
Hades: Humanity's Wall

Andres ran to his room in anger; he felt like he has been betrayed and fooled.

After arriving at his room Andres immediately jumped to his bed and burrowed his face unto the pillow before thinking to himself. 'I'm a demon.. the very thing that killed mom.. I'm a monster..'

"Mate, you good?" Aksel asked as he enters the room.

"Do I look okay?" Andres spoke in a muffled voice before lifting his head from the pillow.

"No not really.." Aksel responded with a concerned look in his face.

"I know yer mad at us for not telling you the truth. But it was for the best, we needed your trust."

"Trust? What, you're gonna use the archivist to your advantage? Don't tell me you're also from the demon empire! Does the faction know of this?!"

"Calm down Andres, we're not from the demon empire, and yes the faction do know. I thought you would've had known by now that we we're demons. Aswangs and Vampires are also considered demons ya know." Aksel spoke as he approaches him.

"You don't understand! My mother and sibling were killed by a demon, a FUCKING DEMON. And now... I'm the same thing." Andres stood up in anger before tearing up.

Aksel paused before speaking. "Thou I've never met my real parents, I kinda understand how you feel... Master said that he saved me from an arcdemon that slaughtered my parents. Because of that, I also despised demons.. despite being a demon myself.."


"It is what it is Andres, It's hard, but you have to swallow your own emotions and play along with life. It's okay to be sad, mad, or frustrated. But never give up just because you hate yourself."

Andres looked at Aksel before sitting back in his bed.

"Come on now, Master will be waiting for us in his hall." Aksel spoke before solemnly walking out of the room.

Andres laid in his bed silently staring at the blank ceiling. He stared at the ceiling for hours with nothing in his mind. He stared and he stared before standing up. 'Aksel is right.. I can't give up on my goals just because I hate myself.'

'My lord... sorry to disturb you, but I feel a terrifying pressence around the area. This pressence is far terrifying than the Master of this house!'

Andres listened to Itra's words before using his vampiric senses to detect who gave out this terrifying aura. But to no avail. He couldn't sense anyone. Alarmed he rushed towards the hall where Zaver always sits.

"Master! There's someone powerful is...." Andres spoke in a rush before pausing after realising that a man that exudes a godly aura sat infront of Zaver and Aksel.

"Take a sit Andres." Zaver spoke as he activates his vampire abilities to control Andres's body.

"Ahem. This is my second disciple, Andres." Zaver spoke to the man sitting infront of him.

Andres stood in confusion as to why he could see the person in front of him yet not sense him. "What are you?"

"Hmm?" The man reacted to Andres's sudden and random question.

The man laughed before speaking to Zaver. "This one is quite funny Lord Zaver."

"Ah, pardon him, he's just confused" Zaver responded.

"Now that everyone is finally here, I shall introduce you to Hades, or more known as Jericho the wall of humanity." Zaver alongside everyone else stood up as he introduces Hades to everyone.

"WAIT! YOU MEAN HADES THE HUMAN GOD?!" Andres suddenly blurted out the words in his head in shock.

Everyone suddenly looked at him in shock except Zave whom merely sat back down.

"Yeah I'm the Human God, are you by chance a fan?" Hades said jokingly.

"Woah, I'm standing in front of the strongest.." Andres spoke in disbelief.

"I wouldn't really say strongest." Hades spoke before sitting back down in his chair.

Everyone sat down as well except Teressa and Antonio whom remained standing.

"Now back to our conversation... The Feathers had began moving to hunt down Rakshan... And with that, they also recieved intel on Bakunawa." Zaver spoke before being stopping for any reactions.

He turns to look at Hades whom looked very intrigued.

"So they finally have information about the Demon Emperor.." Hades spoke with a sign of relief.

"Bakunawa was seen near the Dragon Continent by one of the angels. And of course, the angels was nearly obliterated and was only saved by Igna. But of course, there is no absolute way a Celestial can win against the Demon Emperor." Zaver continued.

"And once again, The Demons have the upperhand. We only have 3 Celestials left.. Being Erika, Tian, and Hanzo.." Zaver spoke solemnly.

Hades closed his eyes before speaking. "Don't worry, we have me.. I'm 3 levels above him and holds the strongest ability. And if I ever lose, I believe we still have the archivist in our hands. I mean If anyone is strong enough to do so. I believe that the Celestials would agree on this, we can train 4 new Celestials and instantly turn them to one by feeding them treasures. I believe we have 2 potential in the same room here." He opened on of his eyes and took a look at Andres and Aksel.

"It is true, but we must take to accord the safety of others. You may be strong enough to take in the entire Demon Empire, but let's not forget, this is a war Hades, even your power has limitations." Zaver warned.

"If your concerned about casualties, I have a solution for that. Once I reach Divine God I will have the ability to protect the entire Eastern continent with ease. And that's only a couple hundre thousand of miles. And in my level I can cover atleast a third of the entire Eastern Continent." Hades boasted.

Zaver cover his eyes with his hand and started shaking his head before speaking. "Your soul starts to deteriorate every time you expand your walls. And let's not forget that the walls thin down as you expand it's length."

"You're worried about that? Ha! You underestimate me now Lor Zaver, Do not forget, only attacks coming from a Divine God could destroy my walls."

"But it's still possible to be penetrated by Gods!" Zaver spoke, slowly losing his composure.

Hades saw this and laughed. "Calm down Lord Zaver, why don't we release some steam outside.." Hades offered a friendly spar.

"I believe this artificial world of yours could survive a fight between two Gods? Or am I wrong?" Hades continued.

"How about you entertain my students here first before we spar. I still need to runa quick errand for Hanzo." Zaver spoke.

"Yeah sure, I can do that." Hades shrugged.

Hades then stood up from his seat and began stretching his back and fingers. "You kids ready?" He winked at Andres and Aksel.

Suddenly, they were out of the mansion and instead in a open field as large as an entire continent. 'Hmm this artifical world is larger than I expected..' Gades thought to himself.

He then looked at the two whom was utterly confused on how they got there.

"Three Attacks from each of you.." Hades suddenly spoke with a menacing smile.

"What?" Aksel asked.

"If any of your attack reaches me, I'll complete one request from the two of you." Hades spoke before activating his unique ability.

"Walls Of Jericho." Hades mumbled before a purple light exploded from his hands.

He then gave a signal for them to attack.

Aksel grinned before transforming into his arcbeast form. But he didn't stop with just his normal arcbeast form. "Since I have time to charge up, I'll go full out!" Aksel shouted before the same sealing tattoos in his human body appear in his arcbeast form. His fur then started turning red and a green aura of light started enveloping his body. His rank then began skyrocketing from peak Elite Archive to peak Grandmaster Archive.

"Hmm, what an powerful ability.. But alas it takes too much time." Hades commented on Aksel's transformation.

"My turn now." Andres spoke.

Red scales suddenly started appearing in every inches of Andres's body. A tail suddenly also appeared and his stature enlarged twice his normale size. He also became more bulky and menacing. A very thin white light also covered his body. But he was not done yet. He then began summoning Itra, and instead of using it offensively, he used it to amplify his strength. "It's my first time using it this way.." He spoke before converting Itra into a flaming armor that made his senses and attacks more powerful. His rank skyrocketed from peak Awakened to Peak Master. He then forced Ethereal State causing his strength to go up again. With the final result being a Peak Grandmaster.

"You've reached my strength!" Aksel shouted in disbelief.

"So this is the power of an Archivist.. Truly GODLY! Your rank went from Awakened to Grandmaster! an entire three rank a head of your own rank! Even Aksel only managed to amplify his power to two ranks!" Hades complimented the transformation.