

Reed had managed to track down Galactus. He estimated they had three days before he arrived.

Harry had contacted Fury and warned him of what was coming and told him to get everyone working on something.

In the meantime Harry had locked himself in the dungeons of the manor where he did his experiments. Floating on a table in the middle of the room was the Silver Surfer's surfboard.

"Darlin' you need to rest and eat."

Harry jumped as Rogue walked up behind him with a tray of food.

"Marie? Why are you here?"

"The world might end. Can't think of anyone else I'd want to be with." She smiled sadly.

Harry looked at her. She was beautiful. Wearing a simple white dress and flat shoes with her hair loose down her back. "I want to rest. I want to spend all this time with you. But I need to figure this out. I want a lifetime with you. I want that lifetime to last more than three days."

Rogue pulled up a nearby chair and indicated for him to start eating. "What are you working on? I know Reed is working on the cosmic energy and Tony is building a ship."

"Magic." Harry said as he swallowed a mouthful of food. "Magic stopped the surfer. My thought was to either create a shield for the earth or a bracelet to put on Galactus. But they would be massive and take years to carve and empower."

"What about options that don't involve runes?" Rogue suggested. "Your sword can kill anything. Would it kill Galactus?"

Harry frowned thoughtfully around his food. He swallowed. "It is a definite option. I'll head to Hogwarts when I've finished eating and get the basilisk carcass."

He continued to think. "I wonder how much it would take to defeat him? Would a potion work?"


Rogue managed to get Harry to think on more magical alternatives. Unfortunately, he only knew of one place he could get the answers.

"Sir Harry, good to see you again." Lieutenant Flint smiled as he greeted them at the gates of Hogwarts.

"Mornin' Harry, Hermione." Hagrid smiled at them as he opened the gates.

"Hagrid, Lieutenant Flint, this is Dame Megan Gwynn and Marie D'Ancanto. Marie is a member of the X-Men."

"I saw the news feeds of your work in London yesterday, ma'am." Flint nodded to Rogue. "It is much appreciated."

"Oh… erm, you're welcome?" Rogue said nervously.

"Marie's abilities can put magic to shame." Hermione smiled.

"I hate to be rude, but I am on an extremely tight schedule." Harry said firmly.

"Of course, Sir Harry. We'll leave you to it." Flint nodded.

The foursome walked briskly to the doors.

"So this is where I should have ended up." Megan mused. "A bit bigger than the cage."

"But still a cage." Harry sighed. "I reckon you would have suffered as much as me if you had gone here."

"She would have been targeted." Hermione agreed. "But she would also have been protected."

"By whom? Dumbledore? McGonagall? They did nothing for me or even the rest of the students."

"By you, Harry. You protected the school. You taught us defence."

"You've graduated from protecting a school to protecting the planet." Rogue smirked up at him. "What's next? The universe?"

"Erm… Rogue… Galactus is a universal threat." Megan pointed out.

"Maybe they'll let me go back to living in my cupboard." Harry grumbled.

"Oh shit!"

They looked up at the doors to see an extremely terrified Neville Longbottom standing there. Right before he turned and ran.

Hermione huffed. "Honestly. The boy managed to face the worst this country has to offer, but he flees at the sight of Harry."

"Isn't that Longbottom?" Rogue asked. "Didn't Harry punch him?"

Hermione was confused. "How do you know him?"

"Ah've seen him in Harry's memories when ah drain him."

"Ah… you might have seen him in mine as well."

"Harry's are more… vivid. Ah don't drain him as strongly as ah do the other X-Men, but ah do do it more frequently. It reinforces everything.

"But ah absolutely adore Illiyana!" She giggled. "Piotr's memories of his sister are filled with love for her."

"Come on, let's find Slughorn first." Harry grinned evilly. "Neville can stew in fear."


Harry's questions for Slughorn were relatively simple, would a potion work on any creature of any size?

Basic answer: Yes.

Extended answer: Probably.

Still, he managed to get the Potions Master to hand over several potentially dangerous potions he had on hand for demonstrations.

Next up, Harry pulled out his map and they hunted down Professor Neville Longbottom in Greenhouse Three.

Hermione was extremely embarrassed to see her old school friend cowering behind a Venomous Tentacular.

"Neville Franklin Longbottom! Get out here immediately." She ordered.

