


Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

It's punishment time, babe

Author POV-

Adam was sitting alone in the backyard thinking about his one and only love,

"Isa, I know everything, I know Mia was the one who pushed you from the rooftop, still I'm not doing anything but to be with her, you must be very angry at me, but don't worry, I'll kill everyone who dare to protect her from me, I'll surely gave her a miserable death,"

Adam was in his thoughts when his phone bell rang, checking the caller id, he immediately picked up,

"Done?" he asked, and in a while a devilish smirk appeared on his lips and he hung the call. He got up from his place and started walking toward his car and drove somewhere.

Adam POV

After driving for about three or four hour, his car entered a forest, it was night time and everything was screaming the danger and horror around it, the older and tall trees were bowed in front of each other, on the edges of road.

He was just concentrating on his own way and in half an hour, he stopped the car in the middle of forest in front of an abandon house.

It was a small house, the house was not in a stable condition, there was no light in the house and it seems a house of some devil rather then a human, he get off from the car and seeing the house a smirk appeared on the corner of his lips and he entered the house.

Adam POV

I have many evilish thoughts in my mind as I walk toward the basement, there I saw my man standing beside a chair, while my beautiful enemy or I say my merciless foe was tied up on the chair.

There was a very little and dull light, enough for me to have a look at the person who intentionally destroyed my life, as I entered, I pointed my man and he left.

The girl sitting there shout,

"ADAM!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!! HELP, HE- HE KIDNAPED ME!!!!" tears were continuously flowing out from her eyes, I felt inner satisfaction while looking at her condition. I started walking toward her with a smirk, she was looking at me with shock,

"Do you really think I'll never get to know about the real you?" I asked while sitting down at her level, looking directly in her red teary eyes.

"A-Adam thi-this can't be, Adam trust m-me, I haven't done anythi-"

"Shh.." I whispered in her ear giving her goosebumps all over her body.

"I don't want your explanation, when I already knew it," I said in a husky tone making her flinch.

"Adam, she-she forced me to do so, she, she-"

"I SAID SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! can't you understand, sweetheart," Tears were continuously comnig out from her eyes.

"What do you think I will forgot her that easily? Come out of you imagination Jung Mia!!" I said and pulled a knife from my pocket and put it on her neck.

"Should I just cut it?" I asked while caressing the knife on her neck, she was shivering in fear bringing me more and mire satisfaction.

"Adam, please do-don't kill me, I'm begging you," she said while crying hardly.

I stood up from my seat and was about to go when she stop me,

"Adam!!" she shout, I turned around and she spoke up,

"Wh-Why are you torturing me like this, can't you just forgot Isa?" *crying*

"Wait, wait, wait, did you just said I 'm torturing you? wow Mia, are you for real, do you know what torture actually is..?" I said while coming closer to her.

"Okay then, let me show you the real torture," I said while grabbing her hairs, then took a hammer and a screw from the stool beside her chair, and softly placed the screw on one of her hand.

"This hand pushed my love, right? THIS HAND CAUSE MY LOVE TO DIE, RIGHT????" I shouted while she shook her head,

"Ad-Adam, please don-don't do this to me, please Adam," she was begging me.

"Nah babe, let me show you the real torture," saying this I hardly smashed the hammer on screw, she scream in pain while I was acquiring some strange happiness.

I took a drill machine and started to drill her arm, I was getting pleasure while hurting her.

"Ahhh~ YOU SICK PSYCHO!!!!!!!!" she was screaming in pain.

"PSYCHO???? maybe you are right, I really am a psycho, ain't I? I said while laughing loudly as I think she was right.

After that I took the knife and insert it's tip through her nail on each finger, while she was screaming loudly.

I was just enjoying it, I started peeling off her skin with the knife, while keeping her alive, then I apply chilly and salt powder on her skin causing her to scream even more louder.

"YOU CRAZ PSYCHO, IT'S GOOD I KILLED ISA, ORELSE YOU'DE HAVE DONE THE SAME TO HER!!!!" she shouted causing me to boil in anger.

"Oh, you're right, you should go and meet my Isa, shouldn't you?" I said and untie her from the chair.

She tries to run but immediately fall down cause of pain. I took two wire of metal and adjust the voltage on-----, 27,000 volt, then attach the wires to her body, causing her to vibrating at her place.

"Why the hell isn't she dying!!!!????" I shout, then again adjust the voltage, 11,000 volt, this time as I attach the wire she fainted or maybe.... die.

"Hy Mia!! Mia, you can't die so easily, come on, wake up, I wanna show you the real hell," but she wasn't moving.

I put my hand on her neck to feel her pulses but no, no there wasn't any pulse, no, how can this? she can't die, I wanna torture her more, I was feeling good in doing so.

Suddenly her phone rang, as I saw the caller id, a smirk appeared on my face, it was Jess.