
Ares, The God of war and the new life

I have seen quite a few GOD self inserts but most start before canon. and I'm to impatient and wanted to give it ago so this is it! I don't own anything except my Ares but that's it I will just be playing with the universe for a bit. have fun and if you have any suggestions or advice I will take it into consideration.

Yami_Bakura · Livros e literatura
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1 Chs


"Hey, Kid" I say, as I start to come too. Before I can stop I follow my greeting with,"You were supposed to die." Looking at the Sea spawn I start to realise something.

"You tricked me," he said, his green eyes glowing with an accusation,"You stole the Helmet and the Master Bolt." Percy, who I am sure this is, stood taller as he spoke.

Going with the flow, I decided to pause my breakdown as I can feel whispers in my mind. As I focus on memories, I find out that this Ares has been a puppet for hundreds of years thanks to being betrayed by a Goddess. My body proceeds to talk without my input "Well, I didn't steal them personally. Divine beings stealing Symbols of Power is a big no-no. But you aren't the only 'hero' in the world are you?".

As I was speaking, I began to fight Kronos with the memories of Ares giving me the knowledge needed to break through using are newly merged soul as fuel while ignoring what was being said. With my newly empowered Divinity, I struck Kronos.


"But why not just keep the Master Bolt for yourself," I said" Why send it to Hades?"

Ares started to twitch. For a moment, he was frozen as if stuck in time. Then his body began to change.

His modern outfit began morphing from a biker look into old Spartan armour, Lucky I listened to history class and could recognize it, he looked a bit taller definitely over 6ft and he gained a black neatly trimmed beard and mustache. That's when his eyes began to glow a blazing crimson as pure power started flooding the area around the God.

Then he roared to the sky and declared with pride "I AM ARES, THE GOD OF WAR! AND YOU TITAN LORD SHALL LEAVE MY MIND IM MY NAME. I SWEAR ETERNAL VENGEANCE AGAINST YOU FOR MY IMPRISONMENT AND THE DISHONOUR YOU HAVE CAUSED IN MY NAME!" With that said he fell to his knees, obviously exhausted.

As he looks at us a few moments later his eyes show relief. I glance at Grover and Annabeth and can tell we where thinking the same thing. What the hell is going on?


After banishing the Crooked one, I had finally gained all of what is Ares and changed my appearance similar to Leonidas from the movie 300.

Glancing at the Children I say " Thank you, demigods for distracting the Titan Lord allowing me to be free of him for the first time in centuries, for that I shall grant you 3 a boon when we return to Olympus to report what has happened." The demigods just stare at me in abject confusion as if trying to make sense of what I said.

"I shall be taking you with me to Olympus in my chariot, I will need to speak with the council. I am distraught that not even my Aunt Hestia noticed how I have been imprisoned and I do not wish to take it out on you demigods so we will be leaving immediately." I announced. The memories of The original Ares being tortured over the years are affecting me as Kronos often led the demigods he sired die in conflicts or was down right abusive to my kids. I am going to have to visit my cabin to explain to my demigods and apologise for being weak.

Pushing past the agony and guilt I call my Harley Davidson over and transform it into my majestic chariot. "Come, along heroes it is time to complete your quest." I state as they are engrossed in speaking amongst themselves. Then Athena's child approaches me and asks " Lord Ares, What did you mean by when you said you have been imprisoned for centuries?"

Sighing I reply "The Titan has been controlling my actions since the 100 year war between France and England, the only reason more damage hasn't been done is that I have been in constant mental battle all this time and have vastly improved my power and skills. I was almost free during the world wars but he had an accomplice which has kept me weakened."

Annabeth and the others just stared at me before I lost interest and snapped my fingers and with a flex of my divinity we were in the chariot. Now for the next part, as I am now Ares his rage is mine and I will be taking it out on the Olympians who left us to rot. I know for a fact Aphrodite was aware but didn't care as she was still getting fucked but I will have revenge on Kronos by any means.

" NOW, ON TO OLYMPUS! YAH" and we were off.