"Uh uh! Harry will hit me again!"

Harry activated his armour. "Neville, if you don't come out, I'll come in and hit you. With this." He tapped his right fist with his left hand making the metal clank.

There was a pathetic whine before the tall wizard shuffled out. One of the Venomous Tentacular heads was latched onto his robes.

"Neville, we need to know if there are any extremely fast growing and lethal plants." Hermione stated.

"Anything is fast if you use the right soil and fertiliser." Neville said confidently, his fear forgotten in the light of discussing herbology.

"How fast will they grow and what do we need?" Hermione indicated the plant latched onto him.

"A couple of days with Professor Sprout's special blend."

"What size will they grow to?" Harry asked as he dispelled his armour.

"U-Unlimited, you have to prune all magical plants. In nature, creatures keep them back by eating them. Or a lack of appropriate growing ground."

"Congratulations, Neville, you've just been conscripted to save the world." Harry smirked.


Harry was going to take a holiday. Even if he had to ask Thor to let him do it in Asgard.

Tony's ship wasn't ready yet and Galactus was a day and a half away. So Harry had to fly out into space on his own. In just his armour.

He'd never actually breached into outer space. Sure, he'd taken Tony's ex-partner into the outer atmosphere, but never out of it altogether.

So here he was flying a straight course as fast as he could and hoping his armour didn't fail for some reason.

Harry had to modify his helmet to incorporate magical communications as he didn't want to have a massive delay the further he got from earth. He had investigated the magical mirrors Sirius had given him and installed something similar to what Tony had in his armour.

He could see and talk to people back home.

"Harry, you are already at Mars!" Megan was amazed. Harry had only left Earth two hours ago.

"I've still got hours to go, Pix. Then I've got the return trip."

Harry was trying not to think about the consequences of this mission. He couldn't eat out in space. He had managed to rig a tube to provide a rich nutrient drink with plenty of water, but that was it.

He carried a large metal case on his back, filled with all sorts of magical items and scanning devices for Reed, Tony and Bruce.

It was going to be a long and lonely trip.


Harry intercepted Galactus just outside the Kuiper Belt. Navigating that had been a fairly enjoyable three hours for the former Quidditch player.

Now he was staring at the massive form of Galactus. He appeared to be several miles tall, a stern expression on his face as he floated through space with a distinctive headpiece. It had what looked like metal horns coming out of either side of the neck and rising up to almost the top of the tall helmet.

Harry was invisible, silenced and concealed in every way he could imagine.

The trip was bad.

The reason for the trip would give him nightmares for years to come.

But his plan of action was… gross.

He flew quickly heading for the giant's nose. One of the few openings. He would enter and release every potion and plant he had. Then would start slicing with his sword.

He made it to within a mile of the head and something happened he never expected.

Galactus didn't smite him. His armour didn't fail.

But a tall, almost giant of a man, with a large bald cranium wearing some sort of Roman outfit appeared and held up his right hand, the other held the end of his cape.

"Hold, Armoured Mage." The being intoned deeply.

Galactus stopped his forward momentum.

"Watcher." Harry winced at the volume of Galactus' voice. It wasn't in his ears, but his head. Somehow both beings were breaching his mental defence runes.

"A crossroad has been reached." The bald man stated. "You must not continue your path, Armoured Mage. You would doom the universe."

The man's eyes bored into Harry's. "I will not let him destroy my world and I will not let him kill others." Harry stated firmly as he dropped his invisibility. "To do so would also doom the many denizens of the universe." He said with a hint of sarcasm.

"What creature is this?" Galactus' voice boomed in Harry's head.

"This is a human from the planet you seek to devour." The bald man replied. "He is also one with the intent and ability to kill you."

"I shall consume him and his planet. They shall sate my hunger." Galactus said dismissively.

"See?" Harry said. "It's me or him.

"Or is it me or him and you?"

"I am Uatu, The Watcher." The bald man stated. "My place is not to interfere but observe."

Harry looked at him for a moment. "You are interfering."

"I speak now, only to prevent a greater catastrophe. Galactus must not be killed."

"Neither must my planet." Harry countered. "Billions of lifeforms living their own lives. How many has this monster killed? How many more will he kill if he is not stopped?"

