
As Misogi Kumagawa with Chat Group

An ordinary university student died because of a misunderstanding. He suddenly woke up in a familiar room yet unfamiliar for him. Feeling confused, he trying to recall what happened to himself, only to find that he has two memories inside his head! After being freaked out for few moments and trying hard to reorganized his two memories, he realized that he actually has been reincarnated into a seventeen years old teenage boy! And the shocking thing is that he reincarnated as a fictional character! And that character is none other than the antagonist-turn-protagonist, Misogi Kumagawa from anime and manga called 'Medaka Box' written by Nisio Isin. But the shock is not over yet. When he investigated the memory of the current Misogi Kumagawa, he found out that what was this Kumagawa experienced until now is different from what he knows from the anime and manga! And how the heck he meet characters from different anime and manga! He even befriend three protagonist from three different harem anime and manga and become his classmates no less! He fell into shocked silence after knowing this and then starting to contemplating his life. But suddenly, he was interupted by something more surprising as a blue holographic screen interface appeared in front of his face. *Ding* *Congratulations! You have been choosen as first member of Multiverse Chat Group!* "Huh?" *You can travel to another world and gaining powerful ability and items given by the system!* "Huh?!" *Sending invitation... Invitation has been received and accepted by the other members across the multiverse!" *Ding* PriestessofThunder has joined! AdvocateofGenderEquality has joined! WorstSpirit has joined! RulerofMonsters has joined! "HUH?!" *Ding* *Rejoice, young man! As first member to receive the first invitation, Naked-ApronSenpai have been choosen as admin of the Dimensional Chat Group!* "NANI DAFUQ?!" Misogi can't helped but think that this is just a prank made by Anshin'in...

Shion_Hatsune10 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 10: Turns out, this is a search-and-destroy mission

"Brahmastra Kundala!"

"Clarent Blood Arthur!"

"Getsuga Tenshou!"

A hot flaming spear soared through the air burning any zombies in the front and hit the far away building, a huge blast of red plasma with red electricity wiped out many zombies who approached from the left side, and a huge jet black wave of crescent moon-shaped energy was tearing through a horde of zombies in the right side.

Right now they're in the middle of an intersection in the middle of the city and being surrounded by many hordes of zombies. The three attacks from Kazuma, Rimuru, and Misogi toward three directions are eliminating the zombies on each side while the rest of the group is attacking the horde of zombies behind them who chasing after them and the other survivors who joined after being saved by the group on the way to their destination.

But even though they wiped out a lot of zombies, it kept appearing and advancing toward Misogi's group and the survivor group like a horde of persistent cockroaches.

"Why the heck there's so many zombies keep appearing here!?" Kazuma yelled as the golden spear that he threw when unleashing one of Karna's noble phantasms returned to his hand, "Are all of the residents of this city already turned to zombies except the group we saved!?"

"I don't know!" Misogi yelled back as he threw more Getsuga Tenshou from Tensa Zangetsu he made with Imagination Manifestation toward the new wave of zombies that approached them from the right intersection, "It's like they kept on appearing like being reproduced by something!"

"You mean these zombies can do sexual intercourse with each other and give birth to more baby zombies that grow quickly into adult ones!?" Rimuru also yelled back. Throwing more Clarent Blood Arthur toward left direction, "There's no way that happened!"

"Then explain why many of the zombies are buck naked as if just being born?! And they also have no hair on their bodies!" Misogi shouted as thunderous sounds could be heard courtesy of Akeno's attack.

"That's a..." Rimuru stopped his sentence after he digested Misogi's words, "Huh? Why do I suddenly think that sounds possible?"

"Stop thinking something disgusting like that you two!" Kazuma who heard them feels like going to puke, "You think a walking rotten corpses can have segs and give birth!? Their reproductive organ stopped functioning when they're dead you know!"

"I know that! But they're not normal zombies since there's Anti-Thesis essence inside their bodies!" Misogi answered while continuing his attack.

The reincarnator trio kept on bickering with each other while also eliminating the horde of zombies like it was just their everyday routine.

