
Chapter 1:vol 1

I woke up to the presence of great disaster coming from outer space. It seems that an asteroid is coming to strike earth, not only that but it's size is bigger than some of the biggest in history, ranging 30 kilometers in diameter and the mass of several moons, and is coming straight towards us at 300,000km and hour, and each passing second increases it's danger level countlessly.

But that was nothing to me, who is an immortal supreme deity, well I wasn't that actually I actually am a immortal human, but my powers would seem me an immortal supreme deity.

As it was approaching I stood on the upper sky of earth, and head my one hand up, and as soon as it touched me it immediately lost all kinetic and heat energy, and I stored it in my other hand, as I was wondering what to do with all of this kinetic energy, a monster appeared that's over 100 meters in height.

As it was rampaging around destroying houses and buildings, it also looks like a giant lizard and shoots out blue atomic energy beams from its mouth, I through the asteroid back into the sky, changing its trajectory towards one of Jupiter's moons. I then used the kinetic energy and shot it at the atomic lizard, it burned the lizard and pushed him back and burned it, it seems to be losing life force as well and now it's in a dying state.

Anyways there are still some people trying to target me because of my powers, but they won't be able to kill me since I have a faster development adaption and can evolve to any and everything not only that I have several to countless types of immortalities and I exist on several levels of different existences and I can restore myself from every level of existence and nonexistence.

Anyways after saving this world from certain doom, I look around and see the defensive squad of this world, it's basically a team of heroes and since I'm constantly saving the world, they currently have no use for the people right now, and so now they are hunting me down because of that reason, and mainly because I betrayed the person who I loved and committed several atrocities and killed trillions of lives just for the sake of me wanting to conquer everything, I still love him even though he doesn't love me anymore and gave me a permanent scar on my left eye, not only that but I have an alter ego, that truly loves the person I love, so I my alter ego put a strong curse on me and since he is me just an alter ego he can do that and now the person I love can weaken me every time I go near him or when he's hunting me, not only that, and what makes it worse is it's a highly sexual curse, and makes me go into an sexual arousal heat state around him.

Anyways it seems he appeared after I defeated the monster, seems like he still is hunting me, I guess I have to leave this town, but not before I see him up close, obviously I won't show my face to him, but I'll just sneak around and hide so he won't notice me. I started to grin at my plan of spying on my love, as I flew down I began spying behind a burnt building from the atomic lizards energy breath.

Report squadron leader, yes sir, Mr Adrien it appears that the monster was defeated again by an unknown force, ugh, danmmit! He's always doing this, at this rate it'll be to late before we are going to get disbanded, I began to walk away as I sighed, I then dismissed everyone and called the cleanup squad to get rid of the beast and analyze it.

As I walked, I noticed this quiet cafe that looked comfy and welcoming so I went in, as I walked in I saw red beautiful booths with marble porcelain decorations on the walls, hello sir, what will you be ordering today, huh- o-oh me? Yes you silly, she said with a hint of humor in her tone, I cleared my throat and said my order, uh, I'll just get a chocolate mocha coffee. Alright sir it'll be ready in just 2 minutes, after the server brought my coffee I quietly drunk my coffee while thinking about how to capture my past love, Ayan.

I was quietly watching my love from the top of a building across the cafe he went into, but as I was quietly watching him my alter who was trying to force himself in command of my spirit and body, ugh s-stop it you jerk, no! He's right there and I want to go to him, I then fully took over ayan's body but not without a struggle which resulted in my falling off of the building, I then quickly regained my composure and and shapeshifted into another person that looks like me but isn't noticeable as my appearance, I then began to walk to the cafe.

As I was drinking my coffee, I heard something that seems like something fell but when I looked outside I saw nothing, but since I sensed nothing nearby I decided it was just an animal or something.

As I was about to go back to drinking my coffee I saw somebody walk in, as I saw him walk in I saw that he looked like ayan, he head beautiful black hair and eyes and had clear porcelain skin with no hint of hair on his body, and had perfectly sized feet and beautiful clear nails, overall his body was completely and absolutely perfect in every sense, but he lacked in terms of how ayan truly looked, as ayan was several countless orders of magnitude times better looking than him, but he still looked good though even to me who has been with a truly perfect being such as ayan.

I then used my super vision, and I saw a huge monster cock under his loose schoolboy uniform and has huge 2 big boy massive low hanging balls and he has a massive jungle of pubes on his private area, not only that he has a juicy perfect boy butt that is huge and jiggly and bounces every time he walks, and he also has perfect big boy breasts, not only that I can see his cute boy feet that are beautiful and are perfect and he is a cute small sized shota, overall his body is truly perfect and I analyzed him and it seems he is the very conception of perfection.

I saw Adrien eyeing me and knew my plan was working , even though ayan would get aroused at this point I'm not him, and since I made the curse I'm not affected by it.

After ordering my cake I took it and sat besides Adrien, hello sir how are you doing, u-umm I-I'm doing fine, I said flustered by his sudden approach, well that's good, my name is Gil what is your name, my name is Adrien it's nice to meet you, it's nice to meet you as well, after talking for a few min we finally got to know eachother well, have you tried their cake Adrien? No not really, I've never been here before, that's a bummer, there cakes are really good you know, oh, I didn't know that, have you tried their coffee, no I haven't, well you wanna try mine it taste really good, sure, after tasting his black mocha coffee, my vision began to blur and I saw black spots in my vision, h-hey a-Adrien so you know what's happening, shhhhh, sleep, my master awaits your presence, h-huh w-what, are the last words before I fainted, and he carried me to a location I didn't know about.