
ARCANE: The Dark Misfit

'It's crazy how someone who used to be a huge part of your life. . .can be gone in a second' -unknown ==== A once pure and happy child, made an amazing discovery that made the whole world give him the title 'Genius Inventor' as his invention was truly world changing. . . he 'was' happy. . .life 'was' going well for him and his family. . . yet fate decided to make this poor child face a cruel experience. . . losing all his loved ones, constantly running away, making sure he has the sufficient strength to protect himself. . . his sanity is slowly losing bit by bit as he grew up doing this without rest. As he was doing this over and over again. . .he lost his sanity and finally. . .he died. 'but wait! there seems to be something wrong!' ------ In the dark alleyways inside the harsh city of Zaun, you can see a young boy with bruise all over his body laying down on the dirty ground seemingly dead. . . but. . .his body suddenly jerked up, heavy breathing could be heard escaping from his mouth. 'huh?' 'didn't I die?!' 'WHERE AM I?!' watch as he tries to overcome fate's cruel plan in this new world. . . [A.N: sup guys! styko here, this is my first time writing so I really really need you guys to tell me if i'm doing good so far. If possible, I want you guys to suggest how I improve my writing skills, so just write a review about it, imma comment :D, well that's all i'm going to say, hope you enjoy my novel!] ========= I don't own the Arcane characters, except my oc. . . if you're the original artist of the cover, pls contact me if u want it taken down! :D

popyStyko · Videojogos
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5 Chs

"Wanna know the truth?~"

[Austin's POV]

"a little rat invited itself in~" I said amusingly, who wouldn't be? I just moved in here in the city and that old goat already had someone coming for my ass.

"hello mister intruder, would you like to sit down and have a drink? Tea? coffee? your choice~" I asked the man laying flat on the floor.

I didn't get an answer which puzzled me. "oh right, I forgot! You can't move!" I said as I realized what I have done to the poor fellow.

"how rude of me" I said picking him up the floor into the sofa and fixing his sitting posture to make him comfortable like the nice gentleman I was, and of course I didn't forget to wrap him up in tape 'I gotta say, wrapping him up really brings out my childhood memory where I wrap surprise presents for my parents an-' I scowled at the thought, flashes of people suddenly appeared before me, oddly enough these people have the same faces as my parents, appearing behind, in front, anywhere really, yelling "its all your fault!" to me over and over again, and seeing their bloodied face didn't faze me as I got used to them.

"yeah yeah I know, shut up!" I said with an annoyed tone like when you keep getting bugged by flies. This shit is really annoying.

After wrapping him up, I again fixed his sitting posture as I don't want my guest to be uncomfortable "awww~, look at you sitting so comfortable~" he looks like a giant caterpillar, its so cute.

"soo~, what would you like? coffee or tea?~" I asked the intruder ignoring the fact that there's flashes of people appearing right beside me constantly yelling, and the fact that the one I'm talking to can't speak or even move.

The man didn't speak, "well I guess tea it is then~" I said as I walked to the kitchen to prepare a nice and hot tea for my guest.

'Hope he enjoys his stay here~'

. . .

[Captured Assassin POV]

I got confused at first at why he's doing all of this, talking to me like a guest visiting his house for the first time. He even picked me up and put me on the sofa and fixed my sitting posture, he even has a smile on his face, happily wrapping me up with tape 'shit! he's just playing with me at this point!'.

But then suddenly his face changed from happy to annoyed, 'hmm?' I got confused at the sudden change of the kid.

"yeah yeah I know, shut up!"

'Is he talking to me? no, his attention isn't directed at me, is there someone other than us in the house? but I checked it first, I wouldn't have missed them' I grimace internally.

'so, he's talking to himself?' I continued thinking about this until he stopped wrapping me, 'I guess he's finished wrapping me up now huh'.

"awww~, look at you sitting so comfortable~"

'wh-, IS THIS GUY FOR REAL!! I SWEAR IF I GOT OUT OF THIS I'M GONNA TORTURE YOU TO DEATH YOU LITTLE FUCKER' I got angry as nobody had treated me like this before!