"Well, this is quite a predicament," Kurumi said while shooting balls of gravity and making a miniature black hole with her Twins of Eden while being supported by energy bullets fired from futuristic black handguns that Misogi made for the survivor group they found and saved for their protection while the melee weapon users are protecting them when any zombies approached really close to them.

"You right, Kurumi-san. This is really time-consuming if we want to go to Marikawa-san's house before the sun goes down and turns to nighttime." Akeno looked at the sky which about turned red while attacking the zombies with a large amount of iron sand she controlled with magnetism like Misogi suggests since he knows someone who also uses electricity in his world. She then thought of something, "Kurumi-san, can you hold the fort without me for a while?" Akeno asked her fellow lovers of Misogi.

"Yes, I can manage." Replied Kurumi while nodding her head as she summons many of her time clones to aid her, "What are you going to do, Akeno-san?"

"Just checking something." Akeno then walks quickly toward Misogi, "Misogi-kun."

Misogi turned his head toward Akeno when she called his name, "Yes? What is it, Akeno?"

"Can I check the situation from above?" Akeno asked her boyfriend with a serious tone, "Since it will turn to nighttime soon, I want to check the surrounding area by flying and maybe I can find the source of this wave of where these zombies come from."

Misogi thought of Akeno's idea for a second and then nodded his head, "Yes you can."

Akeno smiled at his answer, "Alright then." A pair of black bat wings appear on her back, "Okay, I'm going to take off." When her body floated and was about to fly upward, Misogi gave Akeno a quick kiss on her lips. Making the Yamato Nadeshiko surprised and blushing a bit with a happy expression at the unexpected move from her boyfriend.

"Stay safe, okay?" Misogi smiled and told Akeno to be careful.

Akeno smiled back at him and kissed him back on the lips in a quick move and separated them, "Of course, me and Kurumi-san still waiting for you to fulfill your promise to us." She caressed Misogi's cheek with her soft hands, making Misogi blushing a little, "Thank you for your concern. Well then, I'm off." She spread her devil wings wide and shot off to the sky.

"I'm counting on you!" Misogi shouted.

"I will not disappoint you!" Akeno heard him and replied with a shout too.

Watching Akeno fly off, Misogi felt a gaze directed toward him. Looking around, he found that Kurumi was looking at him with a little jealous look and anticipation on her face. It seems she saw when Misogi and Akeno exchanged a kiss. Knowing what she wanted, Misogi summoned his Lances Bits and moved them with telekinesis and parallel thought to kill the zombies while he himself went toward Kurumi and gave her a quick kiss on the lips as he did with Akeno, which Kurumi happily accepted.

"Ufufufu~. That was my first kiss and you took it darling~, I'm happy~❤" Kurumi said as she licked her lips after her lover kissed her right on the lips, "So this is the taste of kissing the person you love... I might get addicted." she then lowered her gaze to Misogi's lower area, "I wonder how the feeling of your dark spear when pierced mine and Akeno-san's holy shield repeatedly while we moaned and showered you with many kisses."

Kurumi then shifted her gaze to Misogi's face which had gone blushing red and had an awkward smile on his lips, "Don't worry darling, we will waiting for you to fulfill your promise to us when the situation are calming down." She said to Misogi with cute yet beautiful at the same time, making Misogi charmed by her smiling face.

Seeing Misogi was entranced by her smile, Kurumi giggled softly and was about to kiss him again, but unfortunately for her, a young female was shouting at her with an irritated tone and thus interrupted her.

"Hey Tokisaki! Don't go flirting in the middle in this kind of situation! The zombies are approaching at a fast pace toward our place! We need your overpowered weapon to crush them!" Saya angrily shouted at the two lovebirds, she was shooting her gun like crazy toward a horde of zombies with the other panicking survivors. And because Kurumi was distracted and the barrage of gravitational balls and miniature black holes were stopping, the zombies rushed at them with fast speed as there was no more interference from Kurumi.

"Ehe~" Kurumi stuck out her tongue and closed her right eye while her right hand lightly knocked the side of her head.

"Ehe te nandayo?!!" Saya screamed in frustration when Kurumi made that silly expression.

