
Arran Ember the last of the Dra'ghoul Bloodline

850 years have passed since Zargorwarths defeat and the Vermillion Empires sudden surge in power over the Multiverse. Victor Silvertounge the last of the Guardians of Light, stood overseeing the balance to ensure that it did not fall into the darkness. Victor could feel a change coming soon, the balance had been shifting and he did not know why but could sense that a Dra’ghoul was about to be born the first one since Draco Dra’ghoul Emma Silvertounge a Syeer far stronger than any other seen before while only at the young age of sixteen walked pieces of her crimson hair fell in front of her sea-blue eyes and her freckled checks “ Father, Who is Lupine Riddle ?” She asked Victor froze all time stood still, “ My child. Who told you about him? Victor said slowly his voice trembling with fear Emma replied “ No one I had a dream and his name popped into my head as did Angel born and Wolfkin. What do they mean?” Victor did not respond for a moment “ Tell me Emma did you see a Sword of Crimson Fire, a Spear of Golden Light, and an Ax with a wolf's head engraved on the hilt?” She nodded slowly Victor sighed “ I feared as much. One last question was there a child with a dragon tattoo on his right arm?” Emma nodded Victor refined from cursing “ my child it would seem that you are somehow linked with this new Dra’ghoul and those you saw in your vision. Do you know where he will be born?” Emma replied, “ Haven Valley his mother Ashi Ember was just pronounced pregnant.” Victor picked up his staff and said “ good then we will go and live in Haven Valley post haste.” Emma replied, “ but what about the balance?” Victor paused and said “ There is nothing I can do to prevent what will happen. The Balance will fall to darkness if I am here or not. Victor turned to Emma who was looking out at the ever-expanding Space-Time Contium the images of her vision burned into her mind never to leave. Victor placed a hand on her shoulder "We must leave post-haste the sooner we can get to the mother the better." Emma nodded before they left she went and packed a medium sized bag with cloths, a leather bond book named Tales of Tylingariea by Damion Vixen Dorima and secered a silver blaclet onto her right wrist with a loud click the braclet clamped around her wrist buzzing and turning a dark blue.. she picked up her bag and meet Victer in front of a massive green portal that lead to the Haven. Taking one last look back at the Bridge of Reality Emma walked into the portal and the Wheels of Destiny for her and others were set into motion

Brandongould · Fantasia
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25 Chs

Chapter 1:The boy with the Dragon Tatto

Book One

The Dragon of Nevermore

In the time Victor had left the Bridge of Reality, The Balance had shifted to Darkness. In the Vermillion, Kingdom had taken iron grasp on the Worlds of Tylingariea. In the past, some factions had formed to rebel against Vern Vermillion and the Vermillion Family. But all of them were destroyed by the Vermillion Family.

The rest of the world was in consent flux, Whispers of the Dyi'vera reappearing were selling around in the Four Kingdoms, and rumors of Wolfkin being seen near Riverwood. But in all of this world's chaos on a cold winter's night somewhere deep in the Vanholo Mountains. Victor stood next to the bed where a young woman with crimson red hair and brown eyes lay her breathing weak and her face pale as a ghost, a long bloody arrow lay beside the bed, and bandages covered in blood

" Ashi. I am afraid that there was nothing we could do to save you; when you gave birth to Arran, you lost a massive amount of your Life Force, and you have lost too much blood from the arrow that shot you." Victor said, his voice trembling with sadness holding her hand, that felt ice cold to the touch

Ashi looked Victor in the eyes and said, her voice small and weak," I knew the risks. Please let me see my son."

Carefully Victor gave Ashi the newly born Arran Ember as Ashi looked at her son, " Look." she touched his right arm where the dragon mark could be seen running down his right arm.

Victor nodded. "I see. What now?" Victor asked Ashi; Ashi was not looking at him but instead at Arran.

"I want you to promise me that you will protect my son until your dying day," Ashi said, slowly as the last of her life force evaporated from her body.

Victor picked up the child and placed him in a crib. "I promise," Victor said; as he looked out to Vermillion Castle, Emma came out and said quietly."