"I have watched your planet for many eons. I am fond of your people." Uatu stated. "But your planet is not worth the death of the universe."

Harry floated there for a few seconds, pondering what he was told. "Eons?"


"So, you're immortal?"

"As you perceive it." Uatu allowed. "I shall live as long as the universe does."

"Ah." Harry nodded. "So you are saving your own hide."

Uatu frowned. "I do not understand."

"You want to sacrifice my planet so you don't have to die. If Galactus dies, the universe dies… and so do you." Harry folded his arms.

"Whilst your logic is sound, your reasoning is not. I do not act out of self-preservation but the preservation of all."

"Bull shit." Harry calmly retorted. "The preservation of all would include my planet, yourself, Galactus and the universe surviving.

"The only way Galactus survives is if he swears to never consume an inhabited planet."

"This exchange irritates me." Galactus sneered. "Leave, Watcher."

"Galactus, I will not interfere, but I will warn you, this being can kill you with just his sword. A single nick is enough."

Harry was wide-eyed under his visor. Why would this Uatu say something so revealing. The man could clearly enter his mind and would know Harry had no idea if any of his proposed methods would work.

Galactus frowned. "What power would be so potent?"

Harry drew his sword. "I'd be happy to demonstrate." He said gleefully, even though his heart was hammering.

"I will allow you to live, for now."

Harry was surprised when the massive figure vanished.

Uatu sighed. "It is done. Your world is safe and it did not cost the universe."

"All you've done is allow him to continue to massacre other planets." Harry scowled.

"Even Galactus can never consume every inhabited planet." Uatu shook his head. "But should he die, the universe will be at risk. All will die."

"First of all, you don't have the right to decide who gets to live and die. You turned up here and intervened. Why don't you do so at every inhabited planet?

"I know he doesn't need to eat inhabited planets. He didn't used to.

"Second of all, you said 'at risk'. Risk is not a certainty. It means that things can be prevented."

"The possibilities of preventing the calamity are infinitesimally small." Uatu lectured.

"But not impossible." Harry countered. "After all, here I am, a single human, driving off Galactus. Imagine what would happen if I made more armour and swords? More people like me."

Uatu frowned in concern. "You have given me much to think on, Armoured Mage. I pray we may never meet again."

The giant bald man waved his hand.


"Harry? What the hell?"

Harry looked around quickly. He was standing in a SHIELD building in London. Pixie, Rogue and Fury were staring at him.

"Erm… how long have I been gone?" Harry asked as he raised his visor.

"About twenty minutes since you checked in and reported you'd reached Galactus." Fury frowned. "What went wrong?"

Harry dispelled his armour and Megan and Rogue ran up and hugged him.

"Get a meal ready, now." Fury barked to his agents as he pulled some chairs into a circle.

They all sat down.

"Galactus?" Fury prompted.

"Gone. He left." Harry sighed. "A new player turned up. Called himself Uatu, The Watcher. Basically he convinced Galactus to leave us alone because I could kill him.

"But he wouldn't have let me kill him because it would put the universe at risk. I'll give you the memories later."

"So Galactus is still out there?" Rogue asked.

"And heading for a new planet to murder." Harry scowled.


"Galactus is gone. Driven off by the thought of me killing him."

Harry was standing in the secure bunker beneath the Darkmoor Research Centre in front of the Surfer. Just him and Ben.

"Impossible!" The Surfer said with wide eyes. "What did you promise him? Are you his new herald?"

"I promised him death." Harry said calmly. He deactivated his armour.

"You… you are a child." The Surfer frowned.

Harry just smirked. "Well, if you want to claim you were bested by a child… that's your shame."

The Surfer chuckled. "I abandoned my ego long ago."

"What do you know of a being named Uatu, The Watcher?" Harry asked.

The Surfer's brow rose in surprise. "I do not know their names, but I know of The Watchers. They refuse to interfere. They live only to observe. They are as immortal as Galactus."

"Uatu was the one who stopped me from killing Galactus. He revealed my presence and warned Galactus I could and would kill him.

"So Galactus fled."

"Intriguing." He mused. "Then you must be speaking the truth. Very few know of The Watchers."

Harry stepped forward and unhooked the straps holding the Surfer down. He then grabbed his hand and removed the bracelet.

"You are free to go. Cause trouble and I will kill you."