Smiling wryly at them, Misogi went back to where he left his place. Kazuma gave him a stink eye when he arrived. Knowing that he's just jealous, Misogi gave Kazuma a smug look, making the latter grow a tick mark on his forehead and unleashing more fire attacks toward the zombies for venting his frustration and jealousy for having no girlfriend to flirt with.

Rimuru, who glanced at their interactions just sighed in exasperation.

"Come to think of it." Rimuru taking a look at Misogi's eyes, "Why it's just your eyes that changed into yellow on the left and light blue on the right like Kiana and Sirin when they're using Herrscher of Void's power while your clothes are not changing?" He asked as he released more Clarent Blood Arthur again.

Hearing Rimuru's question, Kazuma immediately forgot his frustration and turned toward Misogi, "Oh right, if your clothes changed, will it turn like Kiana's own outfit when Sirin's personality awakens inside her?" Kazuma asked with a wondered expression, but he then widened his eyes, "Wait, if that is the case, wouldn't that make you crossdressing as Kiana in her Herrscher of Void form?!"

Misogi does a spit-take after Kazuma makes that conclusion, "Wha-?! Of course not! My Herrscher of Void battlesuit isn't like that when it manifests! It's totally different you know?"

"Hoo~?" Kazuma looked at Misogi while squinting his eyes, not entirely believing him, "Then why have your clothes not changed then?"

"Well... It's changed automatically when I use it at more than five percent of Herrscher of Void power when in the PSYREN power testing room, and..." Misogi looked hesitant when he was about to continue his words, "... It's a bit chuuni when my clothes changed into Herrscher of Void battlesuit..."

Rimuru glanced at certain someone, "More Chuuni than Kazuma right now?"

"Yea- hey!" Kazuma was about to agree when he realized it was him whom Rimuru mentioned.

"I think it's more than that since it's also looked futuristic too," Misogi told them.

"Oh! Then can you show it to us?" Rimuru asked excitedly.

"No. It's pretty embarrassing." Misogi answered.

"Oh, c'mon, Misogi! Show us! Look at Kazuma! He even didn't have a shred of hesitation and shame when his outfit changed!"

"I refuse!" Misogi used Daga Kotowaru card to Rimuru, but it was not very effective, "Isn't Kazuma didn't have shame anymore after he knows how the way he's dead?"

"Oi! I don't have a choice! Unlike you two! This is the only power I have that I can use you know!!" Kazuma protested, "And why are you bringing up my dark history again!?"

The trio kept on talking, making Saya who watched their interactions for a while while also shooting randomly at the zombies are sighing in exasperation.

"Kumagawa aside, why they're looking like this is just an ordinary day for them when we can die at any moment." Saya commented without energy in her tone of voice, "We're fighting for our lives here and the three of them just talking without care about their surroundings. Is that because they've had supernatural abilities?"

Kurumi glanced at Saya for a moment and smiled at her, "Ufufufu~, we have a very overpowered weapon and power after all~."

"... Right... From now on, I will assume that every otherworlder are like you guys. Having an OP abilities." Saya feels that the world is unfair. Why people from different worlds have supernatural powers while there's are none in her worlds.

Kurumi and Saya's conversations are interrupted by Misogi who releases a huge sigh after conceding from Rimuru's persistent request.

"Fine, I'll show it, but don't laugh okay? If you laugh, I'll erase your 'freedom magnum' that dangling between your leg which you recently got." Misogi warned him.

"I-I promise I wouldn't laugh! I'm just curious about how the design and look of the male Herrscher of Void battlesuit!"

Looking at Rimuru's expression, Misogi could feel that Rimuru was genuinely curious about it.

"All right then! Here I go!"

A purple honkai energy then enveloped Misogi's body. When the energy is dissipated, it shows Misogi wearing white and black sleek design futuristic armor with long two purple mufflers growing out from his shoulders.

Any person who watches Misogi's transform, which is Rimuru, Kazuma, Kurumi, Saya, and a few survivors who are taking a break from attacking the zombies with their weapons are left speechless at Misogi's Herrscher of Void battlesuit.

"How was it?" The silence was broken by Misogi.

"... I think it's are leaning toward cool and awesome outfits with futuristic design rather than chuuni." Rimuru commented, "But why does it look exactly like Fatal Phantom's outfit from Elsword but with different colors in the muffler?"

