

"Andres, wake up!!" Aksel shouted as he shakes Andres's sleeping body.

"Hmm? What is it? Five more minutes..." Andres spoke in a sleepy voice before going back to sleep.

Seeing this Aksel became more paranoid and began gathering a thin but powerful amount of energy before slapping it unto Andres.


"Ouch! What the hell ma—" Andres spoke before he got dragged by Aksel unto the dressing room.

"Get ready! Don't make Uncle Antonio wait! He'll kill us!" Aksel spoke in a paranoid voice. Seeing that Aksel was terrified and paranoid, Andres immediately got ready.

After a while the two of them arrived at the training grounds.

"You're late." Antonio manacingly spoke. Aksel felt a chill running through his spine and began sweating hard. "I—it was A—ndres! H—He overslept." Aksel spoke in a trembling voice.

"I see." Antonio spoke before unleashing a vast amount of blue energy; second most powerful color of arc. Aksel immediately reacted to it by unleashing his own green arc energy. Meanwhile Andres by instincts summoned Itra and used it as a shield.

"Andres dodge!" Aksel shouted as he turns his head at Andres.



A very powerful force hit Andres which caused him to topple for a couple meters.

"GAH..HAA.HAA..HAA" Andres stood up immediately whilst gasping. 'What a powerful attack! What did he even hit me with?!' He cried inwardly before turning his head unto Aksel whom was guarding himself from a barrage of attavks coming from Antonio.

'My Lord! The man you're training with is atleast a Divine Archive!' Itra suddenly spoke.

'How powerful is that?' Andres talked to Itra while healing himself with Itra's flame's healing abilty

'8 my lord! 8 Ranks Higher than you! But I believe his Rank is higher than that! If right he could be at the Celestial Rank!'

'What do you think are the chances of us winning this fight?'

'There is zero chance my lord! you're only at the 5th level of Awakened Archive and even if you activates the Ethereal State you would only be as powerful as a peak Grandmaster Archive! That's still five ranks below Divine archive.'

'I see..' Andres spoke before transforming into his serpent hybrid form.

He leaped to the air towards Antonio whilst gathering a thick amount of blood and covering it with Itra's Flame. "Since your flames are just like Arc Energy, i might just use you as a subtiture for now!"

"Blazing Javelin!" Andres shot out a thick spear of blood covered in purple flames. It was fast enough to catch up even to a peak Emperor Archive due to Itra's flames.


Clouds began cluttering and blocking Andres's view. Aksel whom can see fine due to his divine senses; sensed danger coming from all direction. "Shit! Andres dodge!"

Countless slashes coming from all directions began appeating out of nowhere. Aksel barely dodges some of the attacks but most hits him. Andres on the other hand was being protected by Itra.

The dust began to dissipate alongside the attacks. "An attack that can injure a Grandmaster Archive. Too weak!" Multiple voices resounded from all directions before a thick fog of mist began covering the entire battlefield. "Andres! Be careful he's using his mist techniques!" Aksel spoke as he transforms into his hybrid form. 'I can't use my divine senses fuck!' He cursed inwardly.

A horse cry can suddenly be heard from all directions, Sending chills unto Andres and Aksel's spine. Then sounds of horse walking near could be heard. Andres suddenly remembered a tale that his mother used to tell him.

'Don't fucking tell me his that creature!' Andres cried to inwardly.


'Yes my lord?'

'Have you heard about entities that resembles a human horse hybrid before?'

'I believe yes my lord, those enteties are known as Tikbalang, they came from the demon continent. Demons used to torture nuns bu forcing them to have sex with male horses. This tortures resulted with Tikbalangs being born. This beings have powerful raw strength their kicks could shake up an entire mountain, and when they run, people who see them would often mistaken them from lightings that passes by, They can also release a thick mist that can act as an eternal labyrinth. They often use this to catch their preys.' Itra explains while devouring more attacks coming from Antonio.

'So powerful! Do they atleast have weaknesses?'

