: Once marked the spirit can manipulate, kill, and destroy all things marked from any distance.

Spiritual Reality: The things in the spiritual consciousness will become physical and change according to will.

Professions that require spiritual consciousness are alchemist, formation master, spiritualist, diviner, and soul masters. Each profession is divided the same way as the formation master

Though naturally to achieve any of these proffession one needs a certain level of spiritual consciousness which are trash, common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary and god level.

His other Innate talents are Superior Appearance, Superior Charm, Superior Memory, Superior Understanding, Superior Spiritual Control, Superior Emotional Control, Superior Spiritual Consciousness, Superior Thinking, Superior Combat Power, Superior Fighting Style, Superior Physical Mastery, and Superior Adaptability.

Finally the end, he became illusory and disappeared.