"Free?" The Surfer looked down and concentrated. "I cannot sense my master. He has abandoned me."

"Maybe you wanna go and see that gal you were yapping about." Ben suggested.

The Surfer nodded slowly. "I shall return to my world and then decide my fate." He paused and looked at Harry. "You accused me of sacrificing other worlds to save my own… I would agree. But why would you free me if you feel such?"

"I figure that if you can love someone enough to sacrifice yourself for them, you can't be a truly bad person. I also believe that your crimes will eat at you. You're going to punish yourself just fine."


"I spent three whole days building that ship! Three! And now you're saying I won't get to test it?" Tony was sulking.

Everyone had gathered at his mansion in Malibu to celebrate the end of the threat. The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, Bruce, even Poppy was there.

"First of all, no one said you can't test it.

"Second of all, why are you complaining? Did you want to try and go toe-to-toe with a giant capable of destroying the world?" Harry asked.

Tony continued to pout and sulk.

"Harry! Harry!" They turned to see Betsy running up. "Brian! He's back."


Harry had grabbed Betsy and portkeyed them to the Braddock Manor where Betsy knew Brian would be.

"Where the hell were you?" Harry demanded as the costumed Brian and Betsy hugged.

"On trial." Brian calmly said. "I murdered a man. It wasn't a death in battle. I had Slaymaster at my mercy and brutally killed him.

"The Corps teleported me and put me on trial.

"They found you innocent?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but they did sanction me. They knew about you and how you were trapped in your armour for nearly a year. I am bound to my costume for a full year.

"I have accepted that punishment."

Harry was not appeased. He sat down in an armchair and scowled. "They shouldn't have taken you. It could have killed Betsy. She needed you."

"I wasn't in a position to argue." Brian sighed as he sat on the sofa pulling Betsy with him.

"You realise that you can't hide who you are anymore?" Harry pointed out. "Not unless you intend to avoid Betsy for the year.

"Not that it would matter as it wasn't exactly part of the Official Secrets Act." He scoffed.

"I'll do what I have to. As long as Betsy is safe."

"Fine, well we were having a party and we are expected back." Harry said as he stood.


Brian found himself on the end of many a glare. It didn't matter to them that he had no control over his absence, they just remembered Betsy's agony and his absence.

It was only Harry and Betsy that managed to cool them off.

Eventually the music quietened down and everyone just milled about, chatting and drinking. Well, those old enough. Most of the X-Men were underage.

Harry was sitting with Rogue on a sofa when Betsy and Brian approached. Harry looked at Rogue with a smirk and a wink before he levered himself to his feet, pulled a box from his pocket and knelt before Betsy.

"Elizabeth Braddock." He said clearly. Everyone was looking at him now. Expressions of curiosity, worry and anger.

Many looked concerned as they glanced at Rogue who sat there emotionlessly.

"Will you see me?" Harry opened the small jewellery box to reveal two eyes with bright blue irises.

There was a bit of confusion mixed amongst the now smirking amused guests. Rogue was smiling happily.

"You made them?" Betsy asked, her hand coming up to touch the dark glasses she wore over the white eyepatches.

"Especially designed for you. Fully tested. With many… special features. And perfectly natural in feeling." Harry smirked. "But… could I get an answer soon, my knees are a bit painful."

"Yes! Yes you idiot!" She said excitedly as she pulled him up and hugged him.

"Then we will see you at the school tomorrow." Charles smiled fondly at the pair. "Jean and Hank will fit them."


It was an interesting procedure. Harry was there because he created and powered the eyes. Jean performed most of the operation with her telekinesis whilst Hank monitored things. Poppy was observing in case she was needed.

In the corner stood Megan and Brian. Both were silently talking with Betsy telepathically as the two women brought the British Champion up to speed.

In other words, they were the distraction.

"Alright Betsy, let's put your hairband on to block your telepathy." Harry said as he handed her the white accessory. "I want to make sure you are using your eyes fully and not your telepathic senses."

Betsy nodded and put it on. She shuddered. Jean reached out and took her hand comfortingly.

"Hurry up and turn them on. I hate being completely blind like this."

Harry gently placed a hand on Betsy's head and fed his magic into her.

Betsy gasped. "God… it feels like I forgot what the world looks like." She said in awe.