"soo~, what would you like? coffee or tea?" he suddenly asked.

'Is he asking me a question right now? RIGHT NOW?!? doesn't he know that HE FRICKING PARALYZED ME!?! IF ONLY I COULD MOVE YOU'D BE DEAD YOU LITTLE SHIT!!'

"well I guess tea it is then~"


he walked away towards the kitchen and didn't even look back.

'what has my life come into?'

=|10 minutes later|=

I've been trying to figure out how to escape once I'm able to move again but I guess his paralysis poison is much more stronger done mine since there's no sign of my body responding, and it got me thinking. . . AM I REALLY A MASTER ASSASIN?!!

'The kid easily blocked my attack and even countered me! is this a trap from my enemies?!? no, I know all the well known assassins in the underworld, I wouldn't missed someone like him!'

"I'm backk~" shit he's back!

Austin came back holding a tray with a fancy tea pot, tea cup and cookies on it. He made his way here in the living room and put the tray on top of the table in front of me.

"hope you've been a good boy while I'm gone~" he said as he patted me.


I didn't get to finish my sentence as Austin put a cookie in my mouth.

'@!@#!$#@!%@%#$&*$*$@#!@' my head was filled with rage and humiliation.

"isn't it delicious?~" he said as he keep stuffing my mouth with cookies.

'hey hey HEY! STOP THIS INSTANT!' is what I would like to say but I can't even move or speak to stop him.

This continued for more than 1 minute and he only stopped when he heard me gagging.

"woah~, are you alright?" he said seemingly concerned in my well being which I know he isn't.

"here have some tea~" he said getting the teapot on the tray and directly shoving its spout in my mouth pouring all the hot tea all the way down in my throat.

'@#$!@$$%%!@%^%$@!' the pain is kind of bearable as I was trained to get used in this kind of situation, but, pain is still pain.

'*huff* huff* huff*' heavy breathing could be heard escaping my mouth as Austin stopped pouring hot tea in my throat.

"hmmm?~, is it not working this time?~" he mysteriously said.

'what's not working?' I wondered and then suddenly. . . an unimaginable wave of pain suddenly hit me like a truck moving in fast speed.

'wh-WHAT IS THIS!?!' this amount of pain, I never felt something like this before!

'aAAARGHHH!!!!' I could only scream in my mind as my body isn't cooperating with me'

"oh! there it is!~" he said happily.

'THIS BASTARD LET ME KILL YO-aAARRGH!!' the pain continued for more than 10 minutes until I passed out.

'BASTARD!' was the last word I thought before I passed out.

. . .

[Austin's POV]

He passed out.

'awww~, such a shame, It's been fun playing with him, it's been a long time since that old goat gave me someone to play with~'.

Well I guess that's that.


'hmmm?' the sound of a notification came from my phone on the desk near the sofa.

I picked up my phone and looked at the notification and hOLY SHIT! the Act 3 of Arcane is out! I forgot they release new acts each week!

"YESSSSSS!" I yelled in delight

'hehe~ time to watch!~'

'but first, what do I do with this guy?. . . meh, I'm just gonna put him behind me when I watch, hope he's not gonna wake up soon'

. . .

=|Present Time|=

"sooo, mind telling me why you're here again?~" I said with a smile as to not scare my guest.

The man didn't speak.

"hey, why are you not talking" I said tilting my head confused as I swear that the particles I mixed with the tea should have made this guy move for a little bit by now.

"you're so fucking noisy earlier, I should've just kept you in the closet first, too bad we're in an apartment so there's no basement I can put you into"

"But, enough of that, I know that you can move, you've been noisy earlier, speak up!" I said a bit annoyed.

surprisingly he spoke up, "release me now you little shit!" he said growling a bit.

"no can do, it's been a long time since someone like you came and played with with me~"

He seemed confused of what I said, 'hmmm~, why does he look so confused? didn't that old goat say anything to him about what he's doing in the last couple of years?'

"Elmen Vale hired you to kill me right?"