Kurumi nodded her head in agreement while licking her lips like a predator whose about to pounce on it's prey.

"That's also my impression when I saw myself in the mirror when wearing this battlesuit. Albeit with the chuuni part when you said it had cool design." Misogi commented, looking over his outfit again, "Well, I never played Elsword before but I watched Fatal Phantom gameplay and his image on Google before, and now I started to think that my Herrscher of Void's outfit are cool when you said it."

"Kazuma's servant outfits are more ancient and fantasy-like while your Herrscher outfits are futuristic and more sci-fi and modern like," Rimuru told them after looking at Kazuma and Misogi.

"So, this is you when you are about to use more than five percent of your Herrscher power? Can you show us what's can you do now?" Kazuma asked.

Misogi looked thoughtful before he said to all of them.

"Everyone! Can you guys duck for a moment?"

Saya and the others looked bewildered at Misogi's request.

"And let the zombies come close to us?! Are you crazy?! You four may have the power to protect yourself but we are just normal humans without supernatural power to fight in this apocalyptic state!" Saya screamed at him.

"Don't worry, Takagi-san. What I'm about to do will make us have a moment of rest. So believe in me." Misogi said all that with a straight and serious face, making Saya torn between trusting him or continuing to keep firing her gun at the nearly-approaching zombies. A second later she made a decision.

"Alright, Fine!" Saya said with a bit of frustration, tired of experiencing this kind of apocalypse happening around her, "Everyone! Get down!" She shouted toward the survivors, which they obeyed. Rimuru, Kazuma, and Kurumi also crouched down.

Seeing all of them crouched, Misogi raised his arms to the front with a purple honkai energy enveloping his hand. He then move his arms horizontally to the side, making him turn his body 360 degree while his arm raised.

And in an instant there's sound of glass breaking in a small noise and then a second later, there's many 'thud' voice just like something had fallen to the ground. And then all was silent, there's no sound of groaning zombies anywhere.

"It's over, you guys can get up." Misogi told all of them calmly.

They all did, and when they looked at their surrounding, they were gaping like a fish out from the water.

All the zombies in every direction are killed with their heads separated from their bodies. Lampost, car, and many things including many buildings are shifted slightly and there's a horizontal line on all of them, sign of that they're being cut.

Every person turned to Misogi, wanting to hear his explanation.

"As a Herrscher of Void who rule over spacetime, I just making the space was shifting horizontally in 360 degree from all direction. I also making sure the shifting of the space I created are right at the zombies neck. But it also hit the building too." Misogi explained with a simple words.

"And the range of your attack?" Rimuru asked.

"I think it's almost nine kilometers wide."

Rimuru, Kazuma, and Kurumi are greatly impressed by it while the other group are still dumbfounded by what Misogi can do. Still feeling incredulous by what they saw.

"... Okay Saya, they're just people with power coming from different worlds with overpowered ability." Saya, who was feeling In disbelief, trying to calm her heart while patting her chest after seeing Misogi doing something outrageous again.

"Calm down... Just... Calm... Down... Arggghhh!! I can't calm down at all!!" Saya shouted loudly.

It's seem having her common sense destroyed was a heavy blow to her mind while Saeko, Rei and Kohta were trying to calm her down.

Meanwhile, Shizuka was staring at Misogi with stars in her eyes at his cool-looking outfit which somehow looked very fit for him while Takashi was thinking about something, he then opened his mouth to ask Misogi.

"Hey, Kumagawa." Takashi called out.

"Yes? What is it?" Misogi looked toward Takashi while still in his Fatal Phantom outfit he wears, which Takashi also admit that it was very cool-looking and awesome.

"You can do that shifting space thing anytime right?"

"Yeah." Misogi answered, "What about it?"

"Then why you didn't do it from the start when we were surrounded by the zombies?"

Hearing Takashi's questions, Misogi pointed his thumb at Kazuma and Rimuru, "Blame these two, they didn't want me to go all out to instantly kill the zombies because they want to test their abilities on them." Misogi replied with honest answer when answering Takashi's question while the two people in question were smiling sheepishly at him.

