
Arranged Marriage of the Century With #MsNobody

"Arranged Marriage?" his naughty smiles suddenly condensed hearing their main point which they had just discussed. The lady remained still with her emotionless face while eating her pasta. What is she doing? Why is it like it's just normal for her? It's all ok with her? Huh!... Useless questions. "I know that Jaime and Nadya are smart just like us so I expect that they both understand it." The lady named Nadya's mom spoke determined and was so confident while holding her favorite tea. Her mom seems good at declaring, she's like a dectator. Ugh! Though she complimented me as smart, I don't still like it! Only if only this brat will demand tsk! "let's move on amigos, let's continue eating" his Mom suddenly reminded them to eat again. While Jaime didn't got any better even though they had finished eating already, util... "I want to know her more can we talk alone?" "ok ijo, you both talk outside and we're going to discuss about our business here" Jaime just nodded and grabbed Nadya's wrist already and walked out of the dining room. As they got outside, Jaime let go of her wrist as fast As he can. "What are you doing?" he finally asked. She remained silent, no trace of answering him "hey I'm talking to you, why is it like it's just normal for you?!" This time Nadya just looked at him with her closed lips. Jaime then lost his patience already "you'll answer me or I'll kiss you (lean closer to her) tell me, you liked me? And it was a favor for you that you'll be arranged in a marriage with me? Do you know me? You know, I don't like this, I don't wanna engaged!" "I don't know you" Nadya then finally spoke-still with her emotionless face taking things like it's all normal. "then why--" "aww so sweet! Our Jaime seems got loved at first sight with your Beautiful Nadya!" His mom suddenly commented as they saw them with an intimate position. So this is the thing, What if your Parents want to arrange you a marriage with someone who are 100% stranger in your life? I know it's typical already. But do you know that in our History? Arranged Marriage was a practice of our ancestors? And we're on the modern world now, hello! But still, imagine? This practice of the olds still exist? So here hayy what will you do? You know you have a lot of options and it will up to you. Do you wanna know what will Jaime and Nadya will choose? Then don't wait anymore let's read their story!

lostlaura · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

A real Wrong person

At dinner, Nadya cooked huge dishes knowing that Jaime didn't left her not like yesterday. So he must be eating dinner at the house tonight.

After cooking the huge dishes which was for Jaime she then next prepared her own food already, her low fat pasta which she luckily find at the pasta corner lately and a blendered ampalaya which she picked at the vegetable garden at the backyard.

After preparing the dinner, Jaime at the same time came in already from the garden where he stayed playing his phone lately.

Going straight to the dining room he looked for Nadya and said "How are you?"

Nadya suddenly stopped half way from putting her ampalaya juice at her glass.

He's asking if how am I?... Ahh maybe it's because I got sick from yesterday. But...but he said he doesn't care over me right? So why is he asking? Is he...

Finally she looked at him already with the thought of...

He cared over me?

But "I don't care about you, I just wanna know if you're well now so that we can buy our suit and dress tomorrow already" he added like he can read her thoughts.

Ahh I thought...

"Ahh ok got it, I'm well now" she answered and finished settling her juice already.

While Jaime frowned and "are you not going to ask if why are we going to buy" is he even asking?

She turned to see him again with her normal and emotionless face and answered "oh t'was the merging event of the family's company right?" well she didn't forgot that event. Her mom reminded her several times about that event before and after the wedding.

And it's a slap for Jaime, she can still remember it while him?


"ok, my girlfriend is going too so wake up early. I don't want her to wait for us" he changed the talk into another one.

"ok" Nadya simply responded.

Then finally the talk were already ended so Nadya took her seat already and started eating her pasta at last.

And Jaime who is actually hungry did the same already...

The next day...

They were currently inside the mall Already when Jaime got a call from his girlfriend saying she was at the front of the mall already.

"you go ahead now and I'm going to get her first" after that, Jaime left already.

After 20 mins, Nadya were busy finding her dress at the said shop which Jaime told him lately at the car when someone suddenly called her name.

She then turned around to see if who called her only to find out that Jaime were there already with...

Gina?...she thought looking at the familiar woman beside Jaime near the entrance who's holding Jaime's left shoulder flirtatiously the same posture when she saw her holding Jake's shoulder inside the roo 4 years ago.

With her excited and smiling face she patiently wait for Jake to come over their classroom to give him all the final requirements he had asked her to do for him, when she finally heard the sound of walking in steps of two people whom was Jake... and...


Her smiles then vanished and she looked at the two who's looking perfect walking together towards her. Jake with his handsome and cool aura and Gina the campus queen with her hands over Jake's left shoulder. They were so perfect as a couple.


She then came back with her senses in reality when Jake snapped in front of her.

It made her obediently show all the finished requirements the next seconds and "ahm Jake, I had finished all of your requirements already!" with her bright eyes and smile in her face.

"wow! You're so amazing Nad!" he complimented her while handing those requirements.

Her smiles then got bigger "thanks!" she thanked him. Thanked him for complimenting her? or doing his requirements?

"thanks for letting me help you J-Jake!" she shyly said. So that answered the question about making her self thank him.

Jake then smirk and was going to say something back already when she added "don't worry about me, I can do mine later on. It's my pleasure to do all your requirements"

Jake just "oh" then faced Gina and back to Nadya and "you're so nice Nad, I'm going to give you a prize later. You really helped Gina, my babe at her final requirements!"

Hearing his last words... Nadya's smile again got vanished... Look at Jake's eyes and next to Gina's Bitchy face and realized what Jake said.

"Nadya this is Gina, my girlfriend"

Nadya came back in the present when she heard Jaime's voice telling, that was Gina, his girlfriend.

"oh Nad? How are you?" Gina next asked with the same Bitchy face she had before.

Nadya didn't responded, she looked at Gina with her emotionless face instead.

While Jaime finally asked with his confused self "you know each other?"

Gina laughed and "haha of course babe, she's---"

But before she could continue her words, Nadya responded already "I'm Ok, how about you and Jake" she said with her emotionless face. And She's not asking at all right?

"hahaha! good to know that you're ok. But seems like you're not updated anymore Nad. I and Jake We're not together anymore, how about you? Are you Jake's official P.A already?"

This time, Gina's words were over already. So she decided to end the nonsense conversation with her with "you didn't change at all Gina." then she faced Jaime "I'll go ahead now." then she left already.

What? Jake again? Why is she kept on mentioning that fucki** ashole's name?!

"she's so immature, you know babe you've married a real wrong person haha! let's go now babe, don't mind her anymore" Gina said and started to move already.

When Jaime didn't move "Babe? Let's go now" with her smile.

But still, he didn't move and "wait babe...who's that Jake you two had mentioned?" he finally asked.

Gina laughed again but it's a smooth laugh already "haha Babe she didn't told you?" Jaime shook his head with no as an answer.

"well that was Jake Anzelo, she was obsessed of him."