She saw Brian and held out her arms as he rushed to hug her.

"I'm so sorry." Brian said tearfully into her hair.

"Blame the right people, Bee." Betsy whispered. "Don't let them stop you from helping others. Don't let them win."

"Right, let's do some tests." Harry broke up the pair. "First of all, look at Jean's chest."




"What colour is her bra?" Harry asked undeterred.

"Wha- whoa! That is a sexy piece." Betsy exclaimed as Jean covered her breasts. "Wait." She turned to Harry. "What did you do, Potter?" She growled.

"That's 'Sir Harry Potter', young lady." Harry admonished. "Now, read the writing on the medicine over there." He pointed to the wall where shelves were stacked with various bottles and boxes some six metres away.


"You can read it? Good.

"Temperature wise, which of us is the hottest?"

"J- Jean." Betsy was looking around frantically.

"Finally, how handsome is Hank?"

Betsy swallowed as everything once again looked normal.

"Everything you did was because you thought about it. Mental control runes can be used by anyone." Harry explained.

"Why?" Betsy asked, completely dumbfounded.

Harry gave her a small smile. "The bastards took away something very precious. I'm just making sure what you get back pales in comparison."

"I'm surprised you didn't make them glow or change colour." She snorted.

Harry conjured a handheld mirror with a smirk. "Think about it."

Betsy was giggling happily as she cycled her eyes through different colours, making them glow.

"Sir Harry, perhaps you should explain the necessary maintenance?" Poppy suggested.

Betsy was suddenly terrified. "Y-You have to tak-"

"No!" Harry said quickly. "Nobody has to touch your eyes unless something goes wrong. But they are not passive runes like the telepathy blockers.

"They are active like Hank's bracelet." The man in question raised his suited and hairless arm to show the bracelet tight against his skin.

"However, because we can't take them out willy-nilly, we can't give you spares. This means that I, or another magical, will need to charge them on a near daily basis."

"Miss- Betsy." Poppy said kindly as she stepped up and took the woman's hand. "Myself and Miss Granger have both volunteered to help you if Harry or Megan are unavailable."

There was a small pop and Ally was standing next to Betsy, holding her other hand. "Ally and her kits will look after Miss Betsy.

"We's can be looking after two families."

Betsy knelt down and hugged the small female elf. It was quick, but tight.

Betsy kept a hold of the hand as Ally turned to Harry. "Master Harry's elves will keep his friends' bracelets working. Master Harry is needing to rest more."


That night Harry crawled into bed at the British Embassy, Rogue was already there and waiting for him. He needed to be in Washington in the morning for a meeting at the White House regarding the US soldiers who had illegally entered Britain during the Silver Surfer incident.

Rogue turned over and snuggled into him.

She then raised her head and glared at Harry's phone. "Really?"

"Welcome to my life." He said as he grabbed it. He frowned at the caller ID and answered. "Betsy?"

"Turn it off!"

Harry sat up instantly. "What's wrong?"

"Your telepathy blocker. Turn it off! I can't feel you."

There was a distinct fear in Betsy's voice. Rogue took the phone. "Betsy, it's Rogue, what's wrong? Has Brian gone missing again? Are your eyes not working?"

"No… but… I need to feel Harry. He's been like a life line since the incident. Please… make him turn it off."

Rogue nodded to Harry.

"Thank you." Betsy said with clear relief.

"Go to the school tomorrow, Betsy. You need to talk to Xavier and we need to talk about this, ok?"

"Yeah… yeah… I'm really sorry. I know it's late there, but Harry suddenly vanished and I started having a panic attack."

"Relax. We're not angry, just concerned for you, Sugah. We'll see you late tomorrow. Night."

Rogue handed him his phone and he laid back down.

"I didn't realise she was relying on my mind so heavily." Harry frowned. "Especially over such great distances."

"Ah hope she realises the sacrifice you've been making." Rogue shook her head as she laid her head on his chest. "We all know you hate having your mind unguarded."

"I also left it open for her. The only time it was protected was when I faced Galactus."


Harry had arrived at the White House at eleven am with the British Ambassador. His job was to act as a representative of the various intelligence agencies. Primarily SHIELD.

Their meeting was at noon, they had arrived a whole hour early in order to get through security. Security had been very sceptical that Harry wasn't carrying a weapon. Specifically a gun. They also demanded he hand over his armour.