Takashi watched them with a blank look on his face. He then started scratching his hair in exasperation, "You know what? Do what you want, I'm just a normal person who uses a stupidly indestructible tuna fish as a weapon to bash a zombie."

After Takashi walked away to rest, the MCG's screen suddenly turned on, there was a message from Akeno.

[PriestessofThunder: Everyone, I think I found what was causing the zombies to endlessly appear.]

[PriestessofThunder: But what just happened earlier? While I was flying, I think I saw that the space below me in the zombies area was suddenly being cut and shifted. Making their head being cut off from their neck alongside the building and other things on the streets.]

[RulerofMonster: Oh? Did you find it? What did it look like? And where its located?]

[PriestessofThunder: Umm... It looked like a building made out of flesh and bones, had many tentacles and protrusions. It's also had something weird which coloured white attached on its top.]

[PriestessofThunder: I found it about eight and half kilometers in north side from our position.]

[PriestessofThunder: It also smelled so disgusting and can regenerate when I attacked it with the iron sands. It's also regenerated after the space shifting attack before.]

[PriestessofThunder: By the way, you guys still haven't answered my question.]

[WorstSpirit: It was the doing of our darling~, when he used more than five percent of his Herrscher power, a cool futuristic looking and awesome outfit suddenly appeared on him which somehow fit and made him more dazzling in my eyes when he wears it~]

[PriestessofThunder: Misogi-kun changed his outfit? I want to see it later! Don't change your outfit back before I coming back there Misogi-kun! I want to see you in your dazzling outfit!]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Then I'll waiting for you.]

[WorstSpirit: As a Herrscher, maybe you can manifest a battlesuit too like darling, Akeno-san.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Please note that you must use your Herrscher's power, not your divine key or your thunder magic.]

[PriestessofThunder: Alright, I'll try it to this weird fleshy zombies factory then.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Will you be alright?]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Akeno-san is a Herrscher like you. Of course she will be alright!]

[AdvocateofGenderEquality: Just trust your lovers, Misogi. Akeno-san and Kurumi-san are powerful enough on their own you know?]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Well, as their boyfriend, I also worried if they are hurt even if it's just a scratch, okay.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): But you are right Kazuma, I must trust them when they trust me.]

[Naked-ApronSenpai(Admin): Then, Akeno, show them your power as Herrscher of Thunder! And remember many tricks about electricity I told you about!]

[PriestessofThunder: Thank you for your vote of confidence for me you all!]

[PriestessofThunder: Well then, I'm off.]

PriestessofThunder are offline.

"Let's wait for her here and taking a rest when she come back." Misogi suggested, making the other nodded in agreement.

~~~Scene change~~~

Akeno was floating up a bit away from the source of the zombies because of its smells, she stared at that thing with a frown.

"Hmm, it keeps regenerating when I attack it with my thunder or iron sands." Akeno said as she wondered how to attack again.

"Should I try the Railgun that Misogi-kun had told me like his psychic kohai who is an electromaster?" She muttered while mulling over it.

"Let's try it then."

Akeno took out a coin and held it on her finger. Electricity started appearing and dancing around her hand which held the coin.

When she felt that it was ready, Akeno pointed her finger which holding the coin toward the zombie factory direction.

"Please have a taste, ufufufu~"

With that said, she flicked her finger. With a trail of purple lightning, the coin then shoots out with speed almost reaching Mach 4.


The railgun then hit the Zombie factory and created a huge hole in it, but like before, it regenerated again.

Akeno who watched the zombie factory regenerate from her attack was not discouraged and smiled slightly.

"If one was not enough, how about this?"

Akeno opened her inventory and released many 1 yen coins which she kept inside it after Misogi told her about his electromaster psychic Kohai who used her power skillfully.

When the coin was appeared and scattered above her, Akeno released a huge amount of electricity from her body and it hit the many coins she released, making all of it shot toward the fleshy-like building.

Many trails of purple lightning followed the coins and it created a deafening sound when they hit their target.






"Ufufufu~" Akeno only smiled in amusement at her new attack method. She didn't notice that the Kuoh uniform she wears is changed to an battlesuit to match her as Herrscher of Thunder as clouds began to form and blacken and rumbles of lightning could be heard.

