
Horse and ex

The next day Olive went to the stage and saw Rome who was looking at her with longing eyes.

He asked her how it went through his eyes but she signed him that she will tell him later and Rome started waiting.

On the other hand, Arabella had enough. She wanted to get her life together.

After telling Eleena and Orme, she went in and sighed a few pending modeling contacts.

It's not like she had stopped working before or anything, she worked enough to gain money that was going to be more than enough for her.

She needed to survive and for that, money is the most important thing and no matter what is her health condition, she needs to earn money.

But now, she has decided to give her one hundred percent into this. She was going to earn so much that she could easily stay in her home and still get whatever she wants.

She ended up sighing a few contacts without actually seeing the name and one of them happens to be Isaac's father's company.