
4 Years Old


'All that is good and holy, that was the best sleep I've ever gotten.' thought Yuuichi as he woke up.

"Ah!" he shouted as the memories from the past 4 years of his life merged with his old ones, subtly changing his personality while keeping who he was as intact as possible.

At the moment, Yuuichi was experiencing the past 4 years of his life that he had missed out on. It was an experience that was unlike anything he had experienced before. He saw how the doctors checked up on him before giving him a clean bill of health, how his adoptive parents signed all the necessary paperwork to legally adopt him, and how his adoptive parents showered him with love and affection.

Learning to walk and talk, his first words being mama and his mother being so overjoyed, the falls and scrapes he had taken all while laughing and a smile never leaving his face. The extravagant birthday parties his parents threw celebrating his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year on this earth, and all the stuffed animals he could ask for.

All the mundane days where he did nothing but lay his head on his mother's lap as she read to him and the days where he just stayed in the same room as his father while he conducted business. Yuuichi experienced it all, and at the end of it, he was crying because he knew he was truly loved.

"Happy birthday, Yuuichi!" said his mother as she walked into his room only to see him crying before rushing over to his side and hugging him.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" she asked looking him over.

"No. I had a bad dream." said Yuuichi as he hugged her back.

"Oh, sweety. It's okay. It's just a nightmare." she said as she rocked him back and forth while rubbing his back.

"I love you, mom." he said.

"I love you too. Now, come on, go get cleaned up. It's time to eat breakfast and celebrate your birthday." she said.

"Are you throwing me a party?" he asked.

"Not this time. Do you know why?"

"Because it's my 4th birthday and my quirk might manifest." he said.

"That's right. When it's someone's 4th birthday, we don't celebrate their birthday, we celebrate the day their quirk is manifested."

"What if someone's quirk doesn't manifest?"

"Then nothing happens. They go check to see if they can get a quirk and if they can, they just wait until it manifests."

"What will my quirk be? Will it be like yours or dad's?" said Yuuichi, trying to see if they would tell him he was adopted.

"Oh. W-wait here, sweety." she said before exiting the room and returning shortly after with her husband in tow.

"Happy birthday, kiddo!" said his dad as he picked him up and hugged him.

"Thanks, dad."

"Now, your mom said you were curious about what your quirk might be?" he said as he set Yuuichi down on the bed.


"So, you figured it out?" said his dad as he looked right into his eyes.

"Figured what out?" asked his mom.

"That I'm adopted." said Yuuichi.

"What?! How?!" said his mom, panicking.

"I don't look like either of you. I have green and black hair, and you both have black hair. I have canines and long earlobes, you don't." said Yuuichi, showing off more of his older personality.

"Sigh, you're a smart kid. We were hoping this would take a while longer. Yes, you're adopted." said his dad as he sat next to him on the bed while his mother did the same.

"We were planning on telling you when you were older and you could understand it more. Seems like you beat us to it. But just because we're not your biological parents, doesn't mean that we don't love you. You are our son, we raised you and we love you, no matter what." said his mom, while both his parents hugged him.

"Thanks. I love you both, too."

"We know. But, don't you want to know about your real mom? Not that we know anything." said his mom, a little nervous.

"Just tell me how you found me."

"Well, it was almost four years ago exactly, and your father and I were eating dinner when we heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw nothing, but as I looked down I saw you, wrapped up in a blanket with a note. It said your mother couldn't take care of you so she wanted to give you the opportunity to grow up somewhere with parents that could take care of you. The only other thing that it said was your name, Yuuichi. She chose it and we respected her wishes to name you that." said his mom.

"We tried looking for her after that, but we couldn't find anything." chimed in his dad.

"Okay, thank you." said Yuuichi.

"Anytime. Now, come on, breakfast is ready." said his dad as the trio stood up but as Yuuichi stood up he stumbled and fell, clutching his chest while groaning in pain.

"Yuuichi!" said his mom as she yelled and was holding him.

"It might be his quirk! Let's take him to the hospital!" said his dad as he scooped up Yuuichi, who shortly after passed out.


Opening his eyes, Yuuichi could see a white ceiling before it was covered by the face of his mother.

"Yuuichi, how are you feeling?" she said as she stroked his hair.

"What happened?" said Yuuichi as he sat up from the hospital bed.

"You manifested your quirk." said the doctor, who was a beautiful dark-skinned lady with brown rabbit ears.

"Really?!" said Yuuichi, excited to finally make his Buddhist-inspired constructs, not that he would limit himself to that.

"Okay, calm down. Let Megumi explain." said his mom, smiling at seeing her son's excitement.

"It's okay, he's one of the more tamer kids I've seen. Nice to meet you, kid. I'm Megumi Usagiyama, a friend of your mother's. Just call me auntie." said the doctor while smiling.

