
Sigilist Pt.I

"In five days, the clans of Morning Star City will gather at the edge of the forbidden zone in Star Fall Forest. At that time, you will participate in the quinquennial Demon Beast Hunt. Placing in the top five will qualify you to become interim Clan Leader. However, if you fail the core disciple exam of the Broken Spear Sect, the position will be relinquished."

Ziyuan sighed as he laid back on a pallet of thick and soft beast fur. His mother's words replayed in his mind over and over again. Although he planned to participate in the Demon Hunt of Morning Star City, he never planned to stand out. The clan also had no idea that the Zhao clan was watching them, which put him in a tough spot.

' This demon hunt set the precedent for the Lan Family to take over Morningstar city. Not to mention the Magistrate that acted as the eyes and ears of the Vermillion Imperial family. Specifically, that witch of the black flame' Ziyuan messaged his tempos to help straighten his thoughts and relief the pain of complications.

Still, Ziyun wished to snag two out of three of the most important things the hunt had to offer this year.

'If only I stayed during my first run at life I would have memories to aid me better. Besides the reward of the Fire Pool gifted to the winning clan for five years, there's also the Blood Fig Tree in the forbidden Zone. The Black Menma of the Lan family and the emergence of the Brahma Ruins. While the Brahma legacy will shake the continent for decades to come. The Black Menma will only be known for the first time five years from now when the Lan family manages to take over Morning Star City.'

Ziyuan's train of thought suddenly stops when he recalled the young man committing suicide while being pursued by the young master of the Lan family. So much was happening while time felt finite for Ogun Ziyuan.

'Kapur…' he recalled with a vexed expression, 'The Kapur family of Morningstar was slaughtered and Young master Lan was also dead by that time…What..'

Ziyuan shot up from his fur pallet and rushed off to see his uncle.

"Third Elder…" he spoke with a pleasant smile.

"Ziyuan…What is that you want now?" Ogun Ming asked, "Let me tell you, Ancestor Shenxiu has taken your contribution points to pay for your last request."

Ziyuan chuckled, "As he should. The medicine was rather expensive. Anyway, I came to ask you for a favor."

Ogun Ming's gaze narrowed. "What can I possibly do for you?"

"You…Are a cartographer. You take an interest in mapping the world. I want to borrow your map of the continent." said Ziyuan.

"Is that really a favor?" Ogun Ming was confused.

'What the hell is up with him lately' Ogun Ming thought.

"It definitely is a favor and a critical resource I'm in need of." Ziyuan explained, "Will you help?"


With a map in hand, Ziyuan looked over the continent and focused on the southwest region of the Vermillion Empire. There, it was a small black scar that started in Star Fall Forest and ended in the northern region of the Pill Kingdom just outside of their capital city, Heart Flame.

'Sword King Gorge. That little insect jumped into Sword King Gorge. A place thought to be haunted but worthless. It would be explored twenty-five years from now, but everyone returned with nothing.' Ziyuan recalled as he worked his hunch. 'What if the boy comes back and kills the young master Lan, takes Lady Kapur, and flees? But..If she's really that woman, then the boy could be the Toy Consort.'

Ziyuan began to smile to himself. It dawned on him that the heavens always had eyes and that it was he who was blind. With such an original event happening around him, he set off to Huyan Kingdom in the past and wasted many opportunities. Ziyuan could only shake his head at his own stupidity.

'I'll definitely be ready this time. Five days should be enough…'

Leaving the room with a diabolical smirk, Ziyuan finally began to act. Before leaving the clan he took his monthly allowance which differed from contributions point and left for Morningstar City. It was only a matter of an hour or so before Ziyuan stepped out of Star Fall Forest and traveled for another fifteen minutes and arrived at the outer village of Morningstar City.

The village, like many that surrounded cities, consisted of farmlands, tanneries, merchant caravans, and commoner housing with a few inns and low-end brothels. It was here that Ziyuan made his first stop as the first lesson of his master came to mind.

"Listen…" Ziyuan spoke to no one in particular in a low voice, "Just like I found you in this backwater continent, you can also find treasures in dung. Hahaha, let's see what these cavemen have."

Suddenly a light giggle rolled across the area as Ziyuan turned around to see a young lady in an olive green cloak, aquiver on the back of her waist, and a bow in hand. Behind her were a few men dragging a slain brimstone-tusked boar.

"What savage has such wise and ugly words?" she asked as her men passed her by.

"Eavesdrop much?" he asked.

"You spoke and I heard, unintentionally. Unfortunately, I was so amused I couldn't hold my laughter," she replied with a smirk.

"Mmm" Ziyuan didn't press the matter, "They are ugly words. My master isn't very graceful, but he is a great man with many experiences."

"He ought to be. When I was a girl, my grandfather, who built our family used to say a wise man could always pick a diamond from the dust. Let's see if this young lord is as wise as his teacher." she spoke while walking nonchalantly passed him.

She then stopped and looked over her shoulder awaiting him to catch up. Ziyuan had to admit that he was intrigued by the girl and coincidently, his master also loved the phrase a diamond in the dust when picked up a treasure as a trinket in the market.

