
Ascending with the Source System

Awakening to the world beyond the laws of physics, with the help of his system, Azraeus begins his journey to the peak of strength, starting by learning mana manipulation from Earth's hidden mages. Searching for answers about the mystery of his system and past life, Azraeus ventures through the myriad worlds, gathering companions and followers, occasionally granting miracles or destroying demons all whilst becoming more and more out of standard through the use of his system. In a reality powered by possibility and ravaged by an ancient war, Azraeus unearths the secrets long forgotten and buried in history. At a time when the reality itself moves to achieve the impossible, Azraeus must exceed his previous life to get all the answers, whoever he was.

FrozenGenesis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Light Element

Azraeus couldn't help but secretly get excited at what Elise just said, 'I will teach you how to use magic.' It couldn't be helped, he was an 18 yr old man who had read fantasy web novels and seen a few anime here and there so it was natural to have, at one point, dreamt or fantasised about the ability to use magic. And now he would finally get to do it, he had been suppressing his excitement ever since he realised magic was real from the system.

"How do I do it," he impatiently asked Elise, who chuckled lightly at the first show of emotions he exhibited since she met him. Naturally she understood his excitement, she had been born to a family of awakened and had been able to access mana for as long as she remembered, yet she still found excitement in learning and using magic despite having basically reached her limits as a gold fourth circle mage. In order for her to reach higher she would need to become a platinum fourth circle mage, which was a huge jump considering she would need to become on the same level as mythical beings at silver strength. When Azraeus had entered she had been lost in thought during her meditation trying to figure out how she could become more efficient in her usage of mana.

"First I will teach you how to release mana, the most basic skill for awakened, bear in mind this might take some time, actually with how faced you learned to move mana maybe not," she said before turning towards Antonia. "There's no need to stay with him anymore Antonia, I'll teach him for a bit, I've nothing to do anyway."

"That won't do, I shall stay, the lord asked me to watch over him and I cant leave him alone with the young mistress," she said whilst shooting me a glare, whilst Elise rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"First of all, hold your hand out but this time palm facing upwards. What you need to do is move the mana towards your hand then try to move it out but still under your control and shape it like a ball." She showed a demonstration causing a small, semi-transparent orb the size of a baseball giving off a pale blue light to appear. She then went on to explain that "the colour of the ball indicates your natural elemental affinity, mine is ice thus the colour is pale blue and the pain you felt when my mana invaded was numbing. Antonia's element is lightning and her ball would be a neon yellow and the pain you felt should have been like being shocked."

Azraeus nodded his head before focusing his thoughts on moving his mana. He had no problem moving the mana to his outstretched hand as he had done that before, but failed when he tried to move the mana out of his body causing it to dissipate out of his control. He tried again a few times before Antonia chimed in giving him a bit of advice.

"Try to move only a small piece of mana at a time rather than all of it. The young mistress failed to mention this as she has grown up controlling mana and knows some of the tricks on an instinctive level."

Azraeus shot a look at Elise for not telling him this important tip, to which she just tilted her head a bit as if it had nothing to do with her. Sighing internally he once again started moving the mana outside his hand, this time going bit by bit whilst making sure to keep his control. After failing a few more times he finally produced a small, golf ball of mana on the palm of his hand radiating a golden light. Feeling pleased with his success he held up his palm towards Elise to show off his mana ball but did not expect the reaction she exhibited.

"Light element!" She shouted as she rushed up and grabbed his wrists before beginning her face towards the ball. "It really is light element! Wow!"

""""Light?!"""" Four simultaneous shouts resounded from Antonia and the three men who had been standing silently this entire time.

"Quick, Antonia, go get my father." Elise said towards Antonia before quickly bringing her face back to glare at the golden ball.

"Yes, young mistress." Antonia replied before practically running out of the room.

Azraeus was confused by all this chaos but had naturally understood that it was the fault of the golden light from his mana ball that seemed to indicate light element. He glanced at the ball and then at the shocked expression of the trio then back to Elise before asking.

"Elise, is light attribute special?"

"A yeah, you don't know." She said before calming herself down a bit to continue her explanation.

"There are currently eight known elements of magic, the four basic elements, the two advanced elements and the two legendary elements. The four basic elements consist of fire, earth, water and air and around 95% of the awakened possess these elements. The next 4.9% are those that possess the two advanced elements of ice and lightning, like Antonia and I. The final 0.1% possess one of the legendary light or dark elements. There are estimates that there are about 7 or 8 thousand awakened worldwide so there are only 7 or 8 people with the legendary elements so you are already very rare. Add on that you are of the fourth circle, the highest in the world in this time, so we could consider you the rarest mage alive as I doubt the other legendary element users surpass 3 circles." 

She explained very quickly as trying to say everything as fast as possible resulting in her being a little winded. Azraeus stood still for a moment before the realisation that this might be a problem sunk in, so he quickly asked the most important.

"So what does that mean to me?"

Elise stopped for a brief moment to think before explaining the consequences to Azraeus.