He had just shrugged and asked them where they thought he was hiding it. Not many people knew he had transferred it to a bracelet.

It was now three pm. They had been made to wait in a small room with two security guards inside and outside. The guards had been changed twice.

"Ambassador, I don't know about you, but I am done waiting. If the President of the United States wants to discuss the American invasion of England, he can come to our offices." Harry said as he stood.

"Quite right, Sir Harry." The older man nodded as he stood as well. "Even if he does have an emergency to deal with, someone on his staff should have informed us of the delay."

"My apologies, you will need to stay here until you are cleared." One of the guards shook his head.

"Can we at least use the bathroom?" Harry demanded. "I've needed to go for the past half hour. God knows how the Ambassador has managed to cope."

The guard nodded and led them to a public bathroom just a few metres away. Harry discreetly palmed his wand and confounded the guard who entered behind them. He then took the Ambassador by the arm and they vanished.

They landed at the embassy, Harry held the man as he regained his breath and bearings.

"Thank you, Sir Harry." The man said as Harry helped him to sit on the sofa in his office. "I fear that guard is in for a rough time."

"He knew what he was doing." Harry shrugged. "Please make sure you do not attend any meetings at the White House and that you acquire a bodyguard."

"Not to worry. I don't believe they were intending to cause us harm. It was merely a powerplay."

"I like powerplays." Harry smirked before he vanished.


The President was once again on his favourite seat. He pulled out his newspaper and paled.

This was not the real paper. Especially as the headline read 'POTUS suffers four weeks of incontinence.'

He quickly looked around. There was no toilet paper and the newspaper crumbled in his hand.

Forget the pain and discomfort… this was going to cost a fortune to keep from the press.


With permission, Charles and Jean had examined the mental link Betsy had forged with Harry. It was not simply her reaching for him to alleviate her loneliness. She had literally grabbed onto his psyche and threaded her mind deeply into his.

But she had done it passively and unintentionally. This meant that if Harry had his telepathy blocker turned off Betsy could potentially access his mind completely. But she didn't realise this.

Unfortunately, her mind was so firmly embedded in his that if he did activate his blocker, it would cause her great pain. Just as she had when Brian had been taken and put on trial.

"I'm really sorry Harry." Betsy said mournfully as she sat next to Brian at the mansion.

Harry was seated next to Rogue on the opposite couch whilst Charles sat at his desk and Jean in one of the chairs.

"I'm not mad at you, Betsy. I'm just concerned that I can't protect my mind. This was to protect me from Riddle.

"Also, there are three powerful telepaths in this room. I can't protect myself from any more out in the world."

"Is there a way for you to put a filter into your blocker?" Brian asked. "To only allow Betsy in?"

"Probably, but it will take a fair bit of experimenting. Could I trouble you and Jean for your expertise, Charles?"

"Absolutely." Charles nodded firmly. "I shall send you a copy of my work on telepathy."

Harry kissed Rogue on the cheek and stood. "Thanks. I'll take a look tomorrow. I'm meeting up with Steve for some training."

"Training in what?" Brian asked.

"Fighting hand-to-hand."

"Oh… there you go Betsy, that's one way to pay Harry back." He smiled at his sister. "Betsy and I both studied martial arts, but Betsy is a master of quite a few."

Harry chuckled. "Well, if I can fit it in my schedule. This is more about just spending time with Steve. We'll be going out for a drink later."


Steve had been a bit worried when Harry had set the ground rules for their practice. 'Break what you like but don't kill me.'

He had calmly stated that he had multiple potions on hand for them both.

Steve had eventually broken Harry's forearm in a bout. Steve was internally mortified by how little Harry reacted to pain.

Still, Harry was learning and could now take a fall with no injury. He was also teaching Steve a few Judo moves he was learning from Ben Grimm.

It was getting dark as they headed to a nearby English pub for ex-pats. They sat at small table in the corner, Steve with a beer and Harry with a coke as he was still only nineteen.

"I finally spoke to Peggy." Steve admitted. "It made me realise that my life has truly gone. I could see some of her in there, but seventy years… it changes a person. She's not my Peggy anymore.

"Even Nick has changed. Far more paranoid and secretive.

