
Arcane Echoes: My Magic Copying System

The world of Alerion is full of magic, mystery and adventures. Spectacular sights to be seen, beasts the like imagination can scarcely grasp, and monsters that would send a shiver down the spine of even the most hardened warrior knight. The only issue? It's not my world. I was brought here by magic against my will and really all I want to do is figure out a way to get home, which everyone says is totally impossible. Oh, and then there's the issue of the Demon Lord, his armies, and the fact I'm meant to be the only one that can stop him with the power of my Magic Copying System. Oh, and then there's the beings that supposedly granted the Demon Lord his powers. I'll have to deal with those too. Maybe one day I'll get to go home and get on with my life, but hey, living in Alerion isn't the worst second option so I'll just have to work to get stronger!

MattHarris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Magic Copying System

I was beyond grateful when I was finally able to lie down on a nice comfortable bed. 

Every muscle in my body ached and the fatigue I had felt from doing an all-nighter for my coursework had hit me in the face with just as much force as the forest beast's claw. 

The medical area of the Guild building looked far more modern than I had been expecting it to. 

The floors were tiled and the rough stone walls had been covered in some kind of plaster. The whole area also smelled vaguely medicinal, almost the same smell as when you would walk into a doctor's office or a hospital. 

I had been expecting something much more like a medieval torture dungeon. 

"So, what do I need to do to register as a member of the Guild?" I asked with both Kysella and the automaton staring down at me. 

"That would be my area of expertise," The automaton said. "I will take a reading of your magical and physical potentials and give you the best possible specialization as outlined by your attributes, this will then be logged and you will be an official Adventurer's Guild member with all the perks and privileges that the station grants an adventurer." 

"That all seems pretty… I don't know, easy?" I said. 

For some reason, I was expecting to have to undergo some sort of trial or task immediately. 

"Well, that's just the assignment process. You'll have to complete quests regularly or you'll get kicked out of the guild," Kysella clarified. 

That didn't bother me too much. I was only planning on joining the guild for a long enough period of time to figure out what was going on and how I was going to get home. 

"Right, well, like I said let's get it over with," I said. 

"Very well, in that case, could you first provide me with your name for the logs?" The automaton asked. 

For a moment I considered giving them a fake name. I didn't know if names had power in this world as they did in so many others. In the end, though, I just decided to tell them the truth. 

"My name's Thomas Wright Lee, but most people just call me Tom," I said. "That can't be all you need, right?" 

The automaton shook its head stiffly from left to right. "That's correct, Thomas Wright Lee. Please extend your hand with your palm flat and facing outward. As if you were going to give your compatriot a high-five." 

I did as the robot asked, extending my hand out toward it as if I were waiting for the robot to high-five me. That wasn't too far from what happened, either. 

The automaton pushed its hand, the surface of which was wooden and smooth, against my own. 

Its body stiffened and for a moment its eyes flashed a bright gold instead of blue. There was a whirring sound from within its head, and then, a click as something moved into place. 

Then the moment was over. The automaton's eyes returned to their cool blue colour and the mechanical being whipped its hand back down to its side so fast the air displacement almost hurt my hand. 

"You are an otherworlder?" The robot asked, its emotionless voice almost sounded accusatory. 

"I mean… I guess so?" I replied. "I don't know, one minute I was at home and the next I was running through a forest trying not to get eaten by a monster that wouldn't have even shown up in my worst nightmares." 

"Is there something wrong with Tom being an otherworlder?" Kysella asked the robot. "I thought they were a good thing, that they helped bring balance to chaos."

"Inherently there is no good or bad in the existence of an otherworlder. Yes, they appear at more chaotic times, and yes they tend to try to help in balancing the chaos, but that is not always the case. An otherworlder is a being which should be treated with much caution, Adventurer Kysella." 

It didn't feel great, having the two of them talk about me while I was right there as if I didn't even exist. 

"Look, I don't care about any of that stuff, I just want to get my leg healed and find my way home," I said. "I'll do whatever I need to do in the meantime. I'll even go on quests, as long as they don't involve me getting killed because I have no combat training. But ultimately I just want to get back to my world." 

A moment of silence followed my outburst as both the automaton and Kysella regarded me, the latter with an equally frosty expression as the one she had worn when I'd said as much to her previously. 

"You may not have any combat training, Adventurer Thomas Lee Wright, but you do have the power of a system as your right as an otherworlder," The automaton said. 

The power of a system? If my intuition was right the mechanical man was talking about something that was straight out of almost every fantasy Webnovel on the internet. Some system that would help me in my struggles in a new world, granting me boons of powerful abilities that no one else had access to. 

It sounded absurd. 

"I don't know about that," I said. "If I have access to a system, why didn't it help me when that pendak thing tried to end my life? I'm pretty sure I'm just a standard, average, normal human being with nothing special-" 

"Activating spell: Telekinesis," The robot said, its eyes flashing gold once again as a pillow flew across the room and into its hand. 

[MAGIC DETECTED: Basic Spell - Telekinesis]

[Copy Slot available - Would you like to copy Basic Spell - Telekinesis and add it to your repertoire?]

My mouth dried up and my heart felt as though it skipped a beat. The words hung in the air, glowing a faint gold, and I was the only one who could see them. 

Was this my System? The ability to copy any magic I witnessed? 

"Copy… Spell…" I said breathily. 

[MAGIC COPIED: Basic spell - Telekinesis Level 1 is now available for use.]

[No copy slots left available. Please wait until next day.]