
Mysterious Flames

-476 New Dawn Era-

My body is ethereal. As I tear through the veils of time and space, soaring above the continent, I see the world before the next great war. Cross empires and kingdoms and remember all the adventures that I partook in.

The tooth-and-nail uphill march for power. The world was never on my side, I was not an infernal prince or son of heaven. My journey was not kind but I ultimately failed because I took the hardship for granted. This time, I will do better, be better, raise hell, and draw down the heavens. This time, I will not lose.

In a matter of moments, I arrived in the high North East of the Wind Serpent Continent, a territory ruled by the Vermilion Empire.

One of its most prominent cities is Morning Star City. A city of merchants and scholars. Though far from the capital, Morning Star City is just as prestigious.

A few miles outside of the city is a small clan that appeared in the night nearly 75 years ago. They have kept to themselves ever since. They only enter the city to restock provisions or sell off the parts of the demon beasts they've hunted.

The Clan compound covered a little over one-hundred acres and was surrounded by high walls made of tungsten ore- a precious ore with limitless applications and high defense.

In the courtyard, I watch my younger self practice the spear arts like a man possessed by vengeful spirits. Under the heat of two suns, he moved with methodical precision and fluidity. Leaping across the courtyard, my younger self thrust his spear forward and shattered the training dummy with his spear tip, finishing his martial set.

I sigh as I remember that the world only became tougher after this day. I wanted to reclaim my clan's honor, though I was just too naive for my own well-being.

The sound of approving applause snapped me out of my thoughts and filled the courtyard as my younger self wiped himself clean of sweat. He then handed his spear to a servant and walked over to his mother and a man adorned in white robes embroidered with golden threads.

"Mother, who is this?" My younger self asked.

"Yuan'er, this is your Uncle Gu Long. He has come to see you." My mother replied.

My Ancestor had told me many times of old contracts that would soon come to fruition. I was selfish and only thought of myself. Never did I think of the people who were locked in the contract with me.

"Ogun Ziyuan, I was good friends with your grandfather, Ogun Pan. I was also your father's guardian for many years. Together my Nephew and I went through many hardships and if It wasn't for the sake of our Broken Spear Sect, I would never pull my great nephew into my political affairs." Gu Long spoke.

"Speak straight and speak true Uncle Gu Long," My younger replied.

At that moment I wanted to smack my younger self. Though my form was ethereal and I could not. Soon a thought came to mind and darted to my younger self in hopes of claiming a body.


A force rejected me. It wasn't time to return. I could only groan and reluctantly continue to watch events unfold.

Gu Long chuckled to himself and then replied, "Zhao Leijian plans to marry his daughter, Zhao Fei Fei, to the third prince of the Wind Serpent Empire and not as a concubine. She will hold the title of Princess Consort."

My heart trembled. A maelstrom of emotions crashed into me. There were a few people that I made to pay for their sins before my death. Zhao FeiFei was one of them. Though prideful, the girl is no more than a reluctant pawn. In the end, she died as such.

Since I was a child, my ancestor told me of the engagement contract between the Zhao and the Ogun. But at the time, when I heard this news it felt more like a green hat was being placed on my head than a strategic move that I happened to be the victim of. My pride was hurt and I wanted to quell my anger.

Ogun Didi, my mother, frowned at the revelation. Though my younger self remained a lot more composed than her.

"And what does this have to do with my Ogun Clan?" My younger self asked.

I remember that I wanted someone else to lose with me. How could I ever compete with the prince of an empire? I remembered that Gu Long had a stake in the sect's politics and my engagement meant a lot. To let it crumble... Gu Long could lose with me and I would be satisfied.

That is until Gu Long revealed information that I had never known.

"Everything!" Gu Long shouted. "Your father was killed by Wind Serpent Imperial assassins, your father and Zhao Leijian agreed upon a marriage contract that is still valid, and whether your Clan admits it or not, you are all a part of the Broken Spear Sect. If we ignore this, Zhao Leijian will take over the sect, and the Huyan Kingdom will be his next conquest!"

I was a well-built young man. Six and a half feet tall, well-defined muscles that rippled with power, and a chiseled face. I was headstrong, decisive, and a stone wall to all who seek to harm his Clan. I had lost my head for a moment. As my younger's bronze skin glistened with sweat, he looked to the sky and exhaled.

"Patriarch Gu… out of respect for my late father, I will fulfill the contract. Though, it's my mother's decision as Clan Leader if we return to the sect as a clan. You should expect me in two months."

"Three months, that is the day of the core disciples exam. All clan heirs are eligible. If you arrive anytime sooner without your Clan, Zhao Leijian will definitely go for your life. "

My younger nodded his head, and Gu Long was then escorted from the compound.

"I don't trust him, mother." My younger spoke.

"Yuan'er, you don't trust anybody. That man protected your father in place of your grandfather, more times than I care to admit. If he needs your help, you should uphold your father's debt as his son. Upholding your father's contract is a bonus, especially if it means obstructing Zhao's plans."

My younger frowned as he watched Gu Long leave. "Does he have a granddaughter?"

"One, Gu Lan, she is a year older than you." his mother replied.

"Then I should have been betrothed to her. Apparently, my father didn't trust the Gu family that much."

