
As Bill Cipher in the Multiverse

A 35 Year old man gets caught in a car accident and dies from blood loss.After travelling through a black void he finds himself in another strange dimension one filled with weird spheres and.....His body feels weird...

DerangedNDepressed · Outros
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7 Chs

The Cursed

A/N Edgy Title go BRRRRRRRRR.

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After Nope'ing away from the Marvel Universe,Bill appeared in the InBetween.

Oh,yeah that is how he named it.


As he appeared he saw a notification congratulating him on completing the mission.

[CONGRATULATIONS!You have completed your very first mission given by the K.E.G!]

[First Game]

A student of The Ancient One that got interested in the dark arts,has found a way to summon you.

Find out what the student wants and make a contract,or get rid of the student.


x1[Eldritch Magic Manual]A manual on Eldritch Magic

x1[Sell function Unlocked]Unlocks the abillity to sell items across the multiverse using the currency of the world you sell In.{Currency converts to Chaos Coins] 1-1

x5[Lottery tickets] Feed your addiction

x1[Code]Self explanatory


' ' Use the Eldritch Magic Manual. ' 'He voiced

[Such function does not exist.]

' ' Eh? ' 'He called out,Confused.

[Use your brains dumbass,you need to learn it yourself.]

' ' Meh....I guess that would be asking much...looking at my current stats...' ' He said

' ' I'll gambl-Cough Cough-Use the lottery tickets and code later.' ' He Mused to himself,Coughing to 'Correct' himself.

' ' For now i can just chill in he-' ' He was about to say when he was interrupted

[Mission Available]

' ' Already?I want to file a complaint!' ' He shouted

[Your opinion is Invalid]

' ' What the FU-' '

2 hours later

After swearing his lungs out he calmed down and accepted the mission he got.

[The Curses And The Humans]

Itadori Yuuji and his friends from highschool found a way to summon you.

Find out what these foolish mortals want from you and make a deal,euthanizing them is not an option.


X3[Random Product]A Random product that can be sold.

X1[Focus]A product that can be sold.

[Bonus Mission]Sell something to Itadori Yuuji.]


[Strider]A product that can be sold.


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We present!

Yuuji trying to figure out how to say the words.

''Entrangublum?Trianhulum?What the heck is this? ''

' ' BAKA!This is not Japanese!This is english!' ' A girl said snatching the paper out of his arms.

' ' HEY! ' 'Yuuji cried out

' ' Let me do it.I can speak english pretty good if i do say so myself. ' 'The girl said,obiously proud.

She then looked at the paper.

' ' Now then...let's see..... ' 'She squinted

And then.....Cliffhanger

[This fanfic will probably not last more than 60 chapters so enjoy while you can!

Im not a die hard fan of jujutsu kaisen but the animation slaps and music also slaps,Gojo is hot.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

The twitch streamer will not fuck you.

DerangedNDepressedcreators' thoughts