"Nice to meet you, auntie." said Yuuichi.

"Ah, so cute. But, yes, you have manifested your quirk. It's rare for kids to fall unconscious because of their quirk manifesting, but it does happen on occasion."

"Oh, thank god." said his mom, breathing a sigh of relief.

"So, what's his quirk?" asked his dad.

"Usually this is a lot easier because we compare the parent's Quirk Factor with the child's but considering the circumstance, we couldn't do so. But, after running some tests, we've managed to get a pretty accurate guess. It seems Yuuichi-kun has the ability to use solar energy to create constructs. He also has a container of sorts in his body to store extra energy for his use." she explained.

"Sweet." said Yuuichi.

"Very. On paper, it seems to be very powerful but the actual application remains to be seen. Still, I'd say you lucked out kid." she said, closing the file and rubbing his head.

"Can I try it out right now?" said Yuuichi, looking at his parents, who then looked at his aunt, who nodded.

"Yes, but be very careful and don't try to overdo it. Make something small like a finger." said his mother.

"Okay." he said as he closed his eyes.

Now with his eyes closed, he could feel the ambient solar energy around him, and he knew that he could create constructs using it. So, he created the image of the finger he wanted to construct, and the solar energy around him started moving to bring his thoughts to life.

As he moved the energy, the office started to rise in temperature before stopping when it felt like an unbearable summer day.

"Should we stop him?" asked his dad.

"Seems like the temperature stopped rising, so it should be okay. But maybe have a fire extinguisher ready." said his aunt, as his mother pulled a fire extinguisher out of her body.

Back to Yuuichi, the solar energy had just finished rearranging itself in the form of a finger before it appeared right in front of Yuuichi, and the temperature started rising again.

Opening his eyes to see his construct, the only thing he managed to catch a glimpse of before it disappeared was a tiny finger that was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Awesome!" he shouted, mesmerized by the fleeting sight.

"We'll have to be more careful from now on." said his dad, causing Yuuichi to turn to look at his parents who were drenched in sweat.

"What happened?" he asked.

"It's your quirk. Because you use solar energy, the temperature of your constructs is quite high. Not at the level of the actual sun, but still." said his aunt as she was fanning herself with the file.

"Hahaha!" said Yuuichi as he was unable to suppress his joy any longer.

"I'm glad you're happy. But seeing as you're the first to have this quirk, you get naming rights."

"No one's had a quirk like this before?" asked his mom.

"Constructs yes, but solar energy constructs, no."

"Awesome. Let's just call it Solar Constructs." said Yuuichi even though he knew he could use two other types of energy. If anything he could get it fixed later on. Hopefully.

"Sounds good." she said before writing it down.

"Megumi, can I talk to you in private? Why don't you go wait outside dear? We'll take Yuuichi to buy some ice cream as a celebration in a bit." said his mom.

"Sweet!" said Yuuichi as he followed his dad.

"Consider it done." said his aunt after the door shut.

"What? I haven't asked you anything yet." said his mom.

"You were about to ask me to wipe his quirk from the hospital records so only the Quirk Registry has the info." she said.

"How'd you know?"

"Please, how long have we been friends? I know you'd do anything to keep him safe from harm."

"Thank you." she said before hugging her friend.

"Don't worry about it. But you know it'll still be in the Quirk Registry, so it won't be super secret."

"I know, but if anything were to happen, it'll be after he's already had time to practice with his quirk. Anyway, you should come over later with Rumi. We're celebrating his Quirk Manifesting and his birthday." said his mom.

"Sounds good. That little troublemaker of mine needs some friends anyways."

"Good, I'll see you around 7 then. And thank you again." she said before going to catch up with her husband.


"I'm Rumi." said the dark-skinned little girl with white rabbit ears who was currently sitting on Yuuichi.

"Haha, Yuuichi, nice to meet you." he said, not at all bothered by being sat on.

As for the reason for him being sat on, well that goes back to the moment they met.


After leaving the hospital, the family of three went to get some ice cream before going back home to get ready for the party. While his parents set everything up with the help of the maids, Yuuichi went to the training hall to try out his quirk.

His parents had created the training hall in preparation for his eventual Quirk Manifestation. And this was the first time it would be used for its intended purpose, as Yuuichi would use it to laze around without being bothered by anyone.

Entering the training hall, Yuuichi changed into some athletic wear before sitting down in the middle of the hall.

'Okay, I was very slow with creating the finger construct earlier, which is to be expected. But it went away as soon as I stopped focusing on the image of the finger, so I have to always keep the construct in my mind when using it. A little annoying but a small price to pay for having my dreams come true. Let me try again but this time without closing my eyes.' he thought.

