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These few days Ardilo had become more quiet than usual. Although some of the activities are still the same as other SEB members. He and DEB SEB of the Faculty of Economics accompanied several meetings from the existing departments along with their event committee.

Ardilo is a little quiet, especially Taera. He seemed to be dodging and Taera could feel it. She had tried asking Hano and Alex who were their classmates. Maybe he had a problem in class. But they both said that Ardilo was fine, even though he didn't usually sit at the back and didn't actively ask the lecturers.

Hano had also told Taera that he offered to help Ardilo in case Ardilo felt there was a problem and needed help to solve it. But still, Ardilo didn't want to talk. He shuts himself off. Act like he's okay. Even though Taera knows that Ardilo does have a problem that he is hiding.