
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
68 Chs

Chapter 27

The market was filled with all sorts of random items, with many people even selling their own books.

Due to the fact that there was no regulation on this vast market, there was a large quantity of fake items being sold, as well as common items being sold at an astronomical value.

The books being sold in the market were 90% of the time a collection of blank sheets of paper, thus why they were called the worst purchase here.

Occasionally there were some good items in the book section, but it just wasn't worth the risk.

The raw materials section, however, was one of the best places to shop, since as long as you were careful, you'd never be ripped off.

Fiona's job here was to be on the lookout for any items of value that idiots were selling for cheap.

Aura had told her that there were likely to be a lot of those idiots at the moment, and he was correct.

Someone was even selling a minotaur corpse for a hundred gold!

It should be noted that minotaurs were very rare monsters, and most parts of their body could be used in alchemy, so they sold for thousands of gold at bare minimum.

Other things she found were rare metals and herbs going for pitifully low prices, she even found someone selling refined bloodstones for cheap.

Refined bloodstones were alchemical stabilizers of the highest grade, and could be used for all sorts of concoctions.

Fiona had been specifically told to buy all the alchemy stabilizers she could find below market price.

At this point, Fiona had a pretty impressive pile of items, some extremely valuable and rare, with others being mainly necessities, like seeds for crops and some meaty corpses.

She planned to continue purchasing like this until Aura finally finished doing whatever weird thing he was doing now.


Due to Aura's skill as a blacksmith, it only took him a month to hammer out a massive amount of origin steel, which would probably last him a few years.

Fiona had purchased lots of good stuff, so Aura wanted to sift through and find the things he needed.

Aura currently needed some almost pure alchemy stabilizer, which he would need to make himself, because the mage's guild would never sell any.

Amongst the pile of items, refined bloodstone was a common sight, which rather surprised Aura, as he didn't think there would be so much on the market.

There was also a minotaur corpse, which would need to be dismantled.

There were even some rare metals and herbs mixed in, all kept fresh by the base's preservation enchantments.

He also noted a few chunks of resonant glass, which was made from resonant sandstone, and was the main material for setting up a return point.

There wasn't enough here for that, but there was enough to make some location trackers to keep Aura and Fiona from being separated and losing track of each other.

Location trackers wouldn't work long distances, and places like the Desert of Shifting Sands would interfere with the signal, so caution is advised when using them.

The minotaur was still the most useful thing to have though, since Fiona would need some armor before travelling anywhere distant with him.

Fiona was a druid, but was low levelled and not particularly talented.

Aura had been trying to get his upgrades to mesh well with her abilities as a druid, but due to how bad she was at corce manipulation, it wasn't going well.

Fortunately, Aura had never intended for her to be used as combat potential.

Her force manipulation skill was low leveled, and this was mostly because she had never recieved formal training.

It was true that she was untalented, but if she could improve just a bit, she'd be able to use the spells Aura wanted.

Classless characters don't get bonuses to their casted spells, so players with a class can use their spells with all sorts of wacky effects.

Druids in particular were an excellent support class.

They weren't healers and they couldn't give buffs to others, but their ability to screw with nature was great for crowd control and moneymaking.

Aura might be able to hold down some bunnies, but a true druid could hold down armies.

An advanced class druid could create a forest with a snap of their fingers, severely hindering the movements of armies, as well as then making the plants carry out guerilla attacks.

Druids were the weakest class in 1v1 battles, but were the strongest class in large scale conflicts.

The only saving grace for countries in the game was that druids were notoriously uncooperative, being unwilling to help others, and skilled ones couldn't be found no matter how hard you looked, due to their plethora of stealth spells.