~~~Scene Change~~~


"What was that!?"

Takashi's group and the other survivors were surprised at the loud sound. They're sprawled on the ground or just simply sitting there to rest when a loud BOOM suddenly can be heard loudly from afar.

Misogi and the member of MCG looked toward the north side where Akeno was.

"Don't worry. It was just Akeno trying a new trick I taught her for variations of her attack." Misogi told them.

They looked toward where the sound was heard, in that direction, more black clouds were gathered and a few lightning could be seen inside the cloud.






The loud boom sounds are still continued for a few second more, making the ground and the buildings was shaking. And many of the buildings which hit with Misogi's AoE attack space shift are starting to crumble and falling down because of the continuous shaking hit them for every second.

"Just what kind of attack did Himejima-san use that can create this kind of damage even when she is from afar?" Saeko asked while rubbing her ear slightly. She was caught off guard when the first loud boom was heard and she didn't have time to close her ear with her hands as it was very sudden. Takashi and the other also rubbed their ears, trying to ease the pain in their eardrums.

Misogi turned his head toward Saeko and gave her a light smirk.

"If I'm going to guess, she uses electromagnetic force to launch high-velocity projectiles. The projectile normally does not contain explosives, instead relying on the projectile's high kinetic energy to inflict damage. And so, she using one yen coin for creating a simple Railgun which can be used anytime and anywhere." Answered Misogi to Saeko who her eyes are widened in surprise.

As a smart student, Saeko know what is a Railgun. A railgun or rail gun is a linear motor device, typically designed as a weapon, that uses electromagnetic force to launch high-velocity projectiles. The projectile normally does not contain explosives, instead relying on the projectile's high kinetic energy to inflict damage. The railgun uses a pair of parallel conductors (rails), along which a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail. It is based on principles similar to those of the homopolar motor.

"Himejima-san can do that kind of attack huh." Saeko nodded stiffly,

"If you have a superpower, and you are smart at science, added with your creativity, you can make many variations of your attack which would make it powerful enough." Misogi told her, "You see Akeno use her lightning to create electromagnetism waves to control many iron sands, isn't it? That's the example."

"I-I see..." Saeko nodded her head stiffly.

~~~Scene Change~~~

*Back to Akeno*

Akeno watched as the smoke from her railgun attack which hit the zombie factory and tore through it impacted the ground, creating more smoke that blocked her vision. Making her frown as she can't see the enemy's condition.

A while later, the smoke was dissipating and being lifted by the wind. Revealing the condition of the area around the zombie factory.

"... I think using fifty thousand of one yen coins each for railgun is pretty overkill." Akeno commented. Feeling a bit conflicted about the damage she's caused.

The zombie factory didn't have a chance to regenerate itself after being hit with a railgun after railgun in quick succession.

And the heat also makes the zombie factory's flesh burn out and leaves a black mark like charcoal. The ground area around it was gouged out and leaving a deep hole that about more than ten meters deep with nearly a hundred meters in diameter.

The building around the gouged hole is also not safe from her attack which can be seen they're destroyed and becoming rubble when Akeno sees it after the smoke clears out from her vision from there.

Akeno stayed there for a few minutes, waiting if the fleshy building can regenerate again after that much destruction.

After nothing happened for ten minutes, Akeno decided to going back to Misogi and the other.

Akeno feels happy that maybe when she is powerful enough, she can help Rias to escape her engagement.

"Misogi-kun Herrscer battlesuit, I want to see it~!" While saying that with a smile, Akeno flew toward her destination with cheerful mood, unaware that her school uniform are changed to her Herrscher of Thunder battlesuit. Leaving a trail of purple lightning when she flew.

~~~Scene Change~~~

"Oh, it's stopping." Kazuma said as he was about to drink the bitter melon juice given by Misogi. He just wants to taste the drink which makes Theresa addicted to drinking the thing, he then shipped a bit, "Hmm... Not bad. A bit bitter but had a unique taste." Kazuma drinks all of it and then makes a refreshing smile, "I've started taking a liking to this!"

