
Ascension of the Holy Dragon Berserker Knight?

Airi was once the Queen of Dragons a Dragon of Golden Holy Light. She was sacrificed (sort of) by her best friend to usher in a new era 10,000 years ago. Using her as a Catalyst her friend now an ascended god created a system for her world. This allowed creatures, humans and demi-humans to level up and evolve. After 10,000 years of drifting consciousness she has awoken with her holy powers restrained and seemingly turned into a vampiric dragon?! Her memories were also restrained and she must level up evolve and learn the truth of what happened 10,000 years ago while regaining her powers. Just one problem. After waking up and finding her way into a town that was near place of slumber she attempted to get information from a cute girl who forced her into a blood pact?! Now if the young girl dies so will Airi! With such a hiccup she now needs to help this young human girl get stronger alongside her or she would have a major weakness.

Raithfalen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Town and Blood Pact?!

????'s PoV

"Mwahahaha! It is I, the Dark Overlord of uhm, what's the word again? Destrogen? Detruckin? Destructy?"

"You there~! Yes, you, the pretty lady. You shall be my servant, and we will conquer the Domain of Light and bring destrudickshion to this world!"

"Do you mean destruction?"

Wawawawawa! This girl dare correct me when she's my lowly servant! Well, it's fine! A good lord can forgive its vassals. I'll let her off this time.

"Fufufu~ For such insight, I shall make you my right-hand woman! NAY– My wife! Come now. We shall defeat the creatures of light and join our great god Venyrl in heaven."

Shihihihi! This beautiful girl must be in awe of my greatness. That is why she looks so dumbfounded right now. It's okay, my dear. I know it must be hard to speak in the presence of someone like me.


Is this girl serious? Also Venryl? That name feels familiar.

I wonder why.

Gah! That pain again. He must have something to do with my past. Is he the one that started this new era?

"Hey~ Supreme Dark Overlord, this missy would love to hear more about this Venryl. I suffered a head injury not too long ago and cannot remember anything."

"Oh?! You see my greatness then, good, good. My wife, you shall come with me, and I shall answer all your questions, and then you will serve me as my companion both in life and against the forces of light!"

"Of course Supreme Dark Overlord." I might as well humor her for a while. She's cute. She seems to be young. Maybe 12-14? Either uneducated or not good with the language of this land. But for a human to claim me as her wife. She's bold, but I guess no one knows me here. Even if my name has been recorded in history. They must think I've died long ago.

Her eyes are beautiful. Such bright orange eyes glistened from the light of the sun. They seem full of hope and life. It reminds me of my days as a Holy Dragon. I feel entranced by them. This girl. Does she truly intend to take me as a wife? She's so eagerly pulling me by my hand. It's quite comforting– not awkward at all. Well, it's because she's my height. If she were too tall or too short, it'd be annoying to properly hold her hand and walk beside her like this.

Her skin is quite soft and fair, but she has a bigger bosom than me which is a little disheartening, but I'm not about to be jealous of a child. Her long black hair goes halfway down her back, but currently, it's occasionally brushing against me because of the wind. She's been pulling me along for a while now.

This town is bigger than I thought. There are merchants and entertainers everywhere I turn my eyes. All types of humans and demi-humans are chatting and working together. The wide street has many branching paths and no dark alleyways. The main path leads to a plaza filled with even more people and stands with a large fountain in the middle of the plaza. The bustling and lively atmosphere showed how peaceful and well-off this town was.

She brought me to a somewhat well-kept-looking house big enough to house a couple. Does she live here with her parents? "Here we are! Come, my wife. Make yourself feel at home." She beckoned me inside pulling me along until I found myself in the main living room.

A smile crept onto my lips. This girl… You should be more careful. Don't pick up random people and call them your spouse. I mean, I won't harm her. But what if I wasn't a good person? Well, I guess she could be a bad person, but I'm confident in my abilities.

"Thanks, dear." I quickly found a seat, and just as I sat down, she took her seat on my lap

"Umu~ You make a good seat, wife! I approve." This girl… Her intentions feel entirely pure and innocent. I'm afraid someone will take advantage of her. I guess I am too. I'm just appeasing her to get information out of her. Pat pat. Her hair is soft, so rubbing it feels good too.

"Hehe~ Your rubbing feels lovely." She leaned into my hand as I continued to lightly brush her hair with my hand. She seems less like a wife and more like my daughter. I always liked children, so I don't mind her taking my lap too much.

"I'm glad you think so. Although I must say, I hope you don't bring just anyone back home and hop on their laps. There are bad people out there."

"Of course not! Something's different about you. I can feel it."

"Feel it? What do you mean?"

"I just do!" Hmm, either she doesn't want to tell me, or she doesn't know how she knows. Either way, she seems to have a unique ability, or she's just making excuses.

"My dear, can you tell me about this, Venryl?"

"Oh! Yes. As long as you help me on my journey and swear to be my wife!" Haha~ she really won't let up on this wife thing, will she? I almost feel bad since I'll be leaving after getting my information about Venryl and a few other things. "Of course~"

"Good. Now we must form the pact." She said as she bit her finger, which was now bloody, and placed it against my lips. Suddenly a mysterious voice rang in my head "[Status Update] User Airi has made [Blood Pact] with user Ailine. [Blood Pact] Binds Airi to Ailine. The lives of Ailine and Airi are now bound.

Wait… What? Bound? What does that mean? No way, no way! If she dies, I'll die? Fuck! I've underestimated the system. There was nothing like this before! I was only going along with the antics of a young, cute girl. I wasn't trying to be life bound to her. This is horrible... Hahhhhhhhhhhhh

"We're bound now! Hehe~" Hehe my fucking ass! I can't believe this. How can you form a blood pact with someone you just met?! I just got played by a girl who is akin to a newborn child compared to me. Sigh. Okay okay! Breathe. You can't harm her, she's a child, and your life is now bound to her. I'll figure that out later. I might as well get the information I'm looking for.