
Ascension of the Hegemonic Asura

"I have asked the heavens for help, but they turned their back against me. Now I choose to obtain what I want myself, the path of the devil." The world of Arcadia had always been a place where the strong with their powerful heavenly physique takes it all and the greatest of gift to the weak was surviving. Lucian was a young man of one of the three major clan who ruled the Azure Dragon province with a life goal of curing his blind little sister but his dream was immediately dashed away as the test showed him an anomaly of not even possessing the ability to use spiritual energy talkless of obtaining the clan's powerful physique. Banished from the clan and chased for his life due to the clan wanting to leave no threat behind. Lucian was forced to run to a place where none had dared to venture before and none ever came back from, but not without his only family sustaining a serious injury. Grabbing hold tightly of his sister's body which was slowly turning ice cold, he for the first time screamed out for help but there was none who could save him. The heavens weren't at his side. Drowning in anguish and pain, a chain sealing something in him was broken. A voice spoke into his heart "Wishing to do anything to save your sister, you say?" This is the story of a pure soul who made a deal with the devil within him to save his sister life. But irrespective of the will or reason, only one end remain for those who dared make a deal with the devil. Will Lucian be able to save his sister while also being able to rid himself from the corruption of the Infernal within him or will he end up losing both... Find out more in Ascension of the Hegemonic Asura. ** ** ** If you love the novel, then read this Chaos Devourer system, it's ten times better.

Desolate_Abyss · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

An Anomaly

"Emilia Everfrost"

"5th grade Ice flower martial spirit."

The voice of the first clan elder echoed throughout the training grounds as series of surprised gasps could be heard from the gathered clan members before erupting into a deafening cheer.

The entire crowd was awed as a super grade genius once again appeared in the clan. But amidst the deafening cheers, a young man of about 16 stood at the back of those who had yet to be tested for their martial spirit.

Even though thin and covered in old worn out clothing while his shoes were patched up around, his clothings were smooth and very neat.

His raven black hair spilled down his shoulders while his irises shone a beautiful beautiful blue colour like that of the sky. Standing at an height of about 1.7 metres, he radiated a majestic aura infused with a slight naiveness to it.

Lucian stared at the girl on the stage as he looked at the phantom of the giant white coloured flower behind her which oozed with coldness occasionally.

'A fifth grade martial spirit, that was a fucking fifth grade martial spirit.' Even though he was just an ordinary third grade clan member, he was aware of the implications of one having a 5th grade martial spirit.

The grade of martial spirit was from 1 to 7 with 1 as a trash martial spirit. A person with this grade of martial spirit was known as a heaven made trash.

Not only would his cultivation speed be incredibly slow, the resources received from the clan would be the lowest that could be given, that was if he even ever got one in the first place.

The grade 2 was considered fair,3 was good, 4 was very good,5 was excellent while 6 was godly. In the entire Azure Dragon province, only about 10 people possess grade 6 martial spirit. There were all called "The chosen Ones".

The 7th grade was a legend, at least he had never heard of anyone possessing such grade.

He stared at her slightly surprised and maybe even a little jealous. She just ascended from Earth to Heaven with a single step.

The cheering calm down as the Martial spirit test continued. They were all continuously tested. Only two more people were at the fifth grade Martial spirit after the girl from the almost about 200 gathered.

30 minutes later...

They were only two people who had yet to be tested. Lucian and a young man with blue hair in front of him.

The young man confidently ascended up the steps, his every movement trailed behind by the crowd. Every one stood with bathed breath as they debated on what his martial spirit could possibly be. The crowd cared because he was Zeras Burningblue. The son of the patriarch.

Placing his hands on the crystal, a blinding white light flared form the crystal while an incredible phantom image appeared behind him, making all the clan members surprised including Lucian himself.

Above the boy was a gently burning blue flame with beautiful light while also radiating an equaly destructive feeling. But that wasn't what shocked Lucian, what shocked him was the six circles around the flame depicting it to be at the sixth grade martial spirit.

That was an extremely rare 6th grade Martial spirit, but not only that, it's the clan's Martial spirit, the Burning Blue Flame. The one possessed by the patriarch himself and the clans originals.

The boy slowly turned as he stared at the crowd below him, his happy expression slowly turned into one of disdain towards the crowd. But none was displeased with his expression. He was worthy of it. Not only was he the son of the patriarch, he even had a talent that rivaled his, if not greater.

He had status and power. That was the two things required to become king in this broken world.

The crowd erupted in cheers which went on for about five minutes as the last person, Lucian, was forgotten.

The clan elder warmed up his throat, silencing the crowd.

"Come forward, young one." Lucian headed up to the stage and towards the crystal, his heart pounding in his chest due to nervousness although he revealed no emotion at all.

The entire crowd went silent as they stared at the young boy in the shabby clothing wondering if he'll be able to give them a greater shock. Even though he himself had been shocked speechless by the boy. It still wasn't enough to make him lose his confidence as he was very sure he would awaken a martial spirit of the 6th grade too or even the 7th grade.


Because he was the last person to be tested, everyone know the last person always had the last laugh. Besides since today's morning, the weather was extremely great and nice towards him. It was as if the heavens themselves were supporting him. That was a great sign enough for a wise person like him.

He couldn't help but fantasize a little about what will happen if he achieved the 6th grade martial spirit or even greater.

His third rate clan member grade will be immediately promoted to first grade as his living condition will improve from that of a despised beggar to that of an emperor. He will become the most talked about genius of the clan, his great name forever stamped in the history of the Azure Dragon province.

Most importantly, he'll be able to grow stronger quickly thereby hiring an earth grade healer to cure his sister blindness. Not only...'

"Please place your hand on the crystal."A stern voice covered in a tinge of displease echoed into his ears bringing him out of his reverie.

"Oh."Lucian closed his eyes as he slowly extended his hands forward. Every seconds felt like an hour to the crowd as the white hand eventually touched the crystal.

Lucian was expecting an earth shattering and heaven breaking cheer from the crowd but everything was dead silent. He slowly opened his eyes as he sensed the crowd looking at him in confusion. Lucian diverted his gaze to the crystal, but he was shocked speechless by what he saw in the next second.

The crystal, it shone no light at all. He removed his hands and placed it on the crystal again and again, even placing both hands on it but no matter how much he did that, there was no reaction from the crystal at all. No phantom emerged behind him as Lucian body spasmed uncontrollably as he thought of the rumour he heard once before.

It was said that even though a person with a grade 1 martial spirit was deemed trash, there was a grade even more "trasher" than that. A grade that made those with grade 1 very happy and even made them think that they were at least slightly better.

Grade 0.

An ordinary mortal with no martial spirit at all. One forever doomed to never be able to cultivate in a cultivation world.

Today, one of the three major clans rulling the Azure Dragon province gave birth to an anomaly.

A boy with no martial spirit at all.