Misogi watched Kazuma drinking the bitter melon juice with strange expresion while Rimuru was looking at Kazuma in defeat. Both Kazuma and Rimuru was interested when Misogi talking about it, making the two of them curious and ask Misogi to give the drink to them. Unfortunately Misogi have one bitter melon juice. Because of it Rimuru amd Kazuma doing Rock-Paper-Scissor and the winner get the sought drink from Misogi.

The result? Kazuma won with a smug face and Rimuru groaned in disappointment.

After emptying juice from the plastic bottle, Kazuma looked refreshed, "This juice is great, now I know why Theresa love this thing! And the others who said that it's tasted bad are the weird one!"

"Hey, is there's one in the system shop? If there are, I definitely save my point when daily quests are unlocked and buy it for myself!"

"Ah, Akeno-san came back~" Kurumi said when she looked up and notice a dot on the sky. Making the other also looked up.

The dot get bigger as it grew closer to them. It then revealed to be Akeno wearing different outfit than they saw previously which is Kuoh Academy's uniform.

"Hello everyone~! I'm back~!" Akeno greeting them happily.

"Welcome back, Akeno-san~." Kurumi welcomed her with a smile as she sees Akeno's change of wardrobes.

Akeno then looking at Misogi while the person himself was frozen in shock when he saw Akeno's new outfit. Kazuma and Rimuru are also in the same condition

"So that's Misogi-kun Herrscher of Void battlesuit." Akeno looking at her lover wearing the futuristic white and black outfit with thirsty expression on her face. She suddenly want Misogi ravishing her body in bed with S&M play.

"So that's your Herrscher of Thunder battlesuit." Kurumi commented, making Akeno stopped her daydream delusions, "It's traditional japanese, but that realy making you looked like japanese noble."

"Akeno looked down on her body. Indeed her uniform are gone, now her outfit consists of a shear dark purple bodysuit under an extremely short lavender kimono. The sleeves of her bodysuit completely cover her arms and terminate at golden rings on her middle fingers, partly cover her palms and the tops of her hands. The back and sleeves of her kimono are decorated with tomoe, flower, and wave patterns in shades of purple and gold. Her kimono is fastened with a crimson obi tied into a bow at her back. She wears dark purple thigh-high stockings with small diamond openings at the top and high-heeled sandals; her right ankle is adorned with two of the same flowers in her hair and on her kimono. Her nails are painted purple. A small red ribbon sits at her neck over her bodysuit, which covers her neck and shoulders but leaves open a window for her chest and upper back. There are also three objects on her outfit: a black pauldron on her left shoulder, a tasseled ornament at the front of her obi, and a fan-like ornament on her obi's bow. While her hair ate still ponytail, there's a ōgi-bira kanzashi (fan-shaped hairpiece) at the right side of her head.

"Ara~. Is this my Herrscher of Thunder battlesuit? This is quite beautiful and noble-like." Akeno looked over her battlesuit which impressed her with the design of the outfit, she then looked toward the boys, especially her lover Misogi, "How's my appearance, everyone? Does this suit-."

"""Raiden Ei!!!""" x3

The reincarnator trio shouted at the same time, making Akeno and Kurumi and the others startled at their sudden reaction. But then turned into confusion when Rimuru stared at Akeno with stars in his eyes and Kazuma was shaking Misogi's shoulder in jealously then fall on his knees while crying tears of blood while the latter was looking at Akeno in awe and excited expression. A bit of blush also could be seen on both his cheeks.

"Dammit... Why life is so unfair..." Kazuma muttered in depression, "I mean, come on! Shouldn't isekai or tensei protagonist suddenly got girls surrounding and fallen in love with him while doing nothing?! I also reincarnator, you know!? Misogi got the most sought hot girls from both anime series, and one of them wearing the outfit of the booba sword lady from one of my favorite game! Even Rimuru has two girls! And what did I get?! A useless goddess, a Chuuni explosion maniac, and a perverted masochist!" And he then went into complaining mode.

Rimuru then tapped Misogi's arm in excited vibe, "Misogi, it's Raiden Ei! Akeno-san turned into Raiden Ei! You're lucky to have her as one of your girls Misogi!"