"She is sick, destined to die at 25." my mother spoke with a sad voice. "Gu Long thought the betrothal would be a waste of your father's political currency to marry the Gu clan. Besides, it's a good thing that he didn't offer a hand. Or else the Zhao's would be free to marry off their young miss to the Wind Serpent Empire. All of that aside, Gu Lan is technically your junior and wasn't conceived when I was pregnant with you."

"Junior?" my younger knitted his brow.

"Your generation of the Ogun clan was sealed in pregnancy during the fall of the clan. You all should have been born some seventy years ago. Zhao FeiFei, though she may appear young and beautiful, which she is, according to cultivator standards. If she was mortal, she would look, as she is, seventy-two years old."

My younger looked to and fro, confused.

"It was a dangerous time to give birth. Even in cultivator standards of five-year pregnancy. We fought off pursuits and formed connections for protection. You had to be sealed or you and your cousins would have become weaknesses for the clan." My mother explained.

"Does Gu Long know this?"

"He does."

"Then I can be considered bait in his eyes. To be fed to the old witch." My younger walked away, leaving my mother alone and shaking her head.

As I watched my past actions play out. I was glad that I was cautious and vigilant, unfortunately, it was directed at the wrong person. That was the downfall of not trusting and being a straightforward person. I pushed people away and was never able to learn how to judge a character or play the game I was so eager to dive into.

In my ethereal form, I watched as my younger struggled internally as his servant girl undressed him. He then stepped into the bathtub and sunk into the steaming hot water to calm his mind.

'If we return to the Broken Spear sect, who's to say we aren't inviting destruction,' My younger thought as he clutched the Ogun pendant around his neck.

'My father sacrificed himself to save the Clan in the past. But to maintain the Clan, I feel we must stay away. What will mother do? And If I'm to settle the score with those who wronged my clan, I'll have to act on my own lest they all suffer if I fail.''

I remember the thoughts I had at the time. My younger self was right. To return to the sect would put us under Zhao's thumb. Neither my mother nor I had the skill to lead the clan in that battle. So after this bath, I left the clan and went to the Broken Spear sect on my own, it was the worst decision of my life. Had I known what happened next would lead to a life of pain and loss, I would have stayed in the clan.

"Ahh!" My younger suddenly cried out as he smacked his neck, killing a bug.

"Young Master... Are you okay?" My servant asked, panicked.

Looking into his hand, the insect was a tiny glob of mush and destroyed past identification. But now I know what it is, the Nether Dumb Beetle. In the past I had no idea how that bite would affect me and when I left the clan, my fate was sealed with doom.

"Everything is fine. Wash my hair." My younger replied.

The servant nodded as she grabbed a bottle of cleansing liquid. My younger then thought nothing more of the bug or clan affairs as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of firm slender fingers messaging his scalp.

On the far side of my room, I took this chance to get a good look at the woman who stood in the shadows undetected. She grinned at a job completed, and the easiest payday she had ever made. I had never seen the assassin in the past, but this time I know what she looks like and I will kill her in the most gruesome way I can manage once she's found.

I then turned my attention back to my younger self who had drifted into a light sleep. The water in his tub began to boil. Bubbles rose and popped, causing steam to feel the room. Within the bathtub, my younger was none the wiser, to him, the tub was lukewarm and comfortable.

"Ahh," the servant jerked away at the surprising burning pain.

The pendant around his neck began to tremble and hum. My younger finally started to stir, and just as he was about to awaken, something trapped his soul and yanked him back into a slumber. His body jerked, and he suddenly erupted in flames, setting his room ablaze.

"Young Master!"

The servant tumbled backward as she gawked at the sudden combustion of flames that engulfed the young Ogun Ziyuan.

"What is happening?!"

A servant in the courtyard replied, " Great Ancestor, it's Young Master Ziyuan, his room mysteriously burst into flames, and now it's intent on swallowing the entire compound."

The Great Ancestor frowned and began to revolve his arcane threads. His energy erupted, and for a moment, it contained the fire before he was blown back and spit up a mouthful of blood onto the gravel walkway.

"Great Ancestor!" the Clan cried out.

"This...this fire is far from ordinary. Clear the clan vault immediately! I'm afraid this fire is too difficult to deal with. It must run its course. Evacuate everyone immediately"

The Ogun Clan raced against the mysterious raging fire to carry out the First Elder's orders.

"Ancestor Shenxiu, Where is Yuan'er?"

"I'm sorry, Didi. Ziyuan was in his room when the fire started," he replied carelessly.

Ogun Didi's arcane power began to fluctuate as the full might of her cultivation spewed from her and pressed down on the people in the courtyard.

Pah pah pah pah pah! Thud!

Ogun Didi's body hit the ground. Behind her stood a woman with soft mocha skin, icy blue eyes, and silver-white hair. She appeared to be in her late forties.

"Take the Clan Leader away," she ordered.

The clansmen bowed to the Second Ancestor, Ogun Delan, and immediately took Didi away from the fire to rest.

"Ahh, Delan, my love," said Shenxiu.

"Haa, don't you 'my love' me." Delan barked at her husband. "You shouldn't have told her about little Yuan."

" Continue to sense signs of life, we need to find the first young master!"

While watching the commotion, I was certain that all of this commotion was caused by my presence. The course of history was changing and now was my opportunity to take over. Looking at the burning building, I darted forth, intent on taking my younger body.

As I approached, flames borrowed forth and swallowed me in a single breath, pulling me into my young vessel.