
You Have A Beautiful Body,

He went to the kitchen to cook her something to eat. "I'll send your breakfast in a while," he murmured when he was about to close the door. he wasn't good at cooking. He never cooks for himself. He mostly ordered the food or arranged to cook for him.

He liked mostly fast food. But now the situation was changed, she was ill and porridge was best for her in this condition, he tried to make rice porridge for hr. he took the recipe from google. When he but he was a little confused during cooking.

"I'm a good spy, businessman, good lover but maybe I'm not a good cook, whatever, no one perfect all in all" he patted himself. He tried some chicken soup as well.  when he finished cooking he put rice porridge and soup on a tray with a glass of water. He went to her room with a tray.

When he entered the room he said deliberately, " I'm not good at cooking but I still try rice porridge and chicken soup for you. Will you taste it?"