
Ascendent 2 : Legacy of Phoenix

A sequel story to " The Ascendent". For more : Read Epilogue.

Joker_9724 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Chapter 31: The Escape Plan

Jay felt his heart racing as he glanced back at the smoke-filled chamber, hearing the shouts of the Mastermind's lieutenants scrambling to regroup. He knew that time was of the essence. The longer they stayed in the cave system, the greater the risk of being overwhelmed.

"Owen, we need to get out of here!" Jay shouted into his communicator.

"Already working on it!" Owen replied. "I've mapped a route to the exit. It should be clear, but there's no guarantee it will stay that way."

Jay nodded, acknowledging the risk. He moved quickly through the smoke, following the echoing footsteps of Elena and the Mastermind. He caught up with them at a narrow passage leading to the cave's exit.

"We need to move fast," Jay said, his voice barely above a whisper. "They'll be right behind us."

Elena nodded, her grip firm on the Mastermind's arm. The Mastermind sneered, his eyes filled with malice.

"You think you've won?" he growled. "This is just the beginning. My followers will come for you, and when they do, you won't stand a chance."

Elena didn't flinch. "You're in no position to make threats," she said, keeping her weapon aimed at his back. "Keep moving."

They navigated through the winding passageways, Owen's directions guiding them through the maze-like cave system. Jay stayed alert, listening for any sign of pursuit. The echoes of distant shouts and gunfire made it clear that they were still being hunted.

Finally, they reached the cave's exit, a narrow opening that led to the dense forest outside. Jay motioned for Elena to go first, keeping watch as they emerged into the moonlit night.

"We need to get as far away from here as possible," Jay said, scanning the dark forest. "Owen, any updates on enemy movements?"

Owen's voice crackled through the communicator. "The lieutenants are closing in, but they seem disoriented. The smoke confused them. You have a head start, but not by much."

"Let's go," Jay said, leading the way into the forest. He and Elena moved swiftly, the Mastermind in tow. The forest was dense, and the thick underbrush made it difficult to move quickly, but they pressed on, knowing that stopping wasn't an option.

As they navigated through the forest, the Mastermind began to laugh, a low, sinister sound. "You think you've beaten me? You think this will change anything? I have people everywhere. You can't escape me."

Jay ignored him, focusing on finding a safe place to regroup. They couldn't go back to their original hideout—it was compromised. They needed a new plan, and they needed it fast.

"There's an abandoned cabin not far from here," Owen said. "It should be safe for a while. Head northwest, and you'll find it."

Jay nodded, taking the lead. As they moved through the forest, he could feel the tension in the air. The Mastermind's words weighed heavily on him. The enemy was resourceful, and they had to stay one step ahead.

They reached the cabin, a dilapidated structure hidden deep in the forest. It was a risky choice, but they had no other options. Jay and Elena secured the perimeter, making sure it was clear before entering.

Inside, the cabin was sparse but provided a temporary refuge. Jay secured the doors and windows, ensuring they had a way to escape if needed.

"We'll lay low here for a while," Jay said, taking a deep breath. "But we need to plan our next move. We can't keep running forever."

Elena nodded, her eyes fixed on the Mastermind. "What do we do with him? We can't keep him here for long. He'll find a way to signal his allies."

Jay knew she was right. They had captured the Mastermind, but the battle was far from over. If they wanted to end this conflict, they'd need more than just a captured enemy. They'd need to uncover the entire network and dismantle it from the inside.