
Chapter 3

I went home and greeted everyone then I went to sleep I have to get rid of all the people that I have.

I woke up an hour earlier than I usually do because Sebastian tries to follow me to see where I go every day. I swim carefully so I don't wake anyone up and successfully get outside so I swim to the shore as fast as I can.

*It's been two days since I got my legs I'm better at walking and jumping now but I still have some trouble running. Today I decided to earn some human money so that I can get real clothes and learn from a human doctor.

I get to the shore and wear the sheet, tie my hair, and make my way to the path I found. I keep following the path and I start to see people as I go, eventually I get to a small town. I started to look around and observe what people were buying and what they were saying. I'm going to need to learn their currency. I then went over to a shop that was empty and went to the man at the desk. "excuse me can you teach me the currency I'm not from here." 'of course I can, but why don't your parents teach you?' "my parents sent me here alone, they assumed the currency was the same." 'oh okay well then let me get some examples.' he opened something then brought out some small shiny things. 'this is a wood coin it's the most common coin and the least valuable, ten wood coins is the same as one bronze coin. Bronze coins are also common but they are worth more than wood coins. Fifteen bronze coins is one silver, twenty silvers is one gold, twenty-five golds is one large gold.' "okay thank you I'll bring you two bronze coins later for waisting your time." I then left the shop and continued to look around.

I went to a shipwreck and took another cloth then started to collect shells. I took them back to the town and started to sell them for three wood coins each I sold all them and by the end of the day I had a total of two silvers. I went to the shop from earlier and gave the man two bronze coins and went to buy clothes.*

Hi just wanted to let everyone know "this is ariel talking" 'this is someone else talking' * and these are flashbacks* I'll take any ideas you have, and you'll figure out her job in the next chapter.

_illdieanyways_creators' thoughts