Like the first time, he thought about the construct he wanted to make, a finger, and kept it in mind. Similarly, he could feel that the ambient solar energy was moving to create the finger, slightly faster than before. A few moments later, the temperature started rising, and the finger appeared in front of him, as beautiful as before.

'Okay, don't lose focus. Let me try to move it around.'

Keeping the image of the finger in mind, he willed the finger to start moving around and it did. It slowly went forward before he made it turn around and come back to him. Then he made it turn in place while moving it up and down. After a few seconds, his focus lapsed and the finger disappeared.

"Sweet." he said with a smile.

Knock Knock

"Young master, Madame is calling for you." said a maid.

"Thank you, Ayako. I'll be right there." he said before getting up and following Ayako to where his mother was.

"Thank you, Ayako." said his mom as Ayako bowed before leaving to resume her duties.

"What's up, mom?" said Yuuichi.

"Did you have fun using your quirk?"

"Yes! I kept the finger around for longer and made it move." he said.

"Wow, good job! I'm so proud of you!" said his mom ruffling his hair, "But you need to be careful. From now on, don't use your quirk without Ayako being there. Her quirk is water based so she can help if anything goes wrong, understood?"


"Good, now go clean up. Company is going to be here soon." she said before Yuuichi went upstairs to his room and took a shower before changing into something more formal.

'Ugh, formal wear. Why must you haunt me so?! Actually, it is my party so I should be able to wear whatever I want. Sound logic.' he thought before rummaging through his closet before finding the clothes he would wear. A blue tank top with white trim that said Usachan with a drawing of a rabbit, dark purple loose-fitting joggers, and blue running shoes.

'Not bad.' he thought as he stood in front of the mirror with a lollipop in his mouth.

For some reason, he had developed a crazy sweet tooth when he was 3 and had to constantly have a lollipop. His parents had been worried so they took him to a doctor and a dentist, but they both assured them he was having zero-adverse effects and they should consider it a side-effect from his unmanifested quirk.

"You ready?" said his father as he walked into his room.

"Yup." he said with a smile.

"Your mom's going to get mad." said his dad with a smile.

"No, she won't."

"Want to bet?"

"What are we betting?"

"If your mom does get mad, you'll have to learn about the business with me. If she doesn't, I'll buy you one thing you want." he said.

Yuuichi's dad had tried to get him interested in business before, but he had shown zero interest. So, he saw an opportunity to force him to learn.

"Deal." said Yuuichi as he shook hands with his dad before they both went downstairs.

"He's ready!" said his dad as they reached the first floor.

"Oh good, I want to take some pictures first." she said as she turned around to see them.

"What do you think?" said Yuuichi, striking some poses.

"What are you wearing? Why aren't you wearing your suit?"

"It's too stuffy. I didn't like it."

"Now, now honey. Don't be too mad." said his dad.

"I'm not angry. Why would I be angry?"

"You're not? But he's not wearing the suit?" said his dad.

"Oh, who cares. It's his birthday and his Quirk Manifestation, he can wear whatever he wants. Besides, it's not like we care what those stuffy old men think. It also suits him somehow." she said as she licked her hand before adjusting Yuuichi's hair who was smiling at his dad.


"Oh, that must be Megumi. Come, Yuuichi. It's time to meet a new friend." she said quickly going to answer the door.

"What do you want?" said his dad, who had a smile on his face even though he lost.

"Don't know. I'll save it for later." said Yuuichi before following after his mom.

As he reached the entrance he saw his mother talking to his aunt while an almost identical but smaller version of her was next to her looking bored.

"Oh, there he is. Com-" was all his mom said before she was interrupted.

"I heard you awakened your quirk. Want to fight?" said the girl as she ran up to Yuuichi.

"Uh, I can't use it very well yet." he said.

"Then want to fight not using our quirks?" she said with a big smile.


"Yes! Come on!" she said before lunging right at him, quickly taking him down and sitting on top of him.

"Hahaha! I win." she said while laughing.

"Hahaha, nice one! What's your name by the way?" said Yuuichi.

"I'm Rumi."

"Haha, Yuuichi, nice to meet you."


I know quirks can manifest anytime before 4, but in my version 4 years has become the norm for when people do, so most of the world celebrates their child's quirk manifestation rather than their birthday.

Also, I changed it to Cosmic Constructs because I think that's the more accurate term rather than Stellar Constructs. It will still function the same, solar, lunar, and stellar energy will be useable by him.

Also, he will eventually be able to control the temperature of his solar constructs, and his lunar constructs, which will be cold as is the case in Chinese novels, the sun is hot and the moon is cold. As for his stellar constructs, I'm not that sure yet, so if you have any ideas, it'd be much appreciated.

Also pictures of characters here.




Second chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts