
Ascendant System

*Dropped* Read my New Novel “ The Astral System”

Risaliyah · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

A City of Rest

After several gruelling battles, Ryker decided it was time to rest and recover. He headed toward the city of Eldoria, known for its vibrant markets, the best academy for hunters, and the towering Castle of Eldoria. A day of rest and exploration would do him good.

Entering Eldoria, Ryker was struck by the bustling streets filled with merchants, travellers, and locals. The city's energy was a stark contrast to the desolate and corrupted lands he had been traversing. He wandered through the markets, observing the various goods and enjoying the lively atmosphere.

[New Mission: Explore Eldoria]

[Reward: 100 EXP, 20 AP]

Ryker smiled at the notification, appreciating the brief respite from constant battles

Ryker spent the day exploring Eldoria, visiting shops and observing the city's architecture. He even stopped by a local inn to enjoy a hearty meal and rest for a while. The peace and normalcy of the city were a welcome change.

As the day wore on, Ryker found himself near the Eldoria Academy, a prestigious institution where young cultivators trained. He watched as students practiced their techniques and sparred in the courtyard. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a commotion at the edge of the training grounds.

An arrogant young man, clad in luxurious robes and surrounded by a group of guards, was mercilessly beating another student. The young master's laughter echoed through the courtyard as he struck the fallen student repeatedly.

"Please, stop!" the victim cried out, bloodied and bruised. "I didn't mean to offend you."

"Shut up, peasant!" the young master sneered. "You dared to speak to me? You deserve worse!"

Ryker's anger flared at the sight of the injustice. He stepped forward, his presence immediately drawing the attention of the young master and his guards.

"That's enough," Ryker said, his voice cold and commanding.

The young master looked at Ryker with disdain. "Who do you think you are? Do you know who my father is?"

"I don't care who your father is," Ryker replied. "Let him go."

The young master's face twisted with rage. "Teach this fool a lesson," he ordered his guards.

The guards rushed at Ryker, but they were no match for him. He moved with blinding speed, using Shadow Step to dodge their attacks and striking them down with his bare hands. The courtyard was soon littered with the unconscious bodies of the guards.

The young master stared in disbelief, his confidence shattered. "Y-you'll pay for this! My father will kill you!"

Ryker ignored his threats and knelt beside the fallen student, offering him a healing potion. "Are you alright?" he asked.

The student nodded weakly, gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, sir."

Ryker helped the student to his feet and turned to leave, but the young master's voice stopped him. "You won't get away with this!"

The student said "you need to run away from here, his father is one of the most powerful people in this city, he is from the four most powerful families in this city. They will kill you".

Ryker smiled coldly, making everyone in the courtyard shiver. "Let him bring his father, I will exterminate their entire lineage if they dare to come."

Later that evening, as Ryker was exploring the city, he noticed a huge gathering of people around the shopping centre. The air was thick with tension and fear. People were mumbling to each other.

"He shouldn't have offended the Chen family. Poor kid."

Ryker's heart sank, and a cold rage began to build within him. He pushed his way through the crowd, his eyes narrowing as he approached the centre of the commotion. There, displayed like a gruesome trophy, was the decapitated head of the young man he had saved earlier.

Ryker clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. His fury burned hotter than ever before. He turned to the crowd, his voice like ice. "Who did this?"

An older man, his face lined with sorrow and fear, stepped forward. "The Chen family. They took the boy as a warning to anyone who would oppose them. The Chen patriarch himself ordered this."

Ryker's cold smile returned, more menacing than ever. "Where can I find this Chen family?"

The man hesitated but then pointed towards the eastern part of the city. "Their estate is near the eastern walls, a large mansion guarded heavily."

Without another word, Ryker turned and began making his way towards the Chen estate. His every step echoed with the promise of retribution.

The Chen estate was a sprawling mansion surrounded by high walls and numerous guards. As Ryker approached, he could feel the oppressive aura of power emanating from within. The guards at the gate moved to stop him, but Ryker's patience was long gone.

He activated Shadow Step, disappearing from their sight and reappearing behind them. With swift, precise movements, he slashed his sword, their heads falling to the ground before they even realized what had happened.

The courtyard was filled with more guards, all rushing towards him. Ryker unleashed Dragon's Breath, sending a torrent of flames towards them. The guards screamed as they were engulfed, the flames consuming everything in their path.

As the smoke cleared, Ryker stood in the centre of the courtyard, his eyes fixed on the mansion. From within, a figure emerged, flanked by elite guards. The man was tall, with an imposing presence and eyes that glowed with dark energy. This was the Chen patriarch, behind him was his son the one whom Ryker beat earlier that day.

"You must be the one who dared to oppose my son," the patriarch said, his voice dripping with contempt. "You have no idea who you're dealing with."

Ryker's eyes burned with fury. "I know exactly who I'm dealing with. I'm here to end your reign of terror."

The patriarch laughed, a dark, hollow sound. "Very well. You will die here, just like that foolish boy."

He gestured to his elite guards, who charged at Ryker. But Ryker was ready. He activated Phoenix's Rebirth, his body glowing with renewed strength. He met the first guard's attack head-on, his blade clashing with theirs in a shower of sparks.

The courtyard became a battlefield. Ryker moved with blinding speed, dodging and countering every attack. He used Heaven's Strike, his blade glowing with radiant light as it cut through the guards' defences. One by one, they fell, their bodies hitting the ground with dull thuds.

The Chen patriarch watched with growing anger. "You're stronger than I expected. But you won't defeat me."

He raised his hands, dark energy swirling around him. The ground trembled as he summoned a massive shadow beast, its eyes burning with malevolent fire. The beast roared, shaking the very foundations of the estate.

[Monster Grade: Elite]

Ryker narrowed his eyes, focusing his energy. He activated Blade of the Tempest, his sword enveloped in a vortex of wind and lightning. He charged at the beast, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. The beast countered with a swipe of its massive claws, but Ryker dodged and struck again, leaving deep gashes in its shadowy form.

The beast roared in pain, its movements becoming more frantic. Ryker seized the opportunity, unleashing Thunderclap to send a shockwave through the ground. The beast staggered, its balance thrown off. Ryker followed up with Heaven's Judgment, channelling all his energy into a single, devastating blow. The blade pierced the beast's heart, and it let out a final, agonized roar before disintegrating into nothingness.

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