

Somewhere in Mt. Eros, the headquarters of the Divine Feathers Faction could be found.

A eerie silence covered the room as all the 8 captains of the divine feathers sat in a table with their leader, Erika.


"As everyone of you know, Rakshan the Demon had managed to obtain a demi god essence through awakening within Banahaw. Due to that fact, we are now once again inferior to the demon empire. But do not fret, Rakshan is known to be a rouge demon and had not yet to side with the demon empire." The silence suddenly dissipated after Erika, the leader of the divin feathers faction, spoke.

Ciel suddenly stood up beside Sister Lee whom was holding a piece of paper.

"Master, this is our report about the incident. Half of the newcomers assigned to our squad were slain by Rakshan, and the other half including a man named Andres was severely injured. Rakshan had managed to take half of the demigod essence, but a unprecedented incident happened. The man named Andres had managed to absorb the other half. Andres was also the one whom managed to defeat Rakshan. He is currently at the estate of Zaver, alongside my first vice captain Aksel. He is currently being treated through vampirication and sealing." Ciel spoke whilst reading the contents of the piece of paper before taking her seat.

"A human managed to take in a demigod essence? That's impossible!" One of the captains suddenly spoke whilst banging his hand unto the table.

"Indeed! No human is capable of such!" Another captain spoke.

"Captain Lilith, Captain Vergo, let Captain explain." Erika suddenly spoke silencing the two captains.

Erika then signaled Ciel to explain further. Through a wave of hand and a nod.

"The man I'm talking about is no ordinary dear capatins. Aksel, whom hold the divine senses, had sensed some sort of divine energy within Andres. And it continuously grew as he absorbs the demigod essence. With that, we have someone who can take care of Raksha—"

"An outsider taking care of our problems?! How low have we become?! I cannot allow this!" Lilith spoked once again.

"Hold on Captain Lilith, I haven't finished talking yet." Ciel glared with a hint of killing intent at Captain Lilith which alarmed the two vice captain beside her, causing them to point weapons at Ciel.


A deafening sound that numbed the bodies of everyone in the room except the Leader suddenly came out of the owl beside the Leader.

"Calm down you all!" Erika shouted.

"Yes Master.. As I was saying, The divine feather I have in me glew the purest of white when it interacted with Andres during our first encounter and then blackest black after he awakened his arc." Ciel explained.

"Purest white and blackest Black?" Erika mumbled to herself.

Silence once again covered the entire room.

"Well then, we must recruit this Andres at once!" Erika once again spoke after thinking for a while.

"But Master, we don't even know this man?!" One of the captains spoke. While the others are slightly shocked due to the fact that the Leader never personally recruits a member.

"Who is the Leader here, you or I?" Erika coldly asked the captains.

Everyone sat in silence before Erika spoke once again.

"Now returning to the issue with Rakshan, I believe that we must hunt him down as soon as possible. If Bakunawa managed to devour Rakshan it's over. The impending second holy war is nearing, with two demons having potential of becoming a demon god. I Erika assign a task to two squad for a mass hunting squad. Squad 0 and Squad 7, this two squadron will hunt Rakshan and eliminate them at once. Captain Zero, Captain Ciel, The fate of everyone are in your hands!"

Everyone left the room except for Erika and The owl besides her.

"He's back isn't he?" Erika asked the owl. "The Hero of Time, The Founder, The Archivist had returned to us."

"So how do I cover my element with arc energy?" Andres asked Aksel.

"Well first ya need to learn on how to gather arc energy first."

Aksel replied.

"Imagine the air around ya gathering within yer palm, this energy becomes a ball. Now sculpt the energy into anything ya want. A sword, a bow, or just a thin but powerful armor to cover yer body. It takes time to master, but it's doable."

"Like this?" Andres opened his palms and began gathering arc energy. But there was something wrong.

Normally arc energy are colored through the color spectrum. With red the weakest and most common and violet the strongest and rarest.

But what Andres gathered was neither of the colors, which shocked Aksel.

'White?!' Aksel cried inwardly before speaking.

"T—the color of yerr arc energy is the color of yer s—soul.." Aksel spoke as he stared at the arc energy.

