
Do you know how to cook?

The portly chef was a coward in life, so much so that a feral cat leaping out from a graveyard had literally scared him to death. 

His lingering desire was simple: to continue living, even if that meant existing as a ghost.

So, when the Hell Warriors commenced their massacre in Cangshan City, the portly chef took his chances by plunging into one of the ubiquitous ghost wells scattered across the Horror World. 

If any architecture was common in horror world, it had to be these wells. It was said that Hades, the creator of this horror world, had gathered souls from various dimensions and funneled them here.

While ghosts possess a near-infinite lifespan, they still require some ghost energy for sustenance, albeit a negligible amount. 

To solve this problem, Hades, in a union with the land of the Horror World, used his cosmic blood to spawn a unique soul creature: the Xiao fish.