Together, the duo walked around the outer village and conversed with many merchants in the caravan and traders lodging in the inns. Yet, nothing piqued Ziyuan's interest. However, the young lady managed to pick up a damaged hand chain bracelet from the Infernal Night Continent.

She believed it to be cute and capable of refurbishment so Ziyuan refrained from telling her its origin. To refurbish such a armament was far beyond the continent's capability so he didn't worry for her.

"Well, young lord. It's been a pleasure but it seems our luck isn't much today." she sang.

"Mm, seems so. And I also have other affairs to tend to and not much time. Perhaps we'll cross paths again." Ziyuan replied.

"Haa, why does that sound like a goodbye forever?" she asked, "Young lord you seem… interesting. If you wish to try your luck again tomorrow, show up here by the fifth hour of the dark half."

Suddenly a gold card flew out like a hidden weapon and the girl vanished as Ziyuan caught it between two fingers. If his cousins were present, they would have mocked him. Because at that moment, he swooned without a doubt.

Looking over the gold card, he realized it was for the Star Fall Auction. An auspicious auction was held before the quinquennial Demon hunt. Due to the five-year rotation, the auction was usually a profitable one as the wares were top-notch and some deeply mysterious.

Sometime later, after entering the city, Ziyuan arrived at a small shop run by the Ortogh, a faction that once rivaled the Merchan Alliance in the Vermillion Empire and overshadowed them throughout the continent. While they were still strong elsewhere, after the rise of the Kapur family, their strength diminished in the northwest region of the continent.

However, Ziyuan knew of a value that many had long forgotten. Entering the brick-laid shop, he was met with the screech of large black and gold feathered birds and the scent of the Dessert's Princess, a special flower used as incense on the Wind Serpent Continent and monopolized by the Ortogh.

Ziyuan emitted a few whistles as if calling birds. But the birds in the shop fell silent and a man walked out of the back and behind him was a young boy with a drawn boy.

"Who taught you to do that?" the man asked with a furrowed brow.

"A good friend of the Ortogh." Ziyuan replied, "I don't want any conflict just a purchase in bulk. And I understand you have a specific prohibition for this particular item."

"Dessert's Princess." the man spoke.

Ziyuan gave a firm nod.

"Mmm. At the end of the Caspian River and over the hills of Turman you will find…"

"The red god of death with sword in hand" Ziyuan spoke while looking around the shop.

"A black stud with flaming eyes as his mount"

"And the golden lord of birds at his back" Ziyuan finished.

The man chuckled and held out his hand. Ziyuan took it and the two embraced as the man looked for even the slightest mistake in Ziyuan's actions.

"It seems this little brother knows the Khan."

"The Khan is dead and his people are alive. " Ziyuan replied flawlessly and the man then nodded in approval.

"How much do you need?" the man asked.

"I need a pound of Dessert's Princess, raw. And your best Gold Eagle with a set of war talons" Ziyuan replied.

"Oh… I can do that, but it'll cost you even with your discount."

"That's why I came prepared. Let me have it."

"250 scales for the pound and 700 for the Golden Eagle and set of war talons."

"Pretty steep. What if I could offer something more valuable." Ziyuan proposed. "Three months from now in the Hills of Tul an herb will bloom. Now it isn't special to many, but it's special enough to clear the Ortogh's debt with Clauneck Bank."

The man had a brief shift in expression as he silently gestured to the boy in the room. A moment later, he took off.

Ziyuan remained calm as he returned to looking around the shop. As he explored, time flowed and the boy eventually returned. The man called out to Ziyuan with firm words.

"Friend you have a deal. For now, you take your order on loan. If what you say is true, We will clear the loan and it'll be the first of many free transactions." the man spoke.

"Friend? Ogun Ziyuan."

The man smiled and replied, "Hamza Akbas"

"Pleasure meeting you, friend," Ziyuan replied with an even greater smile.

"Send everything to the Ogun Clan. Ah, and can you find a woman for me? Situ Yaoyue."

"If she's in the city, we'll find her."

"Thank you. By tomorrow preferably." Ziyuan spoke while walking to the counter. He then picked up an ink pen and began to scribble on a piece of parchment.

"For you. Just to keep our interests aligned." Ziyuan spoke as he left the quaint shop.

Back on the move, Ziyuan continued to visit a number of other shops, collecting alchemical ingredients, Sigil Materials, and light armaments for protection.

By the evening, Ziyuan took up lodging in a city Inn. Before him was the golden card from the odd young woman and ten materials used for sigil creation. If the status of the card was high enough, he planned to milk it for its entire worth.

The existence of Sigilist was rare across the continent. While the Pill Kingdom had many branches of the Pill Tower throughout the continent, the Tower of Seals was one. The Sigilist of the continent were born in one place and close regulated by the Tower of Seals in a remote location in the Eros Empire.

Ziyuan took a deep breath and moved both his arcane energy and spiritual power with the guidance of the technique deeper than the sea of the world.

'My work will fund a war that no one will see coming…'