Is she..." Emma stopped after not sensing Ashi's life force; Victor took one glance at Emma's frightened eyes; Ashi was like a mother to her, even though they both knew it would not last forever. Emma did not want Ashi to die.

Victor nodded and said, " Yes, Ashi has passed." Victor stood with Emma atop the hill nearest to their home; Ashi's body was buried at the top of the hill, a circle of rocks marked her gravesit.

Sixteen years passed as Victor cared for Arran one day, hoping his powers would be unlocked.

Outside in the cold winter's snow, Victor saw Arran and Emma dueling, the clash of blue and red lighting from Dragon Steel against Eon Iron light up the clear night sky. Victor gripped his side in pain from an injury ten years ago delt by a powerful man. But this was no ordinary pain; no Victor knew that the pain he felt, the stabbing, piercing, and burning of his flesh, was a sign that darkness had returned to the world.

Arran smiled at his sister " you have gotten stronger, Sis," He said as he was struggling to hold her back. Emma grinned; her sea-blue eyes glinted in the snowy night sky

" Please, I have always been stronger than you." she declared with a mighty thrust of her Vorpal Blade Arran quickly blocked the oncoming attack, then stumbling backward from the aftershock of the blow; Arran dropped his sword and fell into the snow.

" See, I told you, Arran, Emma is always going to be stronger than you." Erik Newheart, Arran's best friend, said as he helped him up. Arran picked up his sword and then looked at Erik gaze was focused first on Erik's brilliant blue fur that covered his medium build of a teenage body. Erik wore lightweight armor and had a small dagger attached to his waist.

Arran looked around, confused as he was sure he could hear a low hissing sound that sounded like his name.

"Arran?"Erikk said As he placed his arm on Arran's shoulder,

" Arran regained his senses and said, " Sorry."

"That is fine. My friend. I suppose you were worried about the choosing tomorrow." Erik said to Arran and then glanced at Emma, who motioned for Erik to come with her out of earshot

"Erik, can you take Arran and do something with him," Emma said to Erik in a whisper. Erik was unfazed by this

" Why the chossing is not a big deal. It is just a stupid ceremony y held in Daggerfall." Erik said; confused Emma nodded. "I know that it's."

Pausing, then starting again, " I don't know what Victor wants." She said as drips of blood ran down her forearm as her fingers were digging deep into her arm, breaking the skin. Erik looked up at her carefully

" fine, I will not ask anymore," Erik said as he gave her a cloth to wipe the blood from her arm.

" Just consider asking him." Erik looked at Arran

" I have known your brother for a long time, and he knows a lot about the Arcane." Erik said, then paused and lowered his voice

" he also is looking into the history of Draco Dra'ghoul and researching that Dragon marking on his right arm. I know that you told me he is related to the Dra'ghouls but will not tell me anything else, and that is fine. But whatever you don't want him to know sooner or later, he will find out even if you don't tell him."

Erik paused and looked behind him, and Arran was still waiting for them. Emma nodded " I know. I will consider it."

Erik sighed and said, " Ok, if you do decide, Luna Youngblood will pay for both of your tickets."

He paused then said, " she also said that you owe her a favor if you do come." Emma gritted her teeth in anger.

"Damn it, and she remembers that the year before Arran was born?" Emma thought to herself

Emma remembered that cold winter's night all too well; Emma, a young woman of fifteen, had found, lying close to death, a young woman the same age as her; her skin is as pale as the snow that covered her body. She wore Snow gear, but that was not enough as she lay on her side in the snow.

The pale woman looked at Emma and spoke weakly, " Help me. Please"

Emma knew that she was helping a Nightwalker, but right now, that did not matter. She helped the woman to her feet who had enough energy to make—it to a nearby cabin. The woman collapsed onto the floor and turned away from the door as Emma shut it and used Kyi to light the fireplace.

Emma sat next to the woman who looked at her and said, " My name is Luna Youngblood, and someday I swear I will repay you for saving my life."

The Youngblood family is the family of Nightwalkers who has control over the Dyi'vera. Before Luna went back to her homeland of Dyi'vera, she lived in the Haven and was friends with Emma and Erik. She had forgotten all about Luna and the fact that she even owed her a favor, tuthly Emma hoped that Luna had as well

Erik left her and walked back to Arran; Emma stood frozen in the icy chill for a long moment, her mind a twister of emotions; anger, fear, regret, guilt, and anxiety flew around in her head, confusing her. Angering her and finally, she fell to her knees and broke down in tears of guilt and regret.

Victor watched from afar his heartbreaking as he saw his daughter bearing the weight of a secret and the guilt of keeping it from her brother for all his life. " Emma." Victor thought,

" Now is the right time. More than any other." Victor heard Ashi say in his head

" I hate it when you are right. Ashi," Victor said softly, then called to Emma to bring in Erik and Arran.

"It is time that tells him everything," Victor said to Emma

Erik and Arran walked into the living room while Arran talked a mile a minute about the history of the Arcane Arts and how the Elden Lords created them before the creation of the Spark of the Multiverse was formed by Kai'vera, the Mother of All Things. She gave birth to the All-Mother, the Guardian of all Multiverses and Keeper of the Spark of Creation, Azadawn the Overseer of the Under-Hell and Master of all Darkness.

Victor sat down in a large oaken thorn with the rest of the group sitting around him. Erik, confused, asked Victor, " Why am I here?"

Victor replied calmly, " Because I am their father and you are the person who is close to Arran, so you are the best person to keep an eye on him and Emma."

Emma looked at VIctor and cried, " I closet; I grew up with him; he is my brother!"

Victor replied, " Yes, technically but not by blood; Arran, confused, said, " what is going on?"

Victor sighed and said, " Arran, you are the last Dra'ghoul; Emma and myself are not related to you. We were watching over and protecting you so that you will become strong enough to take on an ancient intergalactic evil that was imprisoned by a descendent of yours; his disciples are now planning on releasing him and may attempt to kill you."

A heavy silence fell across the room as Emma and Erik both stared unbelievingly at how casually he had said that. as the natural reaction Arran passed out from shock, Emma quickly grabbed Arran before he hit the floor and glared at Victor

" Really? Don't you think you should not have been so direct?" Erik said calmly.

Victor nodded " yes, If we had time to ease him into it. But unfortunately, that is not the case. The Dyi'verin problem has sent a Shadow Walker to kill Arran." Victor said

Emma nodded; she knew that if they had time, easing him into the news would be an ideal way to do things. But she knew this was not the case; gripping Arran's hand for comfort, Emma looked at Victor and Erik

" Who knows where Demonsong is located, and how do we unlock Arran's true power?" Emma asked he voice shaking.

Victor replied, " If he is still alive, then Ryi'june, But if not, then I can only think of one other person that would want to help us. the son of Jason Blackheart, Bastion Blackheart."

Emma stood up, not knowing what to say for a moment, then said, " how sure are you that Bastion is not like his father?" Emma said, glaring at him

Victor replied, calmly" I do."

Victor glanced at Erik and said, " Look after both of them." Erik sighed and picked up Arran, easily muttering under his breath.

" I am sorry to have put you through this," Victor said as he embraced

Emma; let go and said briskly, "It's fine, I will protect him." she turned and paused, looking Victor in the eyes,

" Not because of the promise you made. But because he is my brother and that is it. We will meet you in a week at the Dancing Dragons Inn." VIctor could feel her anger emitting from her; he watched from afar as Emma and Erik left in the cold winters night, the snow glowed from the pale moonlight, and as Emma brought out a medium-sized Hover Car. Erik placed Arran in the back, and he sat next to Emma.

Without looking back or a single word of goodbye, Emma speed away from the house and towards Daggerfall " Are you not going to say goodbye to your father? You might never see him again." Erik said calmly to Emma, who did not respond.

Erik nodded and said, " I see. You ticked at him. But speaking from experience, this is not the way to leave him. There may come the point where you might regret it."

Arran, who had woken up a few moments ago, spoke softly from the back," Erik, I would stop," Arran said, then went back to sleep. The rest of the trip was in silence as Emma drove the two days across Haven Valley to the town of Kane, where the nearest Train Dept was,