
ASCENSION: Evolution in the apocalypse

An accident occurs during an experiment and causes the machines to explode. Adrian wakes up and realize he had reincarnated in a parallel world on the day of apocalypse descent. On the blink of death, the legendary Mana fills the planet placing all living things on the path of evolution. Animals turn into terrifying beasts, insects turn into terrifying monsters, humans whose bodies manage to withstand the wave of Mana awakens while those who do not mutates into terrifying zombies. Adrian awakens the skill of Glutton that enables him to gain power by devouring living beings. The laws that govern the world collapse. Now only the law of the jungle reigns, setting the start of a new era, the era of evolution where the strong devour the weak. Join Adrian on his ascension to the absolute top of the food chain. Gods, demons, angels, elves, vampires, werewolves, aliens,... ; no existence will be worthy to be his enemy. In front of Adrian's power it's either you're a fighter or you are FOOD.

Blackstar_101 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Zombie attack

[ Glutton (unique skill): Grants the user the ability to devour or absorb anything physically possible, digest it and gain the ability power from the eaten object. The higher the level the more power can be drawn. The skill has the following effects.

Effect 1: Devour 

Absorb the target into the body. However, if the target is conscious, success rate decreases. Affected targets include organic matter, inorganic matter, skills and magic.

Effect 2: Analysis

Study and analyse the absorbed target. Craftable items can be produced.

Skills can acquired.

Effect 3: Spatial stomach

The user gains a spatial stomach inside their soul which can store the devoured objects and suppress enemies by forcefully digesting them. There is no storage time limit.

Effect 4: Isolation

Harmful materials or materials unnecessary for analysis can be stored separately. They can be used to replace magic energy. ]

Adrian was dumbstruck by the explanation of his new skill but at the same time ecstatic. He couldn't stop his body trembling with excitement.

_ Is this not what it means by no pain no gain?_ He couldn't help but recall his experience since he was reborn.

"... HELL YEAH!..." He could not help but let out a shout of excitement but at the same time his shout was also a big mistake because the moment he shouted.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

The door of the workshop received resounding bangs from the outside, luckily it was well reinforced but Adrian knew it would not last forever and sooner or later he would have to go out. 

The banging continued uninterrupted and the grunts coming from the other side confirmed that whatever it was, it was not human.

"... Hmm... The effect of devour says absorb... so if I do this...?" He took the wrench he had used on the ground and by instinct willed it to be absorbed. Then as if by magic the wrench disappeared. Somehow he knew it was somewhere inside of him and he could retrieve it anytime he wanted. And to test it, the wrench appeared again in his hand.

" I guess when it disappeared it was stored in the spatial stomach. Then..." He absorbed the wrench again and turned his attention to the body of the professor. 

"... Absorb..." After touching the body it disappeared just like the wrench. "... Analyse.."

[ Devouring demon chimera bloodline acquired.]

[ Starting bloodline assimilation. Bloodline assimilation complete.]

[ Demon chimera bloodline assimilated!]

[You have learned demon chimera physique, morph and ultimate chimera skills.]

Suddenly Adrian gained new skills!

By merely willing it, Adrian was able to see their brief descriptions. 

[ Morph (unranked skill):

Spend Mana and convert it into dark miasma which you can shape and transform the miasma into different types weapons and armour. The result depends on your Mana, Intelligence and imagination.]

[ Demon chimera physique:

Your body physique is enhanced further compared to normal humans enhancing all your stats growth.

Effect: Enhance all attribute stats by 20%.]

[ Ultimate chimera (unique skill): 

Take the form, trait and power of any living creature you absorb by reading their genetic code of your target and add to your genetic code.]

"Skills by eating... isn't this too overpowered?... Damn..." "... Hmm? This skill... Isn't it the same as glutton...Hmmm!"

Adrian mused as he read the new skill [ultimate chimera] comparing it with Glutton. 

" Well, it doesn't really matter. Now that things have changed I'll think about it once I get somewhere comfortable..."

"... Now...back to reality... This is not a game nor is it a dream... I almost died earlier... One step mistake and I am done for... better start preparing how to break out of this place..." He turned his head scanning around for anything useful. The building had good ventilation so most of the smoke had disappeared, though it seemed the automatic fire alarm was broken since the alarm never sounded.

" Spatial stomach acts like a storage ring so I don't have to think much about moving around with a lot of stuff... Hmm... If I combine with analysis...I can craft items as long as I have materials, wait this place..."

He looked around at the scattered tools and shards of broken machines. A smirk appeared on his face." Alright, let's get started... "

With that, for the next half hour he moved around the room touching around as everything he touched vanished. Within half an hour the workshop was empty leaving only the lingering faint smoke in the air. 

Using analysis to craft items, he made about ten spears, four long swords, two great swords and long katana. Summoning one each weapon, they appeared before falling on the floor letting out metallic sounds. The spear was about two meters long slightly taller than Adrian with a smooth grey surface and a sharp pointed tip on one end. Basically, it looked more of a staff if not for the pointed tip. Lifting it and swinging it a few times, Adrian felt it neither heavy nor light, it was just right.

He did the same for other weapons, lifting them and swinging a few times then store them. All of them had same smooth grey surface. The longsword and the katana felt the same as the spear neither heavy nor light while the great sword felt very heavy.

"...Now..." He turned to the door and slowly walked over. As soon as he neared the door, the banging on the door increased as though they had sensed his presence. Looking the small glass pane on the door, Adrian sported five zombies outside. Luckily for him, the doors opens outward.

His brain worked quickly and without hesitation unlocked the door. He then walked back and summoned one of the spears. 

After that, he bent his body in a sprinting stance and with a sudden burst of strength he rammed his body against the door.

The door could not withstand the assault and burst open with a small explosion. The zombies staggered backwards falling on top of the other. 

Their blood stained faces looked grotesque with several visible bite marks where flesh had sloughed off.

If it were before he was reborn he would not have been able to hold back the urge to vomit from the sickening odor they gave off. Their eyes were completely white making one think they were blind.

Though he was nervous, he no longer as scared as before when he faced professor Stein. 

Adrian's eyes flashed as he shot forward at full speed unwilling to pass up the opportunity when they had fallen. Reaching the front of the first zombie, he mercilessly stabbed the now helpless creature with the spear he had crafted not long ago. 

The spear's sharp pointed head easily pierced the zombie's head, crushing the brain and killing it.

Before the others could react, he quickly stabbed their head, killing them in a second as well. 

[ You have gained the soul essence of a normal zombie level 3. +3 stamina.]

[ You have gained the soul essence of a normal zombie level 2. +1 stamina.] 

[ You have gained the soul essence of a normal zombie level 2.]

[ You have gained the soul essence of a normal zombie level 2.]

[ You have gained the soul essence of a normal zombie level 2.]

[ You have leveled up to level 2. You have acquired 2 free stats points.] 

He looked around ensuring no zombies were around, only then did his nerves calm down a bit. He looked at the door to the hallway complex of the building and noticed that it was open and the lock broken.

He moved silently making sure not to make noice that may alert other zombies. Peeking through, both sides of the hallway was silent. 

" Alright. Let me pick up a few things here and I'll leave this building."