
Sensei 24: Anti-Climax

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

"Satoru! Shining! ATTACK!" He shouted, slamming his sword on the ground at the moment he landed at the middle of tens of thousands of mana beasts.

At first, nothing happened.

Well, until all the students and both Tio and Melusine felt an intense amount of danger coming from the ground that urged them to retreat.

And that, they did. There was no need for words, and none were left behind.

The ground rumbled, and the mana beasts all halted, their attention completely focused towards Satoru and mindlessly charged towards him even with the visible glowing cracks on the ground.

"Release." The sensei said gently, and many pillars of pure energy violently erupted from the ground and up to the air, consuming thousands upon thousands, maybe even all of the remaining mana beasts and even the surroundings on where the pillars were.

Once the pillars of light were gone, there was only smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Satoru can be seen standing at the middle of a crater formed by one of the destructive pillars, his sword pointed down on the ground, with cracks appearing on it's silver blade.

He then walked back towards Aiko and the group of students and knights as if nothing happened.

There were not a single mana beast anymore, because they were all cleared out.

He looked behind the aftermath of one of his special attacks, and sighed.

"..... I'm glad I held back, I could've destroyed everything around me, including everyone on the town. Still, it's effective enough for me." Satoru patted his nape and proceeded to straight up appear right in front of the people that experienced him destroy the surroundings and every remaining mana beast that was going to attack and destroy Ur.

"Whoa! Please stop surprising us, Sensei!" Akito shouted, almost falling back.

The others didn't react much, as they were still catching up on the recent event.

"Satoru! That attack was cool, but.... the destruction...." Aiko awkwardly spoke out, pointing at the destruction Satoru caused.

"What destruction?" After he replied, the surroundings at where the destruction happened started to shine for a moment, before mountains, forests, and everything that was destroyed, except the mana beasts, were restored as if the siege never happened at all.

And then, Satoru yawned.

"Hey, how about we all have a feast later tonight? It's a simply time for us to celebrate our victory, mostly with the help from those bravest who defended this town, and a good rest. They're waiting, after all."

[ ~ Line Breaker-sama! ~ ]

While Reiss and the other demon watched as Satoru and the large group of people walk towards the Lakeside Town to rest.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The demon beside Reiss shouted not just in anger, but in pure, utter disbelief.

Reiss grumbled, really wanting to retreat right now.

And then he heard a ringing inside his pocket, taking it out and putting a phone-like device near his ear.


{ 3rd Rank Knight Reiss, we've detected a massive surge of power nearby your area. What happened? } A man inquired through the said device.

"..... We've got a huge problem. A really huge one." He replied with some fear present on his tone, just before he heard something plant deep inside flesh.

He immediately looked to his side, only to see a few daggers stabbed deep into his fellow Demon Knight.

"Just get us out of here, right now! We can't afford to lose our lives!" Reiss shouted to the device, prompting it to be silent, and have his figure become surrounded by light.

However, he noticed that his partner isn't becoming surrounded by light.

"Brother-!" He shouted in fear, trying to reach for the figure, but an explosion occured before he was transported out from his current position.

He arrived in an underground, and screamed in pain when he realized that his arm was gone.

"Get the medics! Escort Sir Reiss to a medical facility!" A stern female voice was all he heard, before someone knocked him unconscious to ease him out of his pain for a while. (*1)

[ ~ Lime Break ~ ]

It had been three days since the siege, and news straight up spread like wildfire.

Let's just say that even if it did, it would take a few days or weeks for the news to spread all around the upper continent.

Satoru and the others were not going back to Heiligh Kingdom just yet, they all have to go to Holward and where the rest of the students were.

They were going on a path of adventure, after all.

[ Chapter • End ]

(A/n: And we wrap this volume up! Right, I was planning on retconning Kouki lookalike / DW, so I figured out something else. Anyways, see you at the next volume!)