
Arcana: Sword and Magic

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. Despite his fame, there is almost no information about his or his guild members past. One day he find himself reincarnated in the game along with Laila the #2 ranked player in the game. "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby?" (Ray) "I can't log out?" (Ray) "Wait... is this Ray?" (Leila) "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) Thus their journey began in a new world Note: Purely written as an hobby, could be dropped at some random time and had a very long and inconsistent update time

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19 Chs

City Outing (4)

Note: The announcer is a woman with green hair, I forgot to mention this last chapter.

"Congratulation to the two players chosen! Please come down to the stage!" (announcer)

Realizing our situation, I excitedly turn my head toward Rayford's direction.

"Why do you look so annoyed?" (Laila)

"Because I am annoyed, we were supposed to stay hidden and not attract attention" (Ray)

"Why are you so cautious? There's no possibility anyone recognizes us" (Laila)

"What if someone had the power to see our future appearance? That will expose our identity" (Ray)

"There is no way someone like that is here watching a game, there are not many people who could do that" (Laila)

"But the chance isn't zero..."

"Please..." (Laila)

She spoke while making an eye-striking gesture. I could feel many gazes stinging my back as if telling me to agree.

Seeing her go as far as nullifying my stealth technique to make me agree, I could only sigh and nod my head.

"Fine I'll do as you please..." (Ray)

"Yay!" (Laila)

Seeing her dragging me toward the virtual arena, I silently sighed.


"Give us an applaud for our two chosen players!" (Announcer)


After arriving at the arena, loud applause reverberated across the entire spectator area.

"Before we start, could you two please introduce yourself to the audience?" (Announcer)

The moment Laila took the microphone, her face was displayed across the entire arena. What a smile she opened her mouth

"Hello my name is Linda, and beside me is my husband Ryan" (Laila)

In an instant, the audience was captivated by her appearance. Even the announcer was surprised by the sudden change, she probably just noticed since Laila canceled my technique.

The way she casually faked our name with a smile contradicted her pure and innocent appearance. Seeing her successfully alter her public image I could only bitterly smile as the only person who knows how dangerous and calculating she is.

"So we got ourselves a couple as challengers! So, have you two played Dungeon Wars before?" (Announcer)

A/N: Dungeon Wars is the name of the game that I forgot to mention before.

"No, we never played the game before" (Laila)

"So this will be your first time playing?" (Announcer)

"Yes this will be our first time" (Laila)

"Oh! We got ourselves a complete newbie! This will be one of the most unique matches in the history of Dungeon Wars! We will be cheering you both, so have fun and welcome to the game" (Announcer)

"Thanks" (Laila)

With a cheerful smile, the announcer turned her head toward the players we will be fighting against.

"Introducing the player who will be accepting our challenge, A master magic swordsman of the fire attribute, Miss Scarlet beside her, A master ice attribute, Mister Sid" (Announcer)

Approaching us, a man and a woman with black uniforms appeared. The woman had short red hair, while the man had blue hair.

"Nice to meet you" (Sid)

"Hello~" (Scarlet)

As the two players wave their hands, the crowd went wild and screamed.

"Now All players please enter the game capsule!" (Announcer)

Following her instruction, we entered virtual reality.

-Game mode selected

-Map has been determined

-Teleporting Players


"A sky island?" (Laila)

"..." (Ray)

look around our surroundings, a mystical view greeted us.

We are currently located on a giant floating island which is the main island. Surrounding us were dozens of smaller islands filled with trees and waterfalls.

"How is it? The map I selected is my favorite" (Scarlet)

Turning our heads toward the voice, a woman with short red hair and a man with blue hair came into view.

"It's beautiful" (Laila)

"Right?" (Scarlet)

An arena located in the center of the island is surrounded by ancient-looking ruins and pillars.

"I heard it's your first time playing, so I pick a beginner-friendly map for you guys" (Scarlet)

"Thanks for your consideration but... I hope you don't underestimate us, we might give you a run for your money" (Laila)

Hearing Laila's words, Scarlet made a small laugh

"Interesting, If you looked that confident how about we make a bet?" (Scarlet)

"A bet?" (Laila)

"Yes, If I lose I'll give you the chance to enter our team" (Scarlet)

"What if we lose?" (Laila)

"If you lose... let me have a selfie with your husband!" (Scarlet)

At her word, Laila's face coldly contorted, while I only tilted my head in confusion.

"...Are you sure?" (Laila)

"Yes, when will I get the chance to meet such a handsome guy like... Mpfh! Mpfh!" (Scarlet)

Cutting her word, the blue-haired man swiftly sealed her mouth and then grabbed her back.

"I apologize for her rude behavior, she usually likes to joke like this. Now let us start our match" (Cid)

Silently nodding, we both picked up our weapons.

"Begin Countdown" (Cid)

-Beginning count down!


"We will give you the first five moves, until then we won't attack" (Scarlet)

"You'll regret it" (Laila)


"Don't Forget about the bet" (Scarlet)

"..." (Laila)


"Are you that angry? I was only joking to see what kind of reaction he made" (Scarlet)



Just like what they promised, they stood in their spot and didn't move. Turning her head toward my direction, Laila spoke.

"Don't move an inch I'll take them both out" (Laila)

As she spoke those words, a chill ran down my spine.

"Sure... go wild" (Ray)

"I'll be done within 5 minutes" (Laila)

Leaving those words, her body turned into a cloud of cold mist and disappeared.


A/N: almost finished my exam period, another upload will come next week.