Suddenly Andres lost control of the arc energy and it began gathering around his body causing to weaken the seal. Zaver Noticed this despite the distance and suddenly appeared at the training grounds.

Zaver immediately gathered a thick purple arc energy unto his palms before reforming it into a thick heavy chains and setting it upon Andres, restricting his movements and causing Andres to lay in his belly.

"Aksel reconstruct the seal this instance!" Zaver ordered Aksel in a panic before he cloned himself multiple times by forming his arc energy into himself.

After a while the seal had been fixed and Zaver angry. "Why did you used you're arc energy?! Your seal haven't been completely formed around your soul yet!"

"I—im sorry.." Andres apologized with his head down.

"M—master, a word with ya please." Aksel immediately requested for a talk.

The two of them went away, almost immediately Aksel began panicking. "Th—the—his arghh.. His soul is white!"

"So what's the problem with it?" Zaver asked

"It's fucking white!"


"White... white... white.. It is possible to have a white soul.. but the only person I know to have a white soul is an old acquaintance of mine.. and his reincarnations.. reincarnation.. Andres is the archivist?!"


"Aksel, you must hone his skills to it's peak!"

"But why?"

"The demon emperor Bakunawa had began moving and preparing for a war. The second Holy War.."

"No way.. but he don't have the demigod essence? Fuck Rakshan have it!"

"Indeed, but not just that, Bakunawa had devoured on of the 7 celestials, Igna to be exact."

"No if he manage to take a demigod essence it's over!"

"Go and train the archivist, I'll tell Antonio to help you.

After a while Aksel returned to Andres whom was sitying dumbfoundedly.

"Ya must ascend as much as you can Andres. You're a key to victory within the incoming Holy War."

"Holy War?"

"The Holy War is the battle against everything against a demon whom seeks to become the demon god. Yer're the archivist mate, yer our hero!"

"What? Archivist? Hero? What are you talking about man."

"Yer the reincarnation of the legendary war hero! Eros!"

'Itra!' Andres stayed in silence before thinking to himself.

'It seems that they concluded through the color of your arc energy, my lord.'

'What do you mean?' Andres spoke whilst appearing to be in deep thought.

"It's okay mate take your time" Aksel spoke.

'Normally the color of ones souls are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Indigo, Blue, and Violet. The more energy stored in a color the more powerful it is but the harder to control. And you have a White soul; Combination of all. You are the Archivist, you are history itself, YOU are TIME.'

'Is that the reason why you spared me back then?'

'Yes my Lord, All spirits are commanded by the second archivist to be loyal towards the next archivists. And that Includes you.'

'And who was the second?'

'I am not allowed to say but the first archivist was known by everyone. You were once called Eros, The Jester Knight.'

"Hey mate! Ya good?" Aksel spoke.

Andres snapped out of his conversation with Itra when he heard Aksel's call.

"Wha—huh? Oh.. yeah I'm good." Andres spoke with an awkward smile.

"To be honest with you, I knew about that fact a long time ago but I didn't know my other names or what I am exactly."

"I see.. But why didn't tell me mate?"


"The powers I hold are too powerful, it includes holding a theoretically infinite arcs and a state which allows me to tap in unto a vast amount of experience that came from my past lives. I was scared. I was scared that you might turn your back at me and take the power for yourself. I am telling you this because despite knowing that I am the archivist you haven't touched a single hair in my body. I trust you man."

"Do not fret mate! Master Zaver was once friends with the first archivist! They were comrades!"


"Yeah! Oh right thats atleast 100 million years ago!"

The two of them continued chatting before returning to their rooms and resting.

'Tomorrow I'll be training with one of the most powerful people in this world!'

I'm so so so so sorry for the late chapter post, you're probably dissapointed for this short and late chapter, but i have my reasons! I am writing this in school which is not allowed and my phone could be confiscated at any time. The past weeks were really busy for me due to the fact that we needed to shoot a film (Romeo & Juliet)

It was a hell week hence my absence I'm really sorry! but do not worry after this month you can expect a consistent and fast chapters flowing for youto devour!

YEYOTOTScreators' thoughts