
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
310 Chs

[186] Department of Policies

"Kill me? You really dare to say that!"

With such a voice, the Dead Apostle approached.

The Dead Apostle was dressed in a white suit, and all his teeth were sharp like a shark's. He had purple hair, and there was a strange pattern on his face. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't a tattoo but a slowly moving mark.

Blood-red eyes emitted a chilling murderous intent.

However, the two people in front of him remained unfazed.

"Don't forget how you got on this train," the priest turned his head slightly and said, "You ran here, didn't you?"

"You, you!" The Dead Apostle's face turned ugly.

"It's okay. In this train, he doesn't dare to make a move," the priest didn't look at him and continued talking to Kazuya, "I will end his life before he causes trouble and gets thrown out."

Kazuya watched this scene with interest and gained some information from their conversation.

For example, the stations of the Mystic Eye Collection Train were not limited to just one.

When this Dead Apostle was being chased in another location, he ran to a station and happened to have an invitation in his hand, so he entered.

Later, Neil Edington, the priest responsible for pursuing him, obtained the invitation from another magus in London, replaced a magus, and followed Kazuya to the current station.

They blocked Colin Kidd, who was about to escape at that time.

The goal was to kill this Dead Apostle, Colin Kidd.

That was his mission.

However, even though he was from the Holy Church and Dead Apostles were sworn enemies, it was better not to make a move here.

Although the Mystic Eye Collection Train had offended many people, it had helped more, and compared to the enemies it made, the ones it helped were much more influential.

Even within the Holy Church, many people had received assistance.

And behind the Mystic Eye Collection Train stood a high-ranking Dead Apostle.

Although Colin Kidd was powerful, he was nothing in front of the true high-ranking Dead Apostle.

Neil Edington was the same.

Although there were rumors that the Dead Apostle had given up on the Mystic Eye Collection Train, there was no concrete evidence confirming this.

Therefore, neither the priest nor the Dead Apostle dared to make a move here.

Even though they wouldn't be killed if they made a move, they would definitely be thrown out. If the Dead Apostle was thrown out, the priest would undoubtedly catch up.

If the priest were thrown out, the Dead Apostle could use this opportunity to escape.

So, neither of them could make a move. Whoever made a move first would give the other an opportunity.

However, all of this had a premise: if they made a move on the surface. If they made a move secretly and gave the Mystic Eye Collection Train a way out, saying, "I didn't know, so I don't care"...

Regardless of who was killed and why, it would have nothing to do with them.

After chatting for a while, Kazuya walked towards their rooms. The rooms here were spacious, with only two or three rooms in each carriage. Even if several people lived in them, it wouldn't be a problem.

But in Kazuya's case, he was the only one in his room, making it look even more spacious.

However, someone was already waiting at his door.

"Do you have something to discuss with me, Miss Clara?" Kazuya looked at the silver-haired woman standing at his door.

"Yes, there is something." The silver-haired woman smiled and said, "I, on behalf of the Clock Tower, extend an invitation to you. How about joining the Clock Tower and becoming one of us?"

"Invitation... for me?" Kazuya squinted slightly, "Is it your idea, or the Clock Tower's... or perhaps the idea of the queen behind you?"

"You know a lot," Mevis exclaimed, "Indeed, I reported your situation to Lady Barthomeloi and her instructions were... to bring you over. How about it? The person invited by Lady Barthomeloi herself is a rare occurrence in the entire history of the Clock Tower."

"Come in, and let's talk in detail." Kazuya opened the door and said. He pondered the advantages and disadvantages of joining the Clock Tower.

Joining the Department of Policies, especially if Barthomeloi was the one inviting him, held significant weight. It was clear that her words were more valuable than even Lord El-Melloi II.

Although Kazuya knew a lot about the Clock Tower, he was also aware that joining the mage's association had its own risks.

"Lady admires you a lot, whether it's for your manga or your abilities."

"So, if I join the Mage's Association... what do I need to give in return?" Kazuya asked.

"No, you don't need to give anything," Mevis smiled, "You just need to be like an ordinary magus, willing to stay in the Clock Tower, or go elsewhere. The Clock Tower only needs your name."

"Nothing at all?" Kazuya had some doubts. "Isn't this some kind of trap?"

"No, it's not a trap."

Kazuya's pupils contracted slightly. Everything she said seemed to be true... His Stand, Atum, had been watching her. But... how did she manage to avoid detection?

Could it be a trap that even the person in front of him didn't know about?

"Could it be... it was just a casual remark from someone in the Clock Tower?" Kazuya suddenly asked.


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