
Mommy/daddy issues

"Guys I don't want to study any longer. That's more than enough for one day. Let's go out and eat some delicious food to celebrate our new friendship," Olive said before jumping off from her bed.

Eleena froze for a second when she remembered that she forgot to bring money with her.

Or actually, her father didn't give her any money.

Just then the button phone in her bag rang and she smiled after her eyes falls on the caller ID.


"Oohoo, is that your lover boy?" Olive said with a naughty smile.

"What? No! It's nothing like that. It's my mother. Excuse me for a second," she said before picking up the call.

"Hello mum!"

"Hello, my sweet child. How are you? Have you settle down there yet?" Came her mother's tired yet soothing voice from the other side.

And her worries washed away.