"First of all you will be forced to join the Golden Circle, don't worry there really isn't any major disadvantage to this, they will only record your strength, element and circle as well as asking you to help heal a few people, of course they'll pay you for it. Oh that's what the light element specialises in, healing, whilst the dark element specialises in curses, this is the reason they are considered legendary as they not only allow you to manipulate and cast magic of the element like all the others but have secondary effects too."

"Additionally, you will be given very lucrative offers to join various houses of awakened as their retainer like those three over there received from mine. This is a system that has run since ancient times allowing long standing clans of naturally awakened, like me, to bring in new blood from those who spontaneously awaken, like you. Which leads to the third point, you will be inundated with marriage proposals, both for you to join a harem or to have people join yours."

Her voice got a bit quieter towards the end and a slight blush adorned her cheeks. It was only natural given the nature of the topic and she had zero exposure to it herself even though she grew up in a house where it was natural, was what Azraeus thought. The real reason, however, was that she had just imagined her father proposing her marriage to Azraeus in order to keep him in their house. In fact she was certain he would as Antonia was already his woman and Azraeus only had contact with her, who was a top beauty in her own right, among the women in the house. Following this, thoughts of his handsome face and powerful body she had noticed flashed through her mind, as she filled in the details she hadn't seen due to his loose clothing, causing her blush to deepen.

Whilst everyone was lost in their own thoughts or delusions, the door was smashed open so fast it created a gust of wind bringing everyone's attention towards the man who had just walked in. He looked to be in his mid 30's, had a rugged face but with well defined features. He had short brown hair and beard with sharp hazel eyes, his body full of muscles could be seen through his tight fitting shirt. His eyes quickly scanned the room before landing on Azraeus.

"So you're the 4th circle light attribute kid huh?" He asked to which Azraeus nodded. He guessed this man must be the Lord of the house and Elise's father, Dominik Elford, by the way Antonia was trailing behind him like a lost duck.

"Good, I'm Dominik Elford, gold third circle wizard, nice to meet ya kid." He said stretching his big hands out for a handshake whilst scanning Azraeus once over. Azraeus returned the handshake whilst Dominik spoke again.

"Kid I think you're pretty good, you should marry Elise and join my house, what do you say?"

Azraeus flicked his head towards Elise, impressed that her prediction of marriage offers was correct and surprised that her father had attempted to marry her off to someone he didn't know. She blushed slightly at his look but still answered his doubt.

"This is how most long standing awakened houses are, similar to the houses of middle age Europe where the house's benefit is more important than an individual's opinion."

"Come now Elise," her father interjected, "whilst that may be true, I'm sure you wouldn't be against it, he is incredibly good looking, has the same circle as you, and an even better element than you. I doubt you'd find a better man even if you searched the world haha.

Elise realised that what he said was true and was about to nod her head but hurriedly stopped herself as she realised it could be taken as her agreeing to marriage. Whilst she might be of the age to get married and Azraeus was exceptional, she had no intentions to get married at the moment and more importantly she had only known him for 15 minutes.

"Dad, I only met him 15 minutes ago. This is too fast even if he is exceptional."

She was right and Azraeus nodded, agreed that 15 minutes of knowing each other was far far too little time to agree to marry someone, but as every man would he felt a swell of pride at being called exceptional by a beautiful woman. Dominik noticed his nod and moved onto the second best option quickly, knowing that being pushy would drive him away at the moment.

"You're right it is a bit too fast, then why don't you join the house of Elford as a vassal for now whilst you get to know Elise and the world of magic better. We will naturally offer you a good salary and personal training on how to get better at magic."

The second point from Elise's prediction had now come true and naturally Azraeus had no intention of joining any house as he would need to leave Earth according to the system. So he declined Dominik but thanked him for the offer, which only led to Elise's first prediction.

"That's alright but if you do decide to join a house make sure you consider the house of Elford. On another note I have already sent your information to the main branch of the Golden Circle in London to get you registered as a fourth circle mage as I can only issue up to third circle here. So you'd better stick around until your Id arrives or you get called there, what you're here why don't you let Elise teach you how to use magic. She might have a different element but the basics are the same." 

He then bent down and whispered into Elise's ear, telling her to do her best to catch him even if she needed to use seduction, as Azraeus was really too good. This naturally earned him a glare which he laughed off, quickly walking to the trio who had been standing to the side and ushering them out of the room and closing the door leaving Elise and Azraeus alone.

They both turned to look at each other before Elise opened her mouth to speak with an embarrassed expression.

"Sorry about my father, it's just that you are too attractive as a magician for him to give up easily after all, and because I declined doesn't mean I dont like you, I just don't know you well enough yet." She said before her voice got stronger and slightly higher in pitch towards the end whilst a slight blush returned to her cheeks again. She just didn't seem to have the ability to keep calm when the topic of marriage or love came up despite being of age herself.

"It's fine I understand," Azraeus said, showing a very small smile in amusement, the first heed shown since waking up, before suggesting, "why don't we move on to magic then?"

Elise stared blankly at his too handsome face adorned with a smile before quickly snapping out of it.

"Humph," she harrumphed to hide her embarrassment, "let's start then."