Misogi just staring at Akeno with a blush on his dazed state. Well, Raiden Ei was also one of the girls he found attractive and beautiful, he also like her character design, mainly her outfit. As Japanophile in his first previous life, He always had a thing for girls wearing kimono. But the best of the female anime character he sees wear a kimono are Raiden Shogun or Raiden Ei. And who couldn't blame him for being entraced! Akeno, one of the girls he likes in an anime is one of his girlfriends! Adding that she is wearing a set of attractive and seductive purple kimono from the best kimono design in Genshin Impact, Misogi feels like he is in in heaven for the deadly combo and leaving him in this kind of state. Staring at Akeno in a daze.

"Oh my." Kurumi watched the reaction of the reincarnator trio with amusement, "It seems that your Herrscher of Thunder battlesuit is making them broke, in a good way, Akeno-san~, especially darling. His expression seems like he was in a dream."

Akeno approaches Misogi and hugged him with happy feeling, making Misogi snaped out from his daydream state and looked toward who was suddenly hugging him. When he see that it was Akeno whose hugging him wearing Raiden Shogun outfit, Misogi's face went red like tomatoes and feeling like he could die happily without regret.

Rimuru who's watching Akeno hugging Misogi was thinking of something.

"I never thought that Chung Fatal Phantom and Raiden Ei while she hugging him can make this quite a picturesque."

"Hey, Rimuru-san." Kurumi looked toward the slime that turned into male human.

"Yes? What is it Kurumi-san?" Rimuru replied while still watching Akeno hugging Misogi happily as the latter hugged her back.

"Who is this Raiden Ei you three shouted earlier?" Kurumi asked Rimuru with curiosity in her tone.

"Let's just say that she is one of the girl which Misogi's found attractive in online gacha game." Rimuru answered with a shrug, "But for me it's Ganyu, the cocogoat, the prettiest cinnamon roll of Teyvat."

Hearing Rimuru's answer, Kurumi looked thinking for a moment before asking him again.

"Then, does that girl exist? Since we are a real character that also appears in your previous life world as fictional characters."

Rimuru rubbed his chin at Kurumi's question, "The probability is high since there's an infinite multiverse out there."

Kurumi went silent for a while, thinking about something but then gave up, "Thank you for answering my question, Rimuru-san." She thanked him with a smile.

"You're welcome." Rimuru also said with a smile.

Kurumi then went toward Misogi and Akeno who still hugging each other.

"Darling~! Akeno-san~! Let me join the hug~!" Kurumi arrived at the two to joined the hug and Misogi and Akeno accept her hug with a smile on their face.

After a while Rimuru approach Akeno.

"Sorry to interrupt your fun, but Akeno-san, did you defeated and kill the source of the zombies?"

Akeno, who was about to sneak a kiss at Misogi turned tiward Rimuru with a fake pouting expression, "Yes, the flesh-like building that producing the zombies en masse are killed."

"So, that's mean one of our missions task are complete right? This is pretty easy." Kazuma chimed in. His recovery state from complaining mode are very fast!

"I don't think so Kazuma." Said Misogi as he read the mission tasks in front of him, "Look a the Mission task part."

The Multiverse Chat Group members looked at their own floating screen.

*Mission World: High School of the Dead*

*Mission Tasks:*

[Eliminate all the zombies in the world]

[Search and kill the source of the zombie outbreak (1/100)]

[Protect Takashi Komuro and his group from <Anti-Thesis >]

[Kill the <Anti-Thesis >]

"What the..." Kazuma was speechless seeing that they'd eliminated just one from a hundred.

"Searching for the remaining ninety-nine sources of the zombies in this world will be quite a challenge." Kurumi frowned when saying that.

"And we also need to eliminate all the zombies in this world." Akeno said with a serious tone.

"This suddenly turned into a search and destroy mission," Rimuru said in annoyance.

Misogi was looking at them while raises one of his eyebrows, "Why are you guys upset? Isn't this is the perfect chance to train and master the new power you have? Aren't you guys the one who says that this is sounds like tutorial world for us?" He said with brutally honest fact. Making Rimuru and Kazuma giving him stink eyes while Akeno and Kurumi sighed in annoyance at that.