He didn't react at my question, 'hmmm still not talking huh?, I guess I'm gonna use that'

I brought out a piece of paper and read its contents out load for him to hear.

"Hugg Rodylar, 48 years old, born in New York, well known master assassin and hacker in the underworld the 'Phantom'" he didn't react to that information, well I guess it's time to bring it up.

". . . divorced, had a wife and a daughter that currently lives in Florida"

He suddenly jerked in surprise "You BASTARD! how did you get that information?!! I made sure I hid it! HOW DID YOU GET THAT YOU BASTARD!!"

"well~, interested in talking now?~"

"*tch* just don't do anything to them please!" he begged.

"aww~, it's seems like our little killer here still has a heart~, what a good father you are~"

"so what do you want to know?" he said annoyed as he doesn't have any choice.

'hehe, that's what I like to hear~' I thought to myself excitedly and started asking questions.

"well first things first, was the one that hired you named Elmen Vale?"


"did you know that I invented the Prime particle?"


"did you know that he's been hiring assassins to kill me since the day of the accident?"

". . ."

"and did you know that I killed all of them?"

". . ."

"so he didn't tell you huh? what a douchebag, right? hiring assassins to kill me, making my loved ones involved, making me do. . . something. . like this" I said as I showed my glowing arm.

"I made myself a living container making my entire being work like Pzarprimophic" I can tell on his face that he was amazed by the sight he is looking right now.

"let me ask you a question, have you ever lost someone dear to you?" I asked him randomly.

". . ."

". . .someone you love more than yourself?" I continued, flashes of people appearing everywhere, my dad, my mom, and 'her'. . .

"hey?" I said to him in a serious tone, "wanna know the truth?"

". . . "

. . .


=|6 Years Ago (before the accident happened)|=


'hmmm' what is that?

"hey! hey! buddy wake up!"

My dad suddenly woke me up in the middle of the night seemingly rushing.

"we have to go the car now!"

"daddy?" I said at my dad confused as I don't know what's going on.

"let's go! there's no time to waste!" he yelled at me as he pulled my arm hurting me at the process.

"ow! where's mom!" I asked my dad

"she's already at the car, let's go!" my dad said holding his grip at my wrist tighter as he sped up.

Once we're outside , we went straight to the car in front of the house. My dad put me on the backseat of the car where I saw my mom sitting on the front looking at me and consoling me saying "everything's gonna be okay" smiling at me,' what is mom consoling me for?'

"mom! dad! what's going on?!" I asked them but before they could answer, mom's phone rung indicating that someone is calling.

My mom picked it up. "Please don't do this, I know what you're going to use it for and I won't allow it!" my mom yelled at the phone.

'who's that?' I wondered but then I heard a familiar voice, someone I know very well, my grandfather, "don't make me do this Isabelle, just give me the formula of Pzarprimophic and I would let you go safe and sound"

"heh! so you can weaponize it and wage war! hell no!" yelled my mom.

"we can achieve many great things with the Pzarprimophic Isabelle, we can rule many countries, so why don't you just be a good girl and give me the formula~"

"Now I knew why mom left us. . . you're SICK IN THE HEAD!!" my mom yelled crying.

"now you've done it you little shit, if you don't give me the formula, I will make someone get it for me! so you bette-" my mom hung up the call

"James let's go! we need to get out of hear fast!" my mom said to my dad which made him start the car and sped off away from our house.

While mom is speaking with grandpa earlier they mentioned the Pzarprimophic that I made and they seemed to be arguing about it too, 'is-is this all my fault?' I asked myself as tears fell down my eyes.


[A.N: if you look at this chapter, you can see here that Austin's mom, Isabelle, is the biological daughter of his grandpa Elmen Vale. So that makes Austin's mom, 'Isabelle Vale'. You're probably wondering why her last name is still Vale when she has a partner already? why doesn't she get the last name of her partner? well, to answer that question, Austin's grandpa doesn't acknowledge the relationship of James and Isabelle, so no marriage done, but still allowed them to conceive a child.]

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