"It doesn't help that they have embraced this culture."

"They grew with it." Harry corrected. "They were around for the firsts that you missed. Cars, mobile phones, computers, the Internet.

"People like Nick and Peggy would have had to stay current with technological advances. It's part of the job.

"Just like you are starting to catch up." He pointed to the smart watch Steve was wearing.

"Harry! You might want to see this!" The bartender called over, pointing to the television.

A person in a red and blue skin tight outfit was hanging from the Queensboro Bridge. He was somehow holding a cable car with a rope and a young woman clinging to him.

"Steve… suit up."


Harry and Steve arrived in mid-air and fully geared up. Harry was holding Captain America so that he was stood on his foot.

"I'll grab the car, you make sure the people are ok."

Captain America manoeuvred himself onto Harry's back. "Grab the car from the bottom and I'll jump on top to tell the guy to let go. I'll try and grab the girl as well."

Harry quickly flew in.

"Pixie is online." Harry and Captain America's communicators announced.

"How did this happen, Pixie?" Harry asked as he braced under the front of the car, giving the children inside a thumbs up.

Captain American jumped onto the top of the car.

"Unknown. But there is another player. He appears to be riding a… hover board?"

An image flitted over Harry's internal screens. "Contact Tony, see if he knows who might have made it."

"On it."

"Sir Harry! You have the car. Spider-Man has let go." Captain America called down.

Harry raised a concealed eyebrow. 'Spider-Man'?

Still, he began to fly up and over to the banks of the river where police were cordoning off the area.

He deposited the car and saw Captain America was hanging on to the top with his shield on his back and the young red-headed woman in his arms.

"Captain?" Harry held out his hand.

Captain America took the hand and jumped up onto Harry's back.

"You have to help him! Spider-Man saved us!" The woman shouted.

"We'll sort it out, Miss." Captain America assured her.

Harry flew off with the Captain.

"Pixie, need anything you have on Spider-Man." Harry requested.

"Costumed individual who seems to be a vigilante. He is reported as having saved various individuals from minor street crimes and saved a lot of people from the Green Goblin at the World Unity Fair a few days ago on Thanksgiving."

"I remember that." Captain America said as they arrived at the top of the bridge.

"Pixie, where is he? He's vanished." Harry reported.

"Checking… The Green Goblin threw him into an abandoned building, marking it now."

Harry quickly flew them away.

They entered the building silently, Harry having disillusioned Captain America. There was no sound but that of a man sobbing.

They found the Spider-Man kneeling in front of the Green Goblin who appeared to have impaled himself with his own hover board. His tattered mask was lying on the floor.

It wasn't a man, though, it was a mere teenager, sixteen at most.

"What happened, son?" Captain America asked softly as Harry removed the spell.

The boy was still startled and scooted away, only to back up into the armoured legs of Harry Potter.

Harry didn't move.

"Did you do this?" Harry asked calmly.

"N- No! Norman, he found out who I was… he kidnapped Mary-Jane and attacked my aunt. He tried to kill me… but… I dodged."

Harry looked at the impaled and dead man. "Norman Osborn of Oscorp. He was behind all the attacks?"

"Please, don't let it get out. It will kill Harry."


"He means Harry Osborne, dumbass." Pixie's sarcastic put down sounded in his ear.

Captain America had to hide his smirk.

"His son." Harry nodded.

"Oh… oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot." Spider-Man said as he remembered the name of the famous man who wore the equally famous armour.

"Captain, if you can handle… him, I'll call in the right people." Harry indicated Spider-Man.

Captain America reached down and pulled Spider-Man to his feet. "Come on, son, let's talk away from this." He nodded to Osborn.

"What's your name?" Captain America asked as they hopped down through the huge gap in the floor.

"Spider-Man. The press calls me Spider-Man."

Captain America chuckled and pulled off his mask. "Let's try that again. "Hi, I'm Steve Rogers, what's your name?"

"I'd rather not say." The boy said firmly. "You've just experienced what happens when people find out who I am."

"Kid," The boy jumped as Harry spoke from behind him. "You've got about five minutes before the most extensive Intelligence Agency in the world finishes running your face through their computers.

"How about we try and not treat each other like potential enemies.

"We're not about to go on the news and announce your identity."

"Peter. Peter Parker." The boy admitted.

"Right, now why did Osborn target you and your family?"

"Because I stopped him at the Unity Fair. He is a friend of the family and figured out who I was because he cut me."

"Harry, Peter needs medical attention." Steve pointed out.

"Pixie, ask Xavier if he wouldn't mind lending aid?"


"Relax, Mister Parker." Hank said soothingly as he and Jean examined Peter. He was currently sitting on one of the medical beds in just his costume's bottoms. "No one here is going to hurt you."

"Not me I'm worried about." Peter muttered.

"I've had some people check in on your aunt and girlfriend." Harry said as he stood to the side with Steve. Both were out of uniform now. "There is also discreet security in place. Anyone tries anything and Captain America and I will be there immediately."

"Harry, a deep laceration and possible kidney trauma." Jean said as she indicated Peter's back.

Harry stepped forward, wand in hand and began healing.

"Really? Magic?" Peter asked for the fifth time with even more scepticism.

"Want me to stop?" Harry smirked.

"But surely there is a scientific rationale." Peter argued as he bared his back for Harry.

"Indeed there is, Mister Parker." Hank smiled. "And that rationale is 'magic'."

"Peter, Harry has had this discussion with Hank, Tony Stark and Reed Richards." Jean said as Harry moved back. "What you have to remember is that Harry was born to a society that has used magic for thousands of years.

"'Magic' is what they named it. We are the ones who took the term and applied it to trickery."

"Why Jean, I must remember to tell Reed what you said." Hank said seriously. "It may help him put aside his doubts."

"So Doctor Richards doesn't agree?" Peter asked.

"He does." Jean disagreed.

"Reed Richards has to force himself to remember that magic is real. It just has a name he is uncomfortable with." Hank explained. "Discovering magic from a scientific standpoint has become something of a joint project amongst us.

"What Jean said will hopefully help Reed remember that magic is a term we have mangled and misapplied. If we hadn't, then magic would simply be a respectable and recognised scientific term. Like biology."

"How are you feeling, Peter? I can't find anything else wrong." Jean asked.

Before Peter could answer, Bobby Drake marched in with some clothes. "Hey Pete, here, these should fit."

"Robert Drake! You are to knock on the door and wait to be called in." Jean said angrily. "What if there was a girl in here?"

"My lucky day?"

"Do not make me get Harry to transfigure you into a slug, Robert."

Bobby just smirked and walked off. "I'd be more interested in why a naked girl was in the infirmary with Pete… but that's just me I guess."

Jean stood there fuming as the door closed.

"We did tell him that it would be Peter in here." Hank chuckled.

Hank quickly shut up as Jean turned her death glare on him.


"But he's just a boy." May Parker protested from her hospital bed.

Harry was sat to the side of her bed as Peter and Steve stood behind him. Harry had just informed May that her nephew was Spider-Man.

"So was I." Harry said softly. "I was one year old when my parents were murdered in front of me. I was eleven when I had to face the murderer again."

"I have to do this, Aunt May." Peter pleaded. "I- I have to do it for Uncle Ben. It's my fault he's dead."

"Nonsense Peter!" May scolded him.

"The man who killed him… I could have stopped him. I didn't and then he killed Uncle Ben.

"Uncle Ben said that with great power comes great responsibility."

"He would not mean for you to risk your life like this!"

Steve stepped forward and took Harry's seat in the chair. "May, one of three things will happen. One, Peter obeys you and puts his uniform away. Two, he continues to go out in secret… alone. Three, he goes out with your blessing and our support."

"I do not like it." May said tearfully. "But… Ben was right. And you have done so much to help others."


Norman Osborn was found in his bed with no obvious cause of death. Harry Osborn was obviously distraught. Despite the coroner's report, he believed it was murder and vowed revenge.

Harry and Steve watched from a distance with May as Peter and Mary-Jane Watson paid their respects.

"He's loved her for a long time." May said with a sad smile. "I know he was devastated when she and Harry started dating."


"Osborn, Harry. Harry Osborn." May sighed as once again Harry was taken off guard.

"Peter, Mary-Jane, is Mister Osborn alright?" Steve asked as the teens approached.

"He's hurting." Mary-Jane said sadly.

"He still thinks it was a murder." Peter scowled.

"Well, let's get the three of you home." Steve said.