
That place again?

Kirin didn't go for his own direction but he went behind the group quietly more like he was secretly following them. He followed them behind secretly because he had a vague instinct that the handsome youth was up to something.

Kirin didn't believe that these weak people really wanted to go look for a family in these dangerous environment. And Kirin found out a intersting clue which made him wanted to follow these group more because he felt a energy coming from the handsome youth.

That's right the handsome youth was evolver too but Kirin didn't know why he was helping these ordinary people to bypass the other three ordinary people. He vaguely felt something missing here so he followed them.

He knew that his body was weak now if zombies comes he will die for sure so he followed them secretly so that if zombies attacks they will bear the attack.

His body became dizzy he gritted his teeth and controlled himself to not fall unconscious. Due to the training of his body everyday , he had the endurance of above the average person so he endured the feeling of weakness.

Soon the group went to the entrance of the forest, the handsome youth truned around to the group and said "I will guard the front , Nickil will guard sideway where as Prasad will guard backwards as for you..... Swetha you will have to make sure don't scream when you saw zombies or else it will attract more of them. "

Nickil was the thin youth where the burly man was Prasad while the girl was swetha .

The three of them nodded and took their position while swetha said "I will try".

Then they went into the deep forest. Kirin didn't hear what they talked but by seeing their position he understands a bit so he slowly followed them.

A ten minutes later,

Suddenly Kirin entire body tensed up he immediately hid himself in a bush controlling his breathing.

The group of four was stopped moving they are now stood at fighting position. Because in front of them two zombies were chewing on a middle aged body. They already ate his inwards while chewing on his meat while the blood flowed down dying the ground red. The two of the zombie suddenly stopped their feast and looked at their direction with a growl they lunged at the four members.

The handsome youth said while he waved his hands to the burly man Prasad saying "Go engage them I will support you back. Nickil try to sneak attack them as for Shwetha check the surroundings in case if more zombies are there"

Prasad brandished his axe horizontally as one of the claw approached him while dodging another claw by second zombie. The handsomely youth immediately focused his mind to form a a air Blade which suddenly formed around him. He gave a low shout and pointed at the first zombie, the blade swiftly cut the zombie head but it still was half cut when a sword clashed at the zombies head it broke it's head. Nickil waved his sword and moved towards the last zombie who was busily fighting with Prasad.

Swetha tried very hard to suppress her fear and uncomfortable when she saw the zombie head flying but when she saw the flesh eating saw her face became pale and she vomited immediately.

With a slash and a stab the zombie head was beheaded.

The group rested there panting while the handsome youth was still energetic he then waved his hand at the three of them to move "we can't stay here anymore the blood will attract more of them so we need to hurry up and leave these place"

The three of them nodded heavily and left the scene after a few minutes they went deeper into the forest.

Kirin who was hiding on the bush frowned hardly and started to wonder 'looks like his ability is Wind element and his power is still like mine he can't use infinitely and the groups are good at cooperation looks like they have a good understanding about each other but why do I get the feeling there is something wrong about them and..... Why are they going at the forest centre same place as where I fought them, yesterday it was the military who 'accidentally' was returning to their camp and now these groups of people who are going at the same place is this coincidence or.....'

As he muttered himself he saw a bag at the top of his head. The bag was stuck at the branch due to its green in colour the bag was visibly hidden but due to his angle he saw it immediately.

"Don't tell me the bag belongs to that dead person..... Maybe he was on top of the tree to escape but he fell down and the zombies killed him... "

He climbed the tree and took the bag cautiously. When he opened the bag his smile became wide , In the bag there were five packtes of biscuits, a water bottle and gloves.

He hurriedly tored a pack of biscuits and ate them while drinking quarter of the water. He put the bag on his shoulders while he put on the pair of gloves on his hands. The gloves made his hands cool sensation and this surprise him.

'looks like this is made from top quality and he must be from rich family ..by the look of this the middle aged person must be here for a trip but whats the use of bringing gloves and if he is rich he must have a car here parked somewhere... If I'm lucky they will park it on somewhere here if I'm not them the cat is parked at the city and the keys..... Looks like I have to search that person body a bit'

As he thought he went to the dead man body he carefully searched his pockets

He found a money around 10,000 and his ID. If it was before the apocalypse this amount of money made him dance with joy bit now this was just a piece of paper. As he was thinking he found the keys on the pocket. He carefully took them and cleaned the key which is full of blood by the money.

With a sigh he hoped that the car will be somewhere parked here. As he said he slowly walked towards the groups direction because now he is not on weak state and he can use his abilities again but he still doesn't know how much time can he endure the ability so he didn't want to use it if he is in danger. Luckily the group was still going on his front he didn't miss them so he secretly followed them. He saw three more beheaded rotting zombies in his road while the ground was Filled with black blood and heavy stench so he hurriedly followed them.

'Looks like they encounterd this zombies on way and they took time to dealt with but that handsome youth face is still pale looks like he didn't take a rest to recover his energy '

As he said he had behind a tree when they reached the centre of forest the handsome youth stopped suddenly and while the three of them looked at him puzzled .

Kirin narrowed his eyes when he saw the handsome youth smiling face, it more like a twisted face now.

The handsome youth laughed crazily "haha.... This is it.... This is the place.. I've found it now. Hahaha..... The secret bas I found it... "