
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
310 Chs

[254] The World Over Heaven

In the past, there was a man—

He desired wealth and power, a man determined not to lose to anyone, but... in this pursuit, he faced obstacles and failed.

In his failure, he believed that humanity had limits, so he became a monstrous being for eternal life—a vampire!

With only a head left, he continued to live. Together with the body of his arch-nemesis, he slept in the Atlantic for centuries, only to be later pulled out.

After that, he encountered that person—Enya the hag.

He gained a bow and arrow.

He acquired a powerful Stand.

A savior of villains.

He possessed the ability to stop time—

Around him gathered a multitude of Stand users who served him, offering their loyalty.

But... he was not satisfied.

What he sought was not these; he desired eternal peace! No one could threaten his true tranquility—

For this, he traveled the world. While experiencing Stand abilities, he searched for ways to make himself forever "at ease," constantly moving forward.

He encountered individuals, causing them to fall for him one after another.

'The gravitational pull between people' was his most frequently spoken phrase at that time.

He would even unconditionally shoot arrows capable of awakening Stand abilities at people, for the sole reason of "destiny"...

Back then, he did not view anyone as an enemy.

Only as subordinates, friends... or even further, as additional support.

Finally, he found a way to advance further!

Finally, he found a method to gain eternal peace—

During the new moon, fourteen keywords...

At that time! He would ascend to heaven!

Attaining eternal peace, truly reigning over the entire world!

But—before he could realize his goal, having arrived at this conclusion, he was defeated. He was beaten by that man... that man named Jotaro Kujo, who defeated fate.

But—fate always stood by his side!

No matter when, it was always the case.

Even in this different world!

Coincidentally, the location of the Holy Grail War was Kairo—he stayed here for several years, and he knew exactly where was most suitable for ascending to heaven.

Coincidentally, the Holy Grail War began precisely at the new moon!

Coincidentally, it was raining on this day.

Coincidentally, Berserker's spear helped him locate the gravitational force of the new moon!

And then—he ascended—

In the manga "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure," there are numerous Stand users, but—only one person was found who could enhance Stand abilities other than with the "arrows"!

That person was DIO!

This character who appeared at the very beginning could be said to be the most evil person in the entire world, the most hardworking person in the entire world, and the most talented person in the entire world.

He unearthed the ultimate method to enhance Stand abilities with arrows—

And finally!

Now! After a century, his long-cherished wish has finally come true—

This man has finally reached heaven! Touching upon a realm that no one else has reached, possessing that Stand—

"The World Over Heaven!"

DIO slowly descended to the ground, looking at the approaching Servants, magus, and executors.

Looking at the people surrounding him, he felt no fear or any emotions related to fear...

Now, all he could feel was peace...

True peace.

Before him, everyone seemed like ants that he could easily kill.

"This is the name of my Stand..." DIO said calmly to everyone in front of him, as if these people were no longer his enemies, as if his previous embarrassing defeat didn't exist: "How about it? It's not too late now; this is the final chance. I need to rule this world... but, it also requires a considerable amount of energy. How about it? All of you are talented individuals. If you pledge allegiance to me, I will grant you eternal peace... no more fear, no more terror, no more unease... everything will be in front of you, how about it?"


In the next moment, arrows shot towards his feet.

"That's the answer, how about it?" Arash, standing afar, drew his bow and said...

Although it's said so, even in this place, he could feel that chill, his body getting goosebumps... the attacks were not just to negate, but also to rid himself of fear.

That's right...

He felt fear, he felt terror.


He had encountered such feelings countless times. The so-called heroic spirit precisely knows fear and conquers it!

Even... this feeling of fear made him smile.

A familiar feeling...

"Haha, it seems... you're refusing, right? It's okay. What about you all? If you agree, come over to my side, and especially you Servants, I will grant you flesh, a true physical body to move in this world—just like this."

DIO's voice had just fallen!

Martha's expression changed—

She had sensed it... the DIO in front of her was no longer a Servant but a genuine living being—

DIO had truly become a vampire!

"Just like this, as long as you desire, I can grant you any kind of flesh—"

The next moment.

A radiance appeared—

Ultraviolet light, shining on DIO.

And then... DIO laughed!

"Doesn't it matter?" The magus was stunned for a moment; he wasn't a vampire, right? Why wasn't ultraviolet light affecting him?

"Hehehe—of course not! I've already attained eternal peace; this current body has no flaws in it anymore!" DIO laughed.

The next moment, there was a subtle change in his expression—

Countless Noble Phantasms shot towards him!

"Oh..." The next moment, Gilgamesh squinted his serpent-like pupils at DIO: "You..."

"Heh, it's nothing serious; I just... erased all of your Noble Phantasms—those Noble Phantasms don't exist in this reality!"

Not time acceleration... but some kind of unknown, even more dangerous ability, according to Kurokawa Kazuya... the name of his Stand is 'The World Over Heaven.'

The World Over Heaven...

Barthomeloi Lorelei looked at DIO; his golden hair draped down to his waist, an oddly charming appearance. Even his Stand had changed, becoming bizarre.

The whole person exuded an eerie aura.

And so—no one, including her, noticed one thing.

DIO's expression subtly changed...

However, because his face was already bizarre, it didn't show...

The World Over Heaven's ability was not unlimited; each use would consume his physical strength and soul, although... it could be restored. He could feel the depletion of his physical strength and soul recovering.

But... it was not limitless.

That's why he only turned himself into a vampire with the ability of Stone Mask, not into an undead... or a vampire like Alucard...

Although he erased this "reality" of him fearing sunlight...

Generally speaking, the number of times he could use this ability each day was limited, after which he could only swing his fists like "Muda Muda—"


DIO laughed...

Fate indeed always stood on his side!

"It seems that none of you are willing to yield to me... hehe, what a pity. Since that's the case— I'll just have to kill all of you! Can't let you become a threat to me, DIO!"

Watching the alert crowd, DIO smiled again: "However, not now... there's another thing before that—get the Holy Grail!"


The next moment, just as Barthomeloi Lorelei wanted to say something, DIO disappeared!

Disappeared into thin air!


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 30 chapters: 