'They do, my lord. They have this golden hair which if you manage to get a hold of; you will become their master. They are very territorial, short tampered, and prideful beings. I reckon you becareful my lord.'

"Aksel!" Andres called out to Andres after he realized that he talked to Itra for too long. But alas, no response could be heard. The magical mist seperated the two of them by bending space.

'Shit! Itra do you think you can engulf this mist?'

'I can engulf anything my lord, as long as it contains Arc energy.'

"Very well!" Andres began expanding Itra unto a giant ball of purple flames. "I know I can't escape your labyrinth Mr. Antonio, but I can surely destroy it!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try! If you indeed break this mist I will call you master and have one of my golden threads! An have no worries! I wont even lay my hands upon you." Antonio's terrifying and prideful voice could be heard around the entire field. With this statement Antonio activated his Demonic Eyes: Pride. It enhanced the mists power by tenfolds but if he fails the bet he will be forced to give away one of his threads.

An enormous amount of excitement suddenly shrouded Andres's entire body after hearing Antonio's words. "If you insists!" Andres grinned before unleashing the ball of flame unto the mist.

Slowly the mist began burning similiar to how a cotton burns.

"What the fuck?! You wield no elemental! You dare use a spirit flames! Where the fuck did you even get such high ranking spirit?!" Antonio cursed as he watched the mist gets engulfed in flames.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! A HUMAN CAN'T DEFEAT ME!" Antonio screamed in anger before releasing all of his power. He could easily kill Aksel and Andres with ease but due to the activation of his Demonic eyes he could only fight using his mist labyrinth.

Aksel who didn't know what was going on was confused as to why he felt an arc energy at that scale coming from Antonio. "Don't tell me he managed to force Antonio to go all out! He's dead if I no on stop them!"

As Antonio's 7th ArcDivinity Archive Rank released, Andres and Aksel could feel their very arcs trembling in fear. ArcDivinity is the 13th Rank in the Archive scale, entities this powerful can take on an entire army of Divine Archives and win. And because of Antonio's blue arc energy his prowess was more powerful than those with the same rank and level as his.

As the entire space the mist labyrinth gets occupied by Itra, Antonio's figure could be slowly be seen. And as the final layer of mist get engulfed Antonio began rushing towards Andres at half the speed of light. Since the mist is technically a entirely different space and Andres was within it. It took Antonio a minute to reach Andres despite the seemingly short distance of 200 yards.

As Antonio was about to punch Andres with a thick amount of blue arc energy, his body suddenly stopped working. Antonio began crying blood as he laid awake into the ground. Andres watched in his human form kneeling due to the amount of arc energy released by Antonio earlier.

"Andres!" Aksel used all of his strength to rush towards Andres to see if he was okay. Aksel whom was partially blind at that moment thought the person that laid unto the ground was Andres.

But as he got closer he saw Andres on his knees and Antonio in the ground.

Zaver then appeared out of thin air and spoke in a deep voice. "Congratulations you had defeat Antonio by using his own powers against him. As expeceted from someone known as the Archivist."

"What do you mean?" Andres asked dumbfoundedly.

"Antonio wield a Demonic eye just like I. The only difference is that he wields Pride and I wield Wrath. He used his Eyes to enhance his mists but he failed to notice that your flames were no ordinary. His body has been punished by his eyes for abandoning his pride and going back on his words." Zaver spoke with pity in his eyes before turning to Antonio. "You should've just hurt your pride instead of abandoning it, Antonio."

"Demonic eyes.. Tell me does everyone here counts as a demon?" Andres spoke with his head down.

"You yourself is a demon as well. But do not worry, everyone here are aligned with the Celestial's Orbit."

"I'm a demon.." Andres spoke before rushing to his room.

"I'll go talk to him.." Aksel spoke before rushing towards Andres's room.

Arc Energy are invinsible to everyone but is sensible by anyone whom had awakened, The colors are only used to rank and scale powers.

YEYOTOTScreators' thoughts