


Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Adam's POV

As soon as I heard those words, I got frightened and asked granny if she had called the police to investigate but she said she didn't do it yet, so I called my friend, Kevin, who was a police officer, and told him everything while driving back to home.

When I got home and went to Aunty's room, I saw her body hanging from the fan, as if she had committed suicide, but that was impossible. Mia and granny were also there, crying silently.

I was paralyzed at my place 'who can do this?' I was in my imagination when the cops arrived, and I let them search my entire house before heading toward Mia

"I think you should go to Lia's place" she nodded. I can't talk much nor come to close to her as everyone close to me was just leaving me line by line.

Lia's POV

I heard about Adam's aunty's death and we all went to her funeral, on our way back to home Mia was with me, as Adam wanted to be alone for a while but that granny was still with him.

I and Mia were coming back home when it started raining heavily. It was nighttime and the heavy rain was continuous for half an hour and we can't reach home due to the stormy night and traffic. We somehow managed to go to my house and immediately took shower as we were already a bit wet. When I took the shower I asked Mia to take shower too but she refused, she was too sad maybe because of Adam's aunt.

"Mia, everything's good?" I asked.

"Lia, what do you think? do Adam really loves me?" she asked while standing up from her spot.

"Of course, he does love you, why do you think he doesn't love you?" I asked as I have already noticed it before. "Well he didn't say anything, but I feel it," she said while playing with her fingers.

"I used to think it, but now I'm completely convinced that you're an idiot," I said angrily, while she stood up lazily, walked over to the bed, and lay down. I sighed and lay beside her. I could hear her heavily breathing, but I'm not sure why. I didn't inquire.

The next morning, I awoke to find Mia still sleeping; I was bored; my daily routine was becoming monotonous. It's just waking up, eating, talking to friends, sleeping, and repeating.

Urgh, it was enough now, I want any change. I went downstairs, there Jack was waiting for me.

"Sis, Our mom, and dad ran away" he whispered while coming near to my ear.

"Hey, watch your words before speaking," I said while he just laughed.

"where are they both, by the way," I asked while going towards the kitchen to make breakfast.

"They went on a date" he replied and I looked at him with a knife in my hand, "Okay, okay, they went to Uncle Bryson's house, because Grace is really sick"

"Ah, I get it now" I replied and started preparing breakfast. I saw Mia coming down from the room as Jack looked at her he spoke up "Hey, don't you have your own house?"

"And don't you have your own sister?" Mia immediately replied.

"Of course, I have one," Jack said while holding my shoulder. "then, eat up her mind, I'm not in the mood to talk to you" she replied while sitting on the chair in the kitchen.

"Why? what happen to you?" Jack asked. "Headache" she replied. I served them breakfast and eat it with them. As we were eating, my phone started ringing on the kitchen counter, I stood up and looked at the phone, it was Adam.

I didn't tell Mia about the call or else she'll be upset. "Hello," I said and went outside "Lia, good news," he said in an excited tone maybe he was used to it now, used to seeing the death of his loved ones.

"I was dying to hear good news, Adam," I replied.

"The thing is, you know Kevin, right?" I nodded then remembered I was on phone so said yes "the one who is the police officer?" I asked.

"Yeah, he is. He asked me to go somewhere far for almost a month, maybe because, someone is trying to kill me," he said.

"But why someone wanted to kill you? what's your plane by the way? Please let me come with you too. I've really been bored with my life" I said as I was really exhausted.

"hey, that's a good idea, we can ask all of them to come with us on this tour" He excitedly said.

"Okay done!! but where will we go?" I asked as I really don't want to go to any horrible place like before.

"We will decide it, you just tell them, we have a meeting at kongwoo restaurant at sharp 8," he said and hung up.

I went inside and told Mia everything. can look her facial expression changed when I told her it was Adam's call, but then I noticed that she didn't have her phone and said,

"Mia Adam said that he called you thrice before calling me, but you didn't pick up so he called me."

Everyone in the restaurant was waiting for Jess, who was always late. Then I noticed someone watching me from the entrance; at first, I ignored it, but then I realized it was Jess, so I waved my hand while he smiled and began approaching, He was dressed in a red hoodie and black jeans and was looking very handsome. As he approached us, he said,

"I figured I was supposed to meet the CEO, so I dressed up like this, ain't Looking handsome?" he asked. While we all burst into a laugh.

After about half an hour, we